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The November Lecture Series of 1952

Posted in support of setting the tech free.




[The 1st 4 previously issued as OT cassettes #11, 12, 13, 15, and 16
- number 13 being LS-3 which is split between the 1st & 2nd of
the SofMU lectures. These have been verified against the old
tapes and the occasional omission has been marked ">". The
last lecture is unverified and may be LPC-6 instead of LS-5 (see



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Secrets of the Mest Universe lecture 1.
"Methods of Research - The Thetan as an Energy Unit"

LS-1 plus part of LS-3.

This consists of LS-1 (The November 1952 Lecture Series #1)
which was previously available as #11 in the OT cassettes
which in turn was a direct copy of the reels as done by
the Flag ship in 1974 plus the first side of LS-3 which
was #13 in the OT cassettes. Note that SofMU lecture 2
includes LS-2 which was OT cassette #12 and the rest of
lecture LS-3.

The later SofMU version (and the identical transcript in
R&D volume 12) has edited out some sentences which are
marked ">" in this transcript.

5211C06A LS-1 (60 min)


A lecture given 6 November 1952

I would like to talk to you on this paper, "Standard
Operating Procedure for Theta Clearing" [See this issue in
the Appendix of this volume.] This is the first of Standard
Operating Procedures. Possibly there will be others, but
they will all be referred to with a modification if they
come out. I don't see at the moment much modification in
view. Therefore, it's perfectly safe to make a talk here on
Standard Operating Procedure for Theta Clearing.

Now, a great deal of the data in this will be found in
Scientology 8-80, when that is available to you here. It is
available right this minute, by the way, from the States.
It's a very spectacular little volume. It has... on the
cover of it, it has "Life = EI/-R x -f." That's all it's
got on the cover.

And anyway, a terrific amount of this material is in there,
such as subzero Tone Scale, transfer of energy between
facsimiles and a lot of this and that.

Well now, the origination of Standard Operating Procedure
of Theta Clearing has been done since - oh, a long time
ago - 1932, actually.

And the first study on this subject was electronics.
Electronics of the human mind - were there any? With the
knowledge available at that time, anything that was known
about the electronics of the human mind at that time could
be summed up in one very eloquent word: bunk. There was a
lot of hocus-pocus and presto chango and nonsense.

And yet even at that time the psychiatrists were rushing in
where intelligent beings would fear to tread and were
busily giving people electric shocks and all sorts of
things. There is nothing more wonderful about the MEST
universe than the ability of some within it, and some who
created it, to use everything for the wrong purpose so that
ital wind up wronger. This universe, a few million years
from now, will probably be a solid lump of lead or
something of the sort, because it's tailor-made not to have
anything run right in it.

So in 1932, to look at the rather baffling picture of the
human mind and what was known about the human mind and to
find out that people actually dared, without knowing
anything about it, to avidly use electronics on it was
actually more than could be borne.

I started to work on it. I just started to work it over and
try to find out what - colloquially - cooked. And you
know, I started in thinking that somebody knew something
about it. I really did. I thought something was known -
not about electronics, but about the human mind.

You see, I could easily find what was known about
electronics. It was very easy to find that. James Clerk
Maxwell, Newton - there was a character kicking around in
those days by the name of Einstein; a fellow by the name of
Planck hadn't gotten very busy yet. But Lorentz and
FitzGerald had already done their evil worst with C. The
work that everybody thinks Einstein did was done by
Lorentz, FitzGerald, you see? And the work which Einstein
did, nobody's been able to figure out, but it's, "He did
it." And it's very wonderful. It's resulting, everybody
says, in an atomic bomb, except that the person whose work
the atomic bomb came from was named Planck.

The information about electronics was there, but it was
just about as scrambled when it applies to this sort of
thing as the people to whom it's credited. We find the most
fascinating things about that.

For instance, you had a young chap over here that did the
basic work that made the electronic bomb, or the
thingamabob bomb - it's hardly an atomic bomb. He explored
the orbits and so forth. He has a comet named after him. A
pretty interesting guy.

If I remember rightly, one fellow - The most brilliant
work that was done in this field was done by some fellow -
I don't think he was twenty-one. And the British government
in its "Oh, we won't give a damn about that. That might be
important or somebody might consider it important" sent him
down to Gallipoli and he died on the beach there in the
barbed wire with a gut full of bayonets, with his work
one-third done.

So, anyway, the interesting part of this history was that
nobody seemed to have gotten organized about it. You had
boundless theories. And the second you went into the human
mind, you would have a feeling that somebody knew something
about the human mind. You'd just have this feeling, because
so many people spoke of it with such terrific authority.
You know, they made up in sound volume what they lacked in

And I was particularly amazed, in 1947, to finally find, at
last and long length, that psychoanalysis not only did not
work but made patients worse.

Now, that's how dumb I have been on this. I actually
believed, in 1932 - because I studied Freud; I studied this
under the tutelage of one of his more brilliant pupils, a
Commander Thompson. Commander Thompson was sent there by
the US Navy to study with Freud for a long period of time
and to come back and do something with psychoanalysis with
the US Navy. He was practically the first and only
authority in the United States. There's hardly anybody else
in the United States did more than maybe get a curt
thank-you letter from Sigmund Freud. And they have taken
these very curt thank-you letters and have established
their complete and full reputation since. That and a
Viennese accent.

You see, in the United States, it's a little bit different
than here. You cannot possibly succeed in the field of the
mind if you were to call it the field of the mind or
anything like that - you have to have an accent, and the
phonier the better. You can get these accents; it's easy to
pick up the accent. As a matter of fact, it takes longer to
pick up the accent than it does the information you use.
But once the accent has been picked up, why, you could be a
howling success there. It's very wonderful.

Well, anyway, not wandering off the subject a bit, imagine
my embarrassment - because I'd gone on till 1947 supposing
there was such a thing as a psychotherapy. Well, I had my
off-brand of this sort of thing which was mixed up with
hypnotism and sort of based upon the endocrine reflex...
the endocrine alarm-reaction system of the body, and so on.
There was... I had a therapy worked out. And I just hadn't
paid very much attention to Commander Thompson, I'm afraid,
because what I thought was psychoanalysis is suddenly
discovered by me in 1947 to be a wild, wild distance from

I was proceeding logically in one fashion or another and I
- as far as sexual activity is concerned and that sort of
thing, this was just wonderful. I mean, Thompson had come
back and had said so often that Freud really meant social,
"the social part of man," when he was saying "sexual part
of man" that I just skipped over all that. And an awful big
joke on me: I had never turned around and found, when he
said "libido theory," exactly what he meant. He meant
libido theory. He didn't mean the birds and bees or
anything. He didn't mean anything off-track. He meant sex!
I've read his papers on it. And I read another interesting
paper by that gentleman, by the way, that would fascinate
you and you want to read it some time.

By the way, if you want to pass a psychiatric examination,
just get all of Freud's papers and memorize the dates and
the titles and then go before the American College of
Psychiatry and you can become a psychiatrist. You don't
have to know what's in them. There isn't anything in them

But this process is entirely different from what you'd
think it was - entirely different. You wouldn't really have
any conception - knowing what you do now and doing and
working with the tools you're working with now, you
wouldn't realize that you haven't just moved next door.
You've moved over this range of mountains, off of this
planet, into that galaxy and over into another universe.

I'm laying this down with a heavy ax in case anybody ever
asks you to do a translation of Dianetics into terms that a
psychoanalyst can understand.

Don't ever try it, because they're not related subjects.
One is logical and it works, and the other has to do with
sex and it's lots of fun.

Now, that's bitter. But he fooled me. In that particular
regard, I don't like to be fooled.

In some line of work of research - in engineering, you
read a paper and it says that Henry Blitzen has connected
two electrodes with a 220-volt current running there and
has found out that this flow registered so-and-so on a
voltmeter. If you want to go and get a voltmeter and set up
these conditions, you'll find out, sure enough, it
registers so-and-so, thereby showing the resistance of wire
as such and such or something. It'll do it every time. You
can go around to every laboratory in the world where any
electricity is available and rig up this equipment, and the
voltmeter keeps on reading that same reading.

Well, when you speak of a meter, you speak as close to
accuracy as science has been able to come. Einstein's
possible claim to fame will someday be these words: "All an
observer has a right to do is read the meter and report its
exact result - report its reading." That's what an
observer should do. He should not interpret the meter at
any time. And as long as a science hews to that line, you
have reliable information. And if a science can't do that,
don't bother to laugh up your sleeve, guffaw out loud.
Because it's not a science, it is not logical, it is not
organized and it has nothing to do with reality, but is
somebody's happy little jim-dandy, screwball delusion.

Beware a law which is stated at some length and then of
which it is suddenly said, "But of course, there are these
exceptions." Just skip it. The second you see that thing
and it said, "These exceptions append to this law," throw
it in the nearest ashcan and turn around yourself and find
out what the law in the subject really is. Don't expect to
find it in a textbook; you should be able to figure it out.

And if somebody had told me a little more loudly in 1932,
"You have a perfect right to figure out these things
yourself," we would have been a lot further ahead. Because
that's the one thing the MEST universe tells you not to do:
Don't ever figure it out. It's very verboten. And it's a
very, very good thing. Even in the great, honored realms of
science they'll tell you, "Well, of course, we know - heh.
Of course, privately, we don't know what the hell we do
know. But you... You never will know, but you are permitted
to worship... you are permitted to worship before this
great sacred cow." That's actually a primary method.

Now, every once in a while you will find a professor who
sparkles like a diamond and he will rage and tear around
and say, "Well, damn it, figure it out!" Now, there's one
such at MIT. He is the exception rather than the rule.

They call him "Ninety-nine Percent" Johnson. He said, "If
you can ask the question of the universe properly, it is
already ninety-nine percent answered." Now, I'm giving you
here, really, little guide rules for research. These rules
work. There's only one thing you want to know from anybody:
What is the law and what does the meter read? And does the
meter often read otherwise? And the second he says, "Well,
it's kind of like this, but ve, o'er in Vienna - ve have
made a great study of this, and ve have special meters that
read the same all the time. They are painted meters; they
have painted needles on them. And ve have found that the
great, the great successes in the field of psychoanalysis
stem from the fact that these meters always read success.
Now, if you vant to reduce it to science, oh, ve are
scientists." So is the garbage man a scientist. He goes
around picking up odds and ends and throwing them into a
truck, too, without any order. No order, no discipline.

Adler, Jung... Think of it. Think of these guys. Think of
this guy Jung.

He obviously had some brains - obviously did. And what
does he run into?

He runs into past lives. Crush! And now he figures out the
great esoterics of past lives. (Now, we'll all cross
ourselves here!) And the next thing you know, we're all
studying Druidism, and that's all the past life there is
and that's everything that... He must have been stuck on
the track, being dumped in or out of some burned bole of
some tree or something. Or maybe when he was young he was a
blue baby. There's some purpose for this, but that's Jung.

"And Jung has done great vork - don't mistake it." He has
put a lot of printers and engravers - given them a lot of
employment. And right now he keeps a lot of library shelves
from being empty. But it's just fantastic. It's fantastic!
They could get ahold of a datum...

Breuer sat down and found out that if a woman talked long
enough her psychosis went kaboom! He found this out. He saw
it happen.

So instead of just keeping people talking long enough,
Freud gets in there and pitches, and he says, "It's all
sex." He didn't even evaluate what they were talking about.
If he'd just taken a continuous tape record and noted the
exact moment in each case and just let enough people talk
long enough, he would have found out there was a constant.
He would have found out that they got well, more or less,
around the certain points. And if you wanted to treat this
with a scientific method, you actually could have taken
endless tapes and made dictation notes on them and had them
clicking through a time machine as to what they were
talking about and when they got well.

In other words, you kept a record, which is the first
scientific rule: Keep a record! Now, you can keep the
record in your head if you know what you're doing, but keep
a record.

Now, once in a while somebody says to me, "You don't keep a
record of what you're doing." The hell I don't! I keep a
record - this is actually a record.

You would... just wouldn't believe me if I told you there
was practically no thought or research behind this. But
there isn't. There isn't any thought or research, as you
think of it, of taking endless notes, notes, notes and then
trying to find these and compare. That is not the way I do
research. We found some of the basic fundamentals, and you
know practically every word or thought along the track of
figuring out an equation.

And all it is, is a long mathematical equation. It has all
arrived there by deduction and extrapolation from certain
basic facts which were found to be true. And all this is,
is a straight, direct breakdown of the Axioms.

Now, you'd hardly believe that, but that's... that happens
to be true.

This is a breakdown of the Axioms. If you recombine the
Axioms and look them over, you'll find out that it breaks
down to this - it has to be that. It just has to be that,
that's all. You look over the Axioms. These Axioms are
true, and they were sweeping ahead and showing up things.
And all the Axioms were, were the constant data which had
been turned out from the primary principle "Survive," and
the mind as a computing machine which tries to resolve
problems relating to survival. How simple.

But actually what we're doing here is a form of
mathematics. It's a form of mathematics. Now, every once in
a while, just for the hell of it, I put these things into
practice in the material universe. They always work. They
don't work because I say they work.

> You can put these things into the hands of some Chineese
> and send him to Hong Kong and we'll have cleared chinks.

What's the difference? What's the difference, then, between
this investigation which we're doing, on which we're
engaged, and past investigations?

What's the essential difference?

Well, it was one: the assumption that the problem could be
solved. Now, boy, that is an arbitrary assumption. There is
no reason to believe the problem can be solved. But we
throw in the one arbitrary which was thrown in on the track
ahead of survival. There's an arbitrary sitting there, and
that arbitrary says the problem can be solved - the
problem of the human mind can be solved. Now, that should
tell you a lot. You throw an arbitrary ahead of a law in
order to get a law. That's called heuristic thinking.

You postulate something and see if it works. And you... if
it doesn't work you postulate something else.

Get the psychosis of somebody, though, who postulates that
all cats are green and then can't unpostulate it. Is he in
sad shape! He's in terrible condition if he does that. He
said, "The basis of all things are Druidism, are Druidism,
are Druidism" - millions of words on the subject - "are
Druidism, are Druidism." He just got caught in the groove
in his own record and he couldn't unpostulate the
postulate, that's all.

Now, let's look at that as a mechanical proposition, a
therapy that we know about - postulate. This person wasn't
thinking; this person was continuing onward from a
postulate which he could not undo! Having made the
postulate, he was stuck with it! So if you ever do
investigation or observation, for God's sakes, remember
that. Never stick yourself with a postulate and then have a
feeling like you have to make the postulate good just
because you made it. For heaven's sakes, have enough
humility once in a while to say, "What do you know, I was

> Throw it in the wastebaske... [gap]

But they're natural laws. Let's divorce this thing
from Hubbard's ideas or opinions. You know, when I tell you
that everything that has been done on this exact line is
written down and is known to you, I speak to you the truth.

The only missing data there would be - the things I had
thought of and threw away. I didn't even bother to keep
notebooks on them. And somebody says, "That's a gap, then,
in the research line." The heck it is! The heck it is. You
can take these and get about eighty-five billion times more
data than I threw away! And I didn't throw away any
valuable data. The stuff was junk! I did an experiment one
time - "the great god Throgmagog." I invented him one
morning. I said, "By golly, I bet you he's got some
therapeutic use. I wonder what this conscious mind is? What
is this conscious mind?" So I said, "Let's see, you ought
to be able to hypnotize somebody..." Used an awful lot of
hypnotism in early research. God bless Charcot; that's all
I got to say.

And God bless Anton Mesmer.

All right. These boys I was working with here and there
were usually very good hypnotic subjects. Once in a while
I'd pick up an awfully bad hypnotic subject just to find
out what made him tick, why he was so terrible as an
hypnotic subject, because hypnotism was a wild variable.

In science, in good investigation, look for the wild
variable. Look for that thing which is wild, which isn't
acting right, which acts this way, this way and that way,
that way. And there is where your use comes in of the
natural law which has a thousand exceptions.

You say, "Boy, you mean somebody knows a datum which
doesn't operate right? And there are exceptions to it?
Well, gee, that thing is probably the clue to the biggest,
doggonedest puzzle! We can even go and look and find out
what that puzzle is!" There must be a puzzle there if
you've got an erratic behavior. And if we can't break it
down on what we know about the mind, we probably have
opened the chapter of a whole new... a whole new study any
time that happens. So remember this about wild variables.

Well, anyway, I invented this great god Throgmagog for one
single and solitary purpose: to find out if the conscious
mind could be removed from the individual and be made to
think and give orders to the individual thereafter.

Did that in 1947. Nineteen forty-seven, the first few
months, I'd actually gone and gotten the actual books of
psychoanalysis of Jung, Adler and the rest of the boys, and
I'd given them a good hard run. I burned the midnight oil
on these things - burned it hard - because I was doing a
review of what I thought they were doing. And I found out
that I had steered a course over the hills and far away. I
found out that Breuer's knowledge of hypnotism was very
elementary, that I'd thrown an awful lot of data onto the
track which had been picked up elsewhere and then said,
"Well, that belongs too, then." And that is not the case.
So it became almost anything but the case.

All right. Breuer's work indicated, however, people could
be hypnotized and it had some connection with
psychotherapy. That's an important datum.

If he'd stuck with that - be famous forever.

All right. Here we had the ability to put a person out and
do something about his mind. What can we do about his mind?
So I invent the great god Throgmagog, I say, "All right,"
to this fellow, "you are now the great god Throgmagog, and
you will now step two feet to the right of yourself and you
will thereafter do thinking and computing and give you all
the advice which you need on the subject. Five, four,
three, two, one, snap! Wake up." The great god Throgmagog.
And the guy would go around for days doing brilliant
things, the like of which you never heard of. Just
brilliant things. It's something like doing long division
of fifteen numbers divided into twenty-one hundred numbers,
or something like that, with right answers - calculating
machine problems, and all that sort of thing. How would he
do these things?

He would turn around and he would say, "The problem is
so-and-so and so-and-so. The answer is so-and-so and
so-and-so." The great god Throgmagog.

My idea was that somehow or other you could remove the mind
from the influence of the reactive mind, which I'd already
spotted. And if you could do this, you would have an
unlimited, unaberrated self.

And what was I doing? It takes five years to find out what
I was doing! Otherwise, that's just another experiment.
That's one of the fastest ways to Theta Clear I know.
Except don't tell the guy he's also inside. Tell him to get
out and stay out, and to monitor this thing from a
distance, and you got a Theta Clear. And it gives you a
whole new method of Theta Clearing right there.

Svengali. You're talking about hypnotism and so on - boom
him out. Put him under deep trance and knock him out of his
head if you can't do anything else. Shoot him full of
narcosynthesis and kick him out. Possibly you could do a
thousand things like this, but our later results tell us
one thing else: he must get out in a highly self-determined
state or he'll cave in. And the great god Throgmagog always
caved in, in almost exactly two weeks. The self-determinism
punch would last... its highest level would be reached in
three days, then would lower and would be gone in a few
weeks. Interesting, isn't it? Five years ago - the great
god Throgmagog.

But investigation is something you do by proceeding from
something which gave results and to which you can find no
exceptions. And let me give you the other little clue to
this is, look for exceptions - to hell with the proofs!
You can prove anything. But find exceptions to what you've
just thought of.

Take objection to what you've just done. Believe it utterly
while you're doing it, and then turn around and reject it
completely and say there are exceptions to this thing.

Do you know how long the word survival was under
investigation for exceptions? It was under investigation
for exceptions for five years. For five years I refused to
believe that survival had any basis to man. And I kept
trying to find something that wouldn't equate into the word
survival. And I couldn't find anything for five years, and
that's a long time to look.

Now, that should tell you a great deal about auditing.

Now, in the process of auditing, what you are doing is
using a series of discoveries which were found by
extrapolation, logical extrapolation. They were not found
by amassing enormous amounts of data. Inductive logic was
the basis of this research, and the invention of a
mathematics of logic which is not dissimilar to symbolic
logic made it possible to add up facts, associate facts.

But first one had to know that mathematics was a
theoretical thing and that to apply it to the real universe
you had to recognize it as a theoretical thing and be
perfectly willing to associate similarities, even though
vague, rather than x's are always x's and c's are always c's.

Now, you as an auditor start in on a case, you're using a
whole lot of these laws. You're using a lot of them.
They're there; they're there for you to investigate. There
are two reasons why they might not be there for you: is,
one, you are stuck on one of your own postulates; another,
that you are indoctrinated to such depth that you couldn't
escape it; another is that you have some sort of a fear or
mores or something of the sort which you mustn't overthrow;
and another one would be they're not true, that would be
the other one.

So the way to investigate them, evidently, would be in this
wise: it would be to take those first few conditions there
and apply them and find out if there's some reason - if
this thing doesn't seem to be working for you - why you
don't want it to work. That's always a good thing to ask

Now, what would be your arbitrary with every preclear?
Because when we look at a preclear, we are looking at the
whole universe of Scientology.

What arbitrary do we have to postulate the moment we look
at a preclear?

We follow the same course, actually, as the investigation
itself. We have to postulate his case can be resolved. And,
by George, you'd better postulate it.

The next one is, is "Do I want to resolve his case?" And if
you don't want to resolve his case, don't! But don't say to
yourself, "I ought to be able to want to resolve his case."
You won't travel on it. Just ask yourself. This would scare
into view this fact: "Heck no. I think that women ought to
be aberrated," or "Heck no, I think men really ought to be
(something or other)," or "I think old men ought to be
under the thumb. They're dangerous." If you fail to ask
yourself - fail to make such a postulate or find out why
you can't make such a postulate about a case - you'll do
the darnedest things sometimes, quite to your own surprise,
your own amazement.

Why, every time you start to audit this preclear you keep
changing your mind and giving him the wrong signals. You're
operating on a postulate. Your postulates are only as
valuable as you value them or as they are workable.

So in auditing we're following very much the same course as
was followed in research. A very strange fact, but the
research line of this is quite consistent and hews the line
very closely, and the manifestations which you find are
rather standard.

Now, the higher common denominator we have reached today
actually is so easy to generalize with that you can apply
it to practically any case you meet with great ease.

Let's start out with the first one. This fellow could be
called - incorrectly, on a little lower echelon - an
energy unit located inside his head.

That's pretty correct, pretty correct. You'll find
occasionally, though, a preclear is big enough and
relatively unaberrated, and he's a big thetan. He thinks of
himself as being a big guy. And when he steps out he's a
big guy.

He's not just that big. He's maybe much bigger than his body.

Fantastic. If you found somebody who was in pretty good
shape, that would be his concept of himself. After you've
worked for a little while, your concept of yourself ought
to get bigger, and you ought to feel yourself as pretty big.

All right. We know that. Now let's define that unit just a
little better.

Let's define the unit in terms of capabilities rather than
in terms of MEST universe dimensions. This unit is capable
of locating in space and time, matter and energy;
converting, conserving, altering in many ways, starting and
stopping matter and energy in space and time, and - what
do you know - is also capable of inventing space and time,
and is probably capable of inventing so many more things
than space and time that space and time look like a little
schoolboy's game.

Don't underestimate what this thing can do because along
that line lies the advance in processing, is what can we
find that everybody can do? What could we find?

Could he postulate, for instance...? Let's just take
postulate and the proposition: Could you have your preclear
suddenly say to himself, "I am in the year booz-wooz. And
the year booz-wooz contains a signboard, and that's all."
And he could all of a sudden... It'd be some trick like
this, so don't inhibit yourself in the tricks. Don't
inhibit yourself, because the thing you're working with is
completely uninhibited, which has been inhibited by
becoming to believe it ought to be inhibited! Wonderful
trick, you see?

Now, if you could discover something that this thing could
do that was in advance or different than space and time,
which native ability - native ability, infinity ability -
which ability had never been inhibited, you'd have an
instantaneous Theta Clear.

You see how that could work? I mean, if you could find
something that was beyond space, time, matter and energy,
which he could do that he could transfer over to, why, it
would be with the greatest of ease that he could suddenly
handle all this.

A thousand routes are open - a thousand, thousand,
thousand routes are open to you to a faster process than
Standard Operating Procedure for Theta Clearing.

But this is a basic route. We know this works. We know this
works. This even works on rough cases if you work with them
for a while.

Now, we know a lot of the reasons and a lot of the bugs you
have to get out of the case in order to make this work. But
just because I tell you, "This is Standard Operating
Procedure" and just because as a good auditor you ought to
know this thing colder than any turkey ever got, this isn't
all the therapy there is. Because with this we have
discovered a strange fact: It can locate matter and energy
in space and time. It can also locate, invent, change,
convert, conserve and upset time and space itself, and then
locate matter and energy in it. Oh, boy! Sky's the limit.
If this confounded thing can do that, it isn't even vaguely
limited by the MEST universe - not even vaguely limited by
the MEST universe nor by its own universes nor by the
concept of universes. Lord knows what it can do! And
probably nobody has ever realized that himself. But the
least that it can do is be so completely original,
theoretically, that what it was original about would bear
no relationship to the MEST universe.

An artist starts out with this capability and spins in
quick, because everybody is at great pains to tell him at
every turn that he can't think of anything original, it's
all been thought of before. This is the swan song and the
end of every career as an artist: "It's all been thought of
before." The hell it has! I have written stories that
hadn't been thought of before, but I never published them.
And the reason why is they would have to have been thought
of - to be a publishable, acceptable communication line,
they have to contain elements which have been thought of
before. But you're trying to communicate with the story,
and that's something else. So let's not get stuck on this
and get all identified on this basis. So you see how simple
that is?

Yes, I have written stories which are completely original
and utterly unintelligible to anybody else - completely
unintelligible, no communication at all. They weren't even
written. They were really original. And of course then you
say, "What were they?" Right away I would have to translate
them into terms which were common-denominator terms. The
second I did that I would have to change the story so that
it had been thought of before, so that the person to whom
you're communicating could receive it in the language. And
the fact that they're told in language says all these words
have been thought of before.

So you see, what a far cry it is from the fact of
originality to communicating what you think.

Now, let's look at the basic condition of our thetan and
let's follow, very rapidly here, right straight through
what he probably does. He's sitting there and he's part of
(quote) "the main body of theta," and for some reason or
other he starts setting up his own universe. We're not
quite sure why. Maybe there is no reason. Maybe he just
sets up his own universe. Maybe he got set up and then he
set up his own universe. Lord knows what. And the universe
which he set up was set up with an unlimited - no
arbitraries, except those which he imposed upon it himself
and well knew that he imposed upon it. So he set up this

And now let's get differences of universes. One preclear
has set up a universe that doesn't have any time in it. He
just set it up with a big space and it hasn't got any time
in it. So it's got no motion and no energy in it.

Perfectly legitimate. Just because matter here is in motion
is no reason why you've got to have only matter which is in
motion. The only reason we have matter here that's in
motion is because it's the easiest way to make matter.

That's something like, well, the reason guys work is it's
the harder way of doing something easy. One of those
things; no sense to it.

All right. Now, let's say this other universe, it's a
complete universe except maybe it didn't have any green in
it. That was its sole lacking factor.

All right. Let's take another preclear, and we'll find out
that his basic universe didn't have any pain in it. He
never saw any necessity to put any pain in it because he
didn't have any force in it. There was no force in this
universe, but there was motion. But there wasn't any force.
But one obtained motion simply by changing forms. And he
didn't see any reason to have any substance to the forms.
And if he had no reason to have any substance to the forms,
he had no reason to have any force, so there was naturally
no pain.

And he depended, let us say, upon the people he peopled his
universe with, if he peopled them at all - that's a
specialized idea, you see - if he peopled this universe
with a lot of people, why, he probably kept them interested
in life simply with a lot of high-band ideas. Didn't have
anything to do with pain.

He'd set down a moral code and he'd say... that said
so-and-so and so-and-so, and it said, "People that do not
dance are immoral." That was all there was to it. And then
people would come around and ask him, "What's immoral?" And
he'd say, "Oooh!" That was all there was to it. Universe
ran like a top. Nothing wrong with this universe.

All right. There's hardly anybody set up a universe with
this damn thing called sound. Let me tell you something
about sound. Sound is only necessary because it's a
360-degree perceptic. And it's a good warning of danger. So
it automatically takes a universe with a lot of danger in
it to be a universe that has to contain sound. Now, you
follow that, don't you? It has to be a dangerous universe
or sound would have no value.

All right. We take a universe with no sound in it - very
interesting; how would you communicate? Well, all right,
let's communicate with light beams.

Let's don't just interchange ideas or flows or something of
the sort; let's have communication in that universe, only
let's have light beams and people imagine a screen and
imagine the light on the screen and the light plays back
and forth across the screen and that communicates ideas.
But, gee, do you know what that means? That means the
people of that universe would have to have the power of
creating energy! Oh, and to a craven, cowardly, sort of a
stupid - not even a craven, cowardly fellow, but just a
dull, stupid kind of a fellow, like the kind of a fellow
that'd create the MEST universe - that would be
unthinkable! Because that's probably his highest trick.

Now, you've known some magician who would have some trick.
He's a parlor magician and he has a deck of cards, and they
are very, very greasy, old, thumbed cards. And he comes in
and he says, "Take a card." And you take a card and you
look at it carefully and he says, "You got it?" And you
say, "Yup." Now, he cuts the deck very carefully, looks at
that card and he says, "Now put it back on the pile." You
put it back on the pile, and he puts this other on top of
it. "Now," he says, "I'll tell you what card you took." And
he finally brings it out and he says, "There!" Now, if you
were to... you yourself had a little skill in this and... Gee.

Boy, would he be upset if you took that deck of cards and
did a pass with them and said, "Well, have a card." He
takes a card, you do a pass, put it back on the pile, and
you flip them over and say, "There's your card." Or let him
shuffle them, or anything. He'd say it couldn't be done -
obviously it couldn't be done. He'd be a pretty dumb
magician, truth be told. He probably would not have a
capability of appreciating a higher level of magic if he
thought this trick of one card was so damn valuable.

Well, that's kind of like the MEST universe. The guy who
thought this one up, thought this one up this wise: "Let's
see, I can't think up anything but this one thing - that's
force. Force. I've got a pretty good idea that there are
other universes around, and if this force suddenly goes
through my time and I keep changing the time of the force,
it'll pick up all these other universes and blow these good
ideas into this universe, because every time this force
connects with any universe, of course it'll explode it or
something." He'd think of this one trick, this one stupid
trick that anybody could think of, you see. Force. That's
the easy one. That's the easiest idea to think of.

Now, it could be that it's just sort of the common
denominator of universes when they collided. Maybe
everybody had his own universe and it all collided.

But you know where it left you? If you had a universe and
you were sitting there - it might have been a universe
without color; it was usually a universe without sound -
sometimes it was. You had various things about this universe.

And all of a sudden, one day, you were sitting there in
your own universe and it went kapow! Gee, it'd startle you.
And it would probably contain sound and electrical explosion.

And that's the common denominator of fear: force wave with
sound. If you want to scare anybody, use a force wave with
sound and you've got it.

People are very troubled about sound - much more troubled
than they are about light. That tells them they couldn't
handle sound. So maybe they held on to this and they
decided they'd study what this blast was. And they might be
holding on to it ever since. They might be trying to
protect their own universe from the blast. The last
fleeting moment of "It was all theirs," and they never got
the moment of transition. And then they thought the blast
had changed their universe around; they were in another

You see where that mix-up would come on the track, the kind
of a mix-up it'd be? Possibly you will find this as one of
the most aberrative factors in your preclear. I don't know.
But we play around with home universe in the preclears and
so forth.

The evolution of beingness is at this moment a bit of a
mystery. When we know more about the evolution of
beingness, we will have easier cases.

So, when it all boils down to the history of the track, we
could be a little more romantic and involved about it and
say here was a fellow and he had a... he was going around
and he had these little illusions and he was building up a
universe with these illusions and he was perfectly happy,
cheerful about the thing. And one day he decided to show
these illusions to another fellow he ran into, sort of time
and space coincidence. And he ran into this other fellow
and he said, "What do you know, there's another being
around here," and he showed him one of these illusions. And
the other fellow said, "That's nothing. Look at this." And
so they sat down and had a nice contest.

They decided who could build the nicest something or other,
and you had a dichotomy starting to work.

And they built this and they built that, and finally one of
them got kind of upset with the other one and invented an
illusion which blew up the other guy's illusions. Could be,
you see.

There's an illusion band on the track that you almost drive
a preclear mad processing, because it's "Die yesterday."
Fellow blows up your illusions, so you say, "You're dead
yesterday," and he's dead yesterday, and therefore your
illusions are right there. That'd be kind of scrambled,
wouldn't it? Fellow would have a tendency to agree on
something else.

All right. However that may be, whatever this illusion is,
if the MEST universe is an inevitable average of all
universes, which it might well be, it nevertheless moved in
on your preclear's universe. And possibly the track starts
with a motivator and not a DED. Maybe he's still holding on
to it. And maybe that's your occasional very occluded case.
Your occasional very occluded case might be holding on to
the explosion which blew up his own universe. It's a cinch
he's holding on to some explosion, because he won't let go.

Now, why don't you run this on such an occluded case just
as an experiment: "I'll study it. I'll look it over. I'll
study it. I won't study it; I will study it; I won't study
it," and find out what you got. Just take a gunshot at it.
And my bet is that you'll give him some nasty somatics.
Because, you see, he had to start out with the premise "I
didn't know," because here you find him not knowing. And
you have to have him stuck in some kind of an incident
where he doesn't know, because he doesn't know.

Here's this fellow who has done the astonishing trick of
forgetting how to create time and space. Well, that is
silly. There is nothing sillier. Would you think... Here
were all the thetans who could create time and space, and
all of a sudden here's a thetan that can't create time and
space anymore.

That is something like... just as astonishing as here's a
little five-year old boy and he's always liked ice cream,
and one day he forgets there is such a thing as ice cream.
You go up to him and you say, "Would you like an ice cream
cone, Johnny?" And he says, "What's that?" And you say,
"Well, just like the ice cream cone I gave you yesterday!"
You'd say, "Gee, the poor kid! What's the matter with this
guy?" Well, that's about the suddenness and the stupidity
level of change of a thetan who can create time and space,
and all of a sudden all he can do is hang on to a body and
obey orders and think of something once in a while.

Pathetic when you come to think about it. But it really
isn't pathetic at all. What are you doing falling for all
this stuff about pain? What do you want pain for? It's not
even useful. It's not useful to you, it's not useful to
anybody else. If you want to have destruction, why put in
pain? Because it's a strange thing that pain would be 1.8
- evidently not 1.81 or 1.82 or 1.73 on the Tone Scale;
it's 1.8. And it is composed of hotness, coldness and an
electrical current. See, that's the anatomy and location of
pain, and it is caused by an excess of randomity which is
at a certain wave level. Pain isn't a helter-skelter
hit-or-miss, just an impact. Pain is a very, very precise

It's, oh, fascinating - a very precise thing. 1.8 on the
Tone Scale. And it's caused by just so much. Because, you
see, if you give the guy just a little bit more randomity
than that, he doesn't feel pain - he's gone right now.
He's just gone.

And that's another thing, is how does your preclear ever
get the idea that he can be gone? How can you have a
goneness out of a unit which can do time and space and
energy and matter, and all sorts of things? How do you get
a goneness? How can he be gone? There isn't any place to
which he could "went." Or how can he be unconscious? He's
capable of inventing consciousness.

What's he doing going unconscious? Well, all the answers to
these questions are right there in - possibly in
agreement: If you'll feel pain, I'll feel pain.

Only I never agreed with anybody to feel pain.

Now, he deals with and experiences best illusions of his
own. That's his highest level of knowingness. Next best, he
experiences reality, and next best to that experiences
delusion. That's your gradient scale of knowingness. If
they ever added up, they would be "know illusion," and then
junior to that would be "know MEST, and junior to that
would be "know delusion." You could probably get a lot of
ideas out of delusion, but it's unimportant.

Now, all these things are, to some tiny or vague degree
here in the MEST universe, energy. And they locate and are
in time and space. But I won't say whose time and space. A
delusion is somebody pushing his illusion into your time
and space - if you want to define it that way.

All right. Enough discussion on this. We have, then, a plot
of a track which will pretty well work out on an E-Meter
with your preclear. And if you want to look over the track
and the E-Meter and the preclear, you'll find out that he
has some kind of a history like I just described to you -
home universe, he calls it.

There's separation from theta, you get a bop - home
universe - or you get a little rise and everything was
very fine. And then all of a sudden, there was the MEST
universe - the home universe was gone. And you'll get him
thinking, "Oh, my, my. I wonder if I - I wish I... wish I
knew what the secret of the MEST universe was." There isn't
any secret to the MEST universe: that was its secret. The
secret of the MEST universe is you can create a MEST
universe any time you want to. But if you held on to and
tried to grab hold of and stop the encroachment of the MEST
universe, not just change your wavelength - if it happened
in your time-space suddenly enough - you're here. And if
you let it go on by and to hell with it and just shifted
over in another time span, you've got your own universe
someplace else and you're not here. The essence, the very
essence of simplicity.

Those are two classifications: there's them that's here and
them that's not here. And them that's not here we're not
going to worry about, because the funny part of them that's
not here, they're probably having a perfectly happy time
someplace else in time, space, and maybe a time-space unit
which runs diagonally across this room, by the way. I mean,
you see, it has no bearing - time relationships, space

There is no space or time beyond the space or time
necessary to hold the energy which you create. But if you
have the ener --. You get the idea.

What's so baffling about it, and the only thing that's
really baffling about it, is you can create the whole kit
and caboodle out of your thin... out of thin nothing. You
can create the whole thing - there you are, there is no
secret. That would be the hardest thing that you could ever
convince anybody, but that's a typical MEST universe fact.

There's no secret. What's the secret of the MEST universe?
That there's no secret, of course! That would be right
there in the groove with the MEST universe, that would be
the MEST universe's best trick. It makes the obvious and
hides it, because it's a crude, relatively unworkable,
solid, rather onerous sort of a dopehead's dream, who
wasn't too bright.

And if it's the inevitable average, brother, I don't think
much of some of the other universes that collided to make
this one. Because it's dopey, this one. It's not a bright

Its total value - evaluation is force. It's all down on the
force band. And that's silly! Because something that's on
the force band won't work! The one thing that won't work is
force! Under no circumstances has force ever worked! An
idea any day of the week can lick the pants off of force.

[tape LS-1, OT cassette #11 ends here abruptly]

------------------------ start of LS-3

[The remainder of the lecture as delivered in SofMU and
R&D 12 is side 1 of lecture LS-3 "Have as Homo Sapiens and as
Thetans, Clearing by Communication, Have" which is OT
Cassette #13 supposedly given on 7 Nov 52 rather than
on 6 Nov 52 which is the date of the above lecture]

All these great, flaming suns, all these huge, inimitable
expanses, all these tremendously, tremendously cold and
inhospitable spaces, all these dead planets and dead stars,
could be reduced to a pile of utter nothingness of rubble
by an idea.

You don't believe it? Well, you don't believe it. And the
only thing I can ask you to do is make a clinical
experiment on it. Try it. Try it in a small, little sphere
- a little sphere of action. Take somebody you know who
believes in tremendous force and think of the insignificant
idea which would defeat him utterly.

You actually have to be able and willing to handle force.
But how do you handle force? With force? No! You can't
handle force with force because that gives you ridges and
more force. You see how that is? You can't handle force
with force. It isn't that force begets force, or he who
dies by the sword lives by the Bible, or anything. I mean,
whatever it is... I'm not scrambling that up on purpose,
really. That was just a slip of the Testament! Here's...
And, by the way, it is, to a large extent, a book of force,
which is where it falls down. And the only time religion
has ever fallen down was when it believed it had a god of
force. A god of force can always be licked.

You can take the mightiest cyclotrons in the world that
exist today, and if you just get the proper idea they will
become dust. Force has to be handled, maybe, by force, but
the actual fact is that an idea alone can vanquish force.

If you just had .if you had a command and control over
space and time the way you should have, you could simply
pshew! onto another time track any force that ever came
near you.

Now, let's put this very practically - very practically:
The cat Tom is eating the little mouse... about to eat the
little mouse Jerry in the comic cartoon. And Tom is sitting
there and he's about to stuff Jerry into his mouth when all
of a sudden - Jerry is sitting on his hand - and Jerry
looks in this palm and then, and he won't let Tom see
what's in his hand. The big, stupid cat says, "What you
got?" And Jerry says, "Pshew!" and is gone.

Yeah, what you got? It doesn't take any idea at all... The
only reason why you ever have trouble - if you ever do
have trouble - defeating force is because you just don't
think of the idea, and usually because you overreach with
your idea. You haven't any concept of how simple the idea
has to be! You want to get complicated because you know
it's lots of force, so you think you want to have lots of

This is not order of magnitude; they don't follow the same
order of magnitude. Actually, they go quite in reverse.
They go quite in reverse: is the more force there is, the
less idea it takes to handle that force. Because an idea is
awful powerful. And you can get an idea so powerful that
it'll just shoot above, around and over and through this
mass and this force, and it just never hits it.

So remember that in processing a preclear. Your idea can be
way, way, way too good to defeat this thing which is
practically... which is nothing to handle this force. All
you are trying to get him to do is handle force, create and
destroy force, which includes create and destroy matter,
energy, space and time.

Well, now, if you try to use these big, complex ideas, and
you erect these treadmills, and then you have to have the
weathercock so the weather is in the northwest section, and
then you've got to have this and you've got to have that,
and you do this and you do that, and something or other,
and then you make long lists of this, and then you have him
running around the living room, and then we'll put up a
wire cage around him while he's processing so none of his
force escapes or something, so no other force can hit him

Thha. All you had to say with him is just, "Step a foot
back of your head." That was all the idea it took.

All of a sudden he gets a new idea. You want to know what
happens? He doesn't change in location in time and space.
He just gets a new idea and he's the idea! He has that
capability. You're not transferring a thing. And that's the
first mistake you can make, is thinking that you are
transferring and handling a thing. You're not. It's not an
object made out of force and matter.

You're handling something which is so much more powerful
than the atom bomb and so much more changeable than a
woman's mind that there's just no comparison. You're
handling this thing of terrific capability and it handles
so easy. And all you're asking it to do is to do the
easiest thing there is to do - that's handle force.

Now, if you don't believe force is easy to handle, you
say... Think of it this way: You've got to space the force
in terms of time. If you try to handle a force in too short
a space of time by a force, it'll really finish you.

Here's a guy with a rifle. All right. He walks up, he's
going to shoot you with a rifle. Well, you've waited until
he's walked up to you. And what are you doing with a body,
anyhow? Well, the thing to do as he walks up to you with a
rifle - all you have to do is whisper in his ear, "The
breech will explode." He won't pull the trigger. He gets
the sudden idea the breech is going to explode.

What are you doing with a body, anyhow? You get a body, you
see, and you have a good time with this body, and you say,
"Well, it takes a body to handle force." Yes, it takes a
body to stop force. That's perfectly true, and it's a lousy
idea. It's a terrible idea, actually. Why aren't you in the
kind of a state that all you have to do is mock up a body
which everybody can see and know is there? That's all.

And somebody comes up with force and they say, "We're going
to destroy your body!" That's shorthand for "We're going to
arrest you," or "We're going to hit you," or "We're going
to use force on you," "We're going to take time and space
away from you; going to impose time and space on you,"
something of the sort like this.

And they reach out and they say, "Come along with..."
There's nothing there.

You can stand there and say, "What's the matter wit' ya,
bud?" Because that's really the first and only mistake you
ever made on the time track is you tried to stop force with
force. And the second you tried to stop force with force,
it left you in a condition of being handled by force from
there on. And right now you think it takes force to handle
force. There isn't any reason why you couldn't wish that up
in the air instead of having to toss it up in the air. Just
wish it up in the air and have it hang there. There isn't
any reason why you can't do this.

But don't tell me that you're going to do this while you're
still in a body, you still have to have a body, you still
have to have for yourself this rare and fantastic privilege
of being... Well, they permitted you to feed a body and
work a body and earn a living for the body, and so on, on
the theory' that you have to have a body.

All right. Let's take the theory "You have to have a body,"
and what comes out of it instantly? "All right. I'll have a
body." It doesn't have to be a force body, though.

Your thirst for making things automatic, of setting up
ridges that would operate ridges so you wouldn't have to
concentrate on them at all or give them new ideas all the
time, brought you into a condition of a reliance upon the

You say, "The body can handle force. I can't handle force."
That's the same statement. When you say, "Joe will always
dig the ditch and Bill will always fill out the forms,"
you're saying at the same time, whether you realize it or
not, "I need to have the ditch dug by a force body, and the
force body which I'll use to do this is Joe. And the forms
that'll be filled out will be done by... they have to be
filled out by a force body." Why don't you just dream up
the form, huh? You dream up a filled-up form. Somebody asks
you to make out a form. What the hell would you be doing
making out forms if you didn't have a body? It would just
be a body that'd - you know, ration books, petrol books,
this book, that book; you wouldn't need those.

All right. Let's take money: Now, there isn't any reason
why you can't think up a ten-pound note and hand it to the
fellow and have it go on into circulation for the next ten
years. There's no reason why you can't do this.

What do you want a money for, huh? You say, "It's nice to
have." That means MEST is nice to have. Great! You've
confessed right at that moment you can't invent MEST.
You've said, "I can't create MEST. I have to acquire it or
steal it. I have to go through this legal tender
proposition in order to acquire some other MEST somebody
else has got." Interesting, isn't it?

When you get into the field of force, we get into the field
of complete inability - just utter, degrading inability.
And that's something that you've got to cure with your
preclear. What's all this inability?

I had a fellow one time, invented the term abstricts. I was
talking to him for three days, a year or two ago, about
"The only thing that you have ever been granted is an
inhibition. The only present which has ever been made to
you is an inhibition - the ability not to do something.
That's the only thing anybody ever gave you, is the ability
not to do. Nobody ever gave you the ability to do." The
ability not to do. Because notice, most of the time when
somebody gives you the ability to do, they have to tell
you, you can't do it first; then they proceed to teach you.

All right. The ability not to do becomes very interesting.
And he formed it up and he began to listen to people when
they talked. And they said, "You can't do this and you
can't do that." Nearly everything they said to him out in
this human society was "You can't do it. You mustn't do it.
There is a barrier there. There's a barrier here." And he'd
listen to this.

And that's a good drill for you, by the way. Open up your
ears for the next day or so and just listen to Homo sapiens
talking, and you'll find out that he's telling you "There's
a barrier in time. There's a barrier in space.

You can't move here. You can't move there. You can't do
this. You can't do that." He's a walking mass of "can't,"
because that's all he was ever given was "can't." Because
nobody could give him "can." He could! He could already,
you see? Horrible joke, isn't it?

Well, this young fellow invented the word abstrict, and
that meant "restrictions..." - oh, "the abstraction of
restriction." An abstraction of restriction was a method of
creating space and time. And you're right, you see?

I mean, that's very correct. And if you create space and
time you have this condition. All right. Abstricts.

You listen to Homo sapiens the next day or so. He's saying,
"You can't do this, and I can't do that, and you can't do
this, and we can't do that, and this is impossible, and
that is unobtainable, and this cannot be reached," and
that's all he talks about. If he ever says "can," he says,
"Well, we can do it if we are allowed." He always adds in
that he has to be permitted. This fellow got this concept,
by the way... And if you don't think this is a powerful
concept, listen to what happened to him.

He was in love with a girl. He went over, he taught her the

She'd not been happy with her husband and she had a little
baby. He went over and taught this to this girl, and they
turned around and they told the husband to go fly a kite.
And they went up the pole, so to speak, both of them.

And you say, "Well, nothing good could have come of this.
Nothing good could have come of it." But he promptly got a
job for about twelve hundred dollars a month as a
mathematician. He'd never quite been able to make the grade
before. And he got a job with one of the big aviation
companies because he solved two of the most imponderable
imponderables in the field of aviation, one after the
other, and took it down one morning and threw it on the
desk of the works manager and said, "There is a solution to
this, there is a solution to that. And I want a job because
I keep turning things out like this all the time." And they
gave him a job. And he got the kind of a job so he never
has to report to work.

That's an abstrict. And it is very powerful.

If you want to send your preclear up the pole fast, you
just convince him that there is no limit and there is no
barrier. Now, he's liable not... You see, if you've got the
knowledge of what limits and barriers there have been and
then you get this other concept, you're perfectly safe. You
just move on out of it. But if you get this concept that
there are no barriers, and you all of a sudden vaguely
understand the concept or something clicks on the subject
and you have no understanding of it, there's no track, you
don't know the composition of the MEST universe or an
illusion or anything else, you just simply soar - boom!
And then six months later, people are picking up the pieces.

Fascinating the limitations, limitations.

For instance, Kipling's great poem "If" tells you what to
do, and every line of it is an inhibition. It infers that
this isn't natural. It infers that this is just horrendous,
this is magniloquent. If you were this way that would be
terrific, and usually you can't quite obtain that, but
there it is and this is the big goal. And he makes this big
hurrah, hurrah, crunch! I like his poetry a lot, but he
does this hurrah on this "If." And I notice that the
lousiest poem he ever did, really, was "If" because it
says, "Look, look-a-here, if you could do all these things,
if you could do all these things," and so on, and he paints
this little tiny molehill, see? Here's this little tiny
molehill, and he says, "Boy, if you could climb that, you'd
really be a man, my son." And the guy said, "God, I must be
low. Gee, look where I must be, if to climb this molehill
makes me up high." You get the idea? That's the sort of
backwards computation you run into consistently.

Now, all of these things - all of these things are
actually the gilt around Standard Operating Procedure.
What's an engram? Boom with force. What's it do? It makes
the guy meet it with force. How do you solve it? You stop
the guy from meeting it with force. It's awful simple,
isn't it?

And force is energy, space and time. So there are eighty
ways you could go about solving it. And one of the ways you
can go about solving it is just keep removing him from him
as a body until he's outside of his own force zone. And of
course he'll get well in an awful hurry. All you have to do
is get him outside of his own force zone and then he can
sit there and figure this out. Because what chance has he
got to figure it out if he keeps getting hit by forces all
around him and through him and in him and everything else?
He doesn't have much of a chance.

Now, if he'd just go sit quietly on a pink cloud someplace
- invent a pink cloud in some other time strata and sit
quietly on it for a little while - he would be able to
dope out from what he knows here the rest of it. He'd be
able to rehabilitate his ability to do this and his ability
to do that, and so forth.

That would be a very ideal way to go about it: just have a
very full education on it, and then get booted out and put
into fairly good shape somehow or other, and then dream
yourself up a pink cloud and sit on it. And that would be
- let the MEST universe go to hell for a little while. And
you'd turn up with the answers that you needed to make
yourself able to operate in the MEST universe.

Now, you wonder why anybody would operate in the MEST
universe. Well, I'll tell you why they'll operate in the
MEST universe: it's randomity. You read in the Axioms and
you find randomity. That's right. The MEST universe is a
mighty big target. If you could eat up the MEST universe,
depopulate it and square it around, you'd always be able to
sit down, take the facsimile of having done something to
the MEST universe and give it to somebody you invented to
play football with. It's randomity, action.

Unfortunate - most people don't think there's enough value
in randomity to do anything for the sake of randomity, but
they're low Tone Scale. You get... Almost anybody will do
something for the sake of randomity when you get them up
the Tone Scale a little bit. It should have a project and a
goal and an end and square it around.

So you just take off a nice big project someplace or other
and say, "I think I will..." It doesn't matter what you
say. You can get interested in it and everything else. You
don't have to say, "I think I will destroy the MEST
universe." You could also say, "I think I will build this
big universe that has nothing but force in it and see how
well it gets along, and then one day I'll cashier the whole
works. And I think I'll take off two months of my spacetime
for the project. And let's see, how long is two months of
my space-time?

Well, that will be a hundred billion years of the universe
time which I'm going to create." It's all satisfactory.
That's perfectly satisfactory reasoning. And go ahead and
do it.

Or you could say right here on Earth, "I think I'll clean
up all the vinegar works in England. The trouble with
vinegar works is they need cleaning up." And that's just
what you do. Then you decide you'll get a little society
together and you clean up vinegar works.

The whole trouble is that when people do this they don't
realize that they are dealing with a very elementary
principle: that is, it's just randomity.

They want action, they want motion, so they have to have a
stage and scene for motion. Anything serves as motion, just
anything. You could postulate some kind of a motion that is
going forward and create the motion, and then do something
about it.

And how often do you find somebody doing something about
that? You'll find people running all over the place,
particularly in politics, inventing the most astonishing
and horrible atrocities, just so they can do something
about them. And I wouldn't put it past some of these people
in politics to do these astonishing and horrible atrocities
and get them finished up just so they can go in and do
something about it.

As a matter of fact, Japan used to do that. The Japanese
used to create the incident so they could create the war.
Did it constantly. They would go out - they'd send a
couple of secret-service boys out and have a couple of
their own troops shot and then have the government where
the troops were, apologizing. And if the government didn't
apologize, then they could go in with troops. But they'd
really kill the troops - anything to create randomity.

Now, Standard Operating Procedure for Theta Clearing, here,
is self explanatory. The only things that I would call your
attention to with regard to it is that if you ask the
preclear to "be" rather than "move," you probably will get
further. That just skidded by in the dictation of this. And
it's something that should be punched up. If you have a
copy there you're going to use, make a notation on it.
Should be "Ask the preclear to be a foot back of his head."
And then, "If he is..." But the only reason why you've got
directional areas there - the only reason you've got
directions - is just so that he gets something to be in
relation toward. He wants to be in relationship to
something like dimension and time.

Now, when it comes to this negative step, it doesn't have
the workability which it might have, but will occasionally

When you speak of orientation, by the time you've got to
Step III, it is "move," because you've got somebody so
bogged down by force he will use force, and it'd be a very
high level to have him use force in time and space. That
wouldn't be true of a Step I, so we have a further
differentiation on a Step I.

Let's look over here at Step IV, Ridge Running. I'll make
you a bet: I don't believe any of you have used Ridge
Running worth a nickel. Why not?

I'll bet you two or three of the cases that you're having
trouble with that I have heard of vaguely, here and there,
will resolve by Ridge Running. You haven't used it.

Female voice: I said it yesterday. I would like to meet the
IV because I've never met one.

Oh, have you met a V?

Female voice: Yes.

Have you processed a V?

Female voice: Yes.

And he won't do a IV.

Female voice: Well, he does a I now.

Well, what'd you do, hit V and then go DED-DEDEX and then boom?

Female voice: Tried IV. Did I, II, III, IV in a normal
manner before I arrived at V.

And he didn't do IV?

Female voice: And he didn't do IV.

You haven't met a IV, huh? Well, I've met two or three IVs
that I don't think would have solved easily on anything
else. These guys had to know something was happening before
it could even vaguely happen.

Now, here we have orientation in the theta universe...
pardon me, in the MEST universe. Shorthanding what I'm
saying here - orientation in the theta universe. And I'd
like to add to this, why don't you orient him in his own
universe, huh? How about thinking about that? That occur to

Female voice: No.

All the way down the line when it says "orientation,"
remember that it can mean "orient him in the MEST universe"
or "orient him in his own universe." And they'd be two
different processes. You'd have him invent some time and
then some space and then orient himself in it. And the
possibility is that this would be a superior technique to
orienting him in the MEST universe. I haven't tried it. I
just look it over and I say, "Well, there's a technique
sitting there - orient him in his own universe." You might
have him going right back to his own universe. Because, you
see, his universe isn't located in space in relationship to
MEST space; it's just elsewhere in that it is not here.
Because here means this space, it does not mean a time

All right. You might do a lot by just asking a fellow to
describe to you what kind of a universe he had up to the
time it blew up, or whether it blew up. What happened to
it? You might say, "What kind of a universe was it?" And
just keep... He keeps describing what kind of a universe it
was, and, "Orient yourself this way" and, "Orient yourself
that way in it," and, "Describe it some more," and that
might be the fastest technique which we have.

As I say, I haven't tested it.

You're liable to find all sorts of weird things. You're
liable to find some preclear of yours that can't get color,
had never heard of color till he hit the MEST universe, and
he hasn't seen it since. I mean, it's just a concept that
he never got as his own idea. It wasn't part of his home
universe or anything like it. And you might recover to him
all of his skills just by doing that. Interesting thought.

Now, with regard to the general material which is here, we
have an organization, really, which you have been using for
some little time. You might give me a comment. You might
give me a comment. Have you found this working with your

Audience: Yes. Yes. It does work.

Yes, it's working.

Male voice: It does, yes.

Where have you found it falling down? Has it fallen down anyplace?

Male voice: Yes, the only place I find that it's got any,
any falling - down is in the fact that the preclears
themselves, in lack of confidence in what you're doing with

Got a lack of confidence in you?

Male voice: A lack of confidence in the particular thing
that is being done.

Female voice: They are very MEST bound, you know? "Theta
Clearing - what's it mean?" Well, you know. "Am I liable to
be able to have nine thousand pounds a year and a
large-sized car and two wives if I want to, as a Theta
Clears Wouldn't it be much better to be a MEST Clear?" That
sort of...

Male voice: You use mock-up, you see, and the person says,
"Hm, that's fine. But I'm not sure that this will make me
well! Are you sure?"

Okay, I have an answer for that. Audit outside of your
body. Now, that's the best remedy I know for that, offhand,
is audit outside of your body and make the sound and
auditing commands emanate from out of your body, and
don't have a body at all while you're auditing. Oh, I
think you'd get results.

Male voice: The auditor has to do that, now?

Well, I'm... You asked me; you've made the statement.
That's very, very fatal, by the way, to pose me a problem.
I most always have a solution, because there aren't very
many serious problems in the MEST universe. It's kind of a
silly universe. It's a universe everybody's been working so
hard to solve because it didn't have anything to solve in it.

All right. What business have you got sitting there in a
body auditing anybody anyhow? Let's be tough about this.
Come on, what's the idea? What's the idea?

Female voice: Even if you don't, the preclear still
identifies you with your body.

Oh, it's not important. This is not important. This is not
important. If you had... your sound of your voice was
rolling out a thing, and he identified you... I tell you,
once upon a time we did do this: We made a picture of an
angel and made it talk to a psychotic. The psychotic was so
upset about people that I said, "Well, let's audit him
without a person!" How simple. We did. He got well. He got
well very fast.

So this is a big thought, you see. I mean, you could say,
"Now, you'd really be much better off without a body. Look
at me." The fellow says, "Where?" And you say, "Well, right
here." And put a doll there or something, you see? And make
the doll's jaw move or something, so he feels like the talk
is coming from there.

And you say, "Now, pick up the doll and see if there are
any wires connected to it. Now look in the back of the doll
and see if there's any radio connections with it. That's
right. Now put me back down on the desk here.

That's right. Put me down in the little doll's chair.
That's fine. That's fine.

All right. Now how about you being a foot back of your
head?" Of course, you could say at the same time, and just
as fast as that, "Every night before you go to bed,
hereafter, you will say your prayers and you will remember
- remember to say your prayers to Bill Spinbin, HDA, and
remember that he is God." You'd do that too. And you... if
you went at this wide a disagreement with the MEST universe,
that's obviously what you are, that's all.

Well, I've given you a solution to overcome this objection.
I don't see why you don't find it a satisfactory solution.
Here I'm sitting here talking to you without a body.

[SofMU says - Please note: This lecture ends abruptly as did
the original master recording.]

[The cassette continues on briefly beyond this point]

> female voice: We know that because we don't identify you with
> your body, but a difficult preclear always identifies
> you with your body and for the other preclear it doesn't make
> any different, he could be outside. Their not easy and they
> can't see any difference if your in your body, outside your
> body, ...
> Well what are you doing filling up the universe and letting
> go make their own universe a bunch of mean, onery,
> cantankerous preclears?

[here it really does end]

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Secrets of the Mest Universe lecture 2
"Force as Homo Sapiens and as a Thetan, Responsibility"

LS-2 plus part of LS-3.

[the first segment of this lecture is the second side of
OT cassette #13 which is LS-3 "Have as Homo Sapiens and
as Thetans: Clearing by Communication, Have" dated 7 Nov 52.

Note that the first side of #13 was included at the
end of the previous lecture in the secrets cassettes.

the second part of this lecture is LS-2 which is #12 in
the OT cassettes, see below]

[Note that transcripts of the secrets cassettes also appear
in R&D volume 12.]


A lecture given on 7 November 1952

[Opening few seconds unintelligable on our copy]

> ... last night to note that a great many therapies could be
> invented of the basic definitions which you know, and told
> you that you could think about this material and extrapolate
> and work out things.
> I want to ask you tonight, have you thought up a new
> revolutionary therapy? (pause)
> Nobody's speaking up so I will have to give you one.
> This is theta clearing by communication.
> (aside) Now lets have lots of quiet out of that tape recorder
> now.

Okay, we have a new method of Theta Clearing. Give you a
few notes here -- incidentals, relatively unimportant.
This'll probably solve the cases that are bogged down at
the moment.

Took many minutes to think this up; I want you to be
properly appreciative. Exactly nobody has been theta
cleared with this technique; it will work like a dream.
It's not been tested on anybody. But it's inevitable that
it'll work -- just inevitable -- and that's Theta Clearing
by communication.

Communication, as you know, is handling energy. Perception
is handling energy. And when a person is unwilling to
handle energy, he is unwilling to perceive.

Now, there are many ways that you can perceive. You could
take straight perception, which is taking the radiation of
an object and record the radiation, and thus, by recording
that radiation of an object; see, feel, taste and do other
-- many, many more perceptions of the item.

Another method is to radiate energy at an item and read its

That's another method of perception. Both of these, if you
will notice, require handling energy.

Now, there's quite another method, and that is to take an
incoming picture or sound, and record these on energy. And
thus, by making a recording, be able to read the recording.
This is a very safe method.

You get... the incoming line has then -- you know, if you
pick up a perception there, that it has not done any one of
these things: knocked the eyeballs out, knocked the
eardrums in, disrupted the nerve centers of the body, and
all of these things are still in good shape; therefore, it
is very, very easy, you see, to see that what is coming in
is safe, not dangerous.

So, you see, that's like "Let's put out a warning net fifty
miles or a hundred miles out so it can test the incoming
planes. And well know when the planes come in, and
therefore we can duck." You see, that's very simple. And
then we carry forward a second proposition there: After it
has come in, you don't even run the risk of catching it
directly. What you do is put up some theta, some energy, to
act as a mirror, and you catch it on this energy and then
look at the energy. You say, "Hm-hm. You see, the energy is
still there; therefore, it's safe to look at this." This
gives people a time lag -- reaction time. Most everybody's
a little bit behind present time using their MEST visio and
so on. A psychotic goes completely behind present time;
he's examining a piece of energy recording which he
recorded, oh, a few billion years ago, in some cases. He's
examining something that's definitely down track. And the
normal person is examining something maybe a few
milliseconds ago, and the psychotic is examining something
a few millennia ago. The difference between normal and
psychotic -- it's a very minute difference.

Some auditors, when they have a great deal of experience
and when they are used to reading the Chart of Human
Evaluation, when they're used to observing people, can tell
-- with practice of course -- this minute difference
between the normal individual and the psychotic. They're
able to do this. But even they, even they are not too certain.

It's the young, ambitious navigator who walks in on the
chart and takes a sharp pencil and makes a little tiny
point and says, "We are right there." The Officer of the
Watch of some experience draws a circle -- small circle
- and says, "Well, we're there." And an experienced
navigator draws no circle at all, but puts his hand down
somewhere on the chart, and says, "We're around here
somewhere." Well, an auditor, when he's very experienced,
actually doesn't like to draw too many conclusions,
actually, about the emotional or sanity state of his
preclear, for this reason: The preclear may be reading a
relay circuit of a relay circuit of a relay circuit of a
relay circuit. And the preclear might really be a spittoon
reading a human being, you see? You have to get well into
the case, really, to find out what the preclear really is
that is doing what with what.

Demon circuits -- the preclear very often thinks of himself
as a demon, in some fashion or another, who is sort of
spying upon a real being, and so on.

Oh, all that's very amusing.

But the truth of the matter is that these methods of
communication are methods of handling energy and the more
certain the thetan is of his perception, usually the more
precautions he's taken with it.

Now, you take a direct perception. Your thetan has to be
pretty bold and brave about energy to get a direct
perception. He doesn't have any method of taking a light
wave and putting a fuse on it ten feet from him. If he's
still under the belief that he has to stop things in order
to handle energy at all, that light, you see, could blow up
and hit him before he'd have a chance to change wavelength
or dodge. So it'd be a very dangerous universe.

And if you notice, as you work on preclears, you're
primarily interested in solving the problem of
communication. That's the problem you're trying to solve
continually: the problem of communication. It should tell
you a great deal.

And so, if you're handling the problem of communication,
you had certainly better be handling the problem of energy.
And if you're handling the problem of energy, you certainly
had better know what force is, what energy is and the basic
definition of what self-determinism is. Self-determinism is
locate matter and energy in space and time, or originate or
create space and time in which to locate what one creates
for matter and energy. It's very simple, the definition.

All right. Let's take a look, then, and see what happens
with regard to this.

Is there anything else we have to know, beyond those two
points to solve a case?

Well, really not, because you'd fall into this other one,
one way or the other.

But in view of the fact that most auditors have a tendency
themselves to somewhat shy away from some of the crueler
facts of life, we had better remark on this.

Since you've never had the definition before... You could
work out this definition if you wanted to. You see, I have
a great many things that I leave sort of understood. And
you'll fall into them someday there; it's inevitable that
you would trip into them. And ordinarily what I'm doing is
interpreting or calling your attention to applications of
something that is relatively simple.

And as you work with this, you'll see this is more and more
the case. And it becomes more and more the case that what
you do will work.

Well, this added thing is responsibility. You possibly
think that responsibility has somewhat gotten lost in the
shuffle and that we have no more concern with
responsibility just because we're talking about force. No,

Matter of fact, we have just started on responsibility when
we talk about handling force, because you could design
responsibility as the willingness to respond -- willingness
to respond on any subject. Let's give it a little more
factual definition and which is usable, that you could do
something with. Let's say that responsibility is "command
over force" -- let's just define it that way, crudely.
Responsibility is "command over force." Therefore,
willingness to be responsible would be willingness to take
command of force -- to work with the dichotomy "the idea --
the force." That would be responsibility.

Now, what do we find out when we start working with
responsibility? We find out that an individual will take on
responsibility to the exact degree or position they are on
a Tone Scale. We find out that this is a direct indicator.

We find out that people will take responsibility according
to that position on the Tone Scale. And a person will shirk
responsibility in whatever quarter he cannot or will not
handle force. That makes it very simple, doesn't it?
Responsibility, then, becomes something which is very
simple and very useful to you.

Now, let's just work out, offhand, how this works in a
being. Let's take a look at a thetan sitting in a MEST
body. Here he is in a MEST body. Now, is he taking
responsibility for this body? No, obviously, because he
thinks he is the body. You see? I mean, he obviously is not
taking responsibility for being a thetan. He will only take
responsibility for being a body.

But, if he is really a thetan giving the body
responsibility, we find out that his command over his
environment ends at the bottom of the Tone Scale with his
delegation of force to his own body.

This is completely unconscious on the higher levels of the
Tone Scale, and he goes through a descending spiral of this
character: wide, wide, wide responsibility assignment. He's
willing to assign responsibility and hand force to, for the
use of, every dynamic right on down to one. Now, as he goes
down Tone Scale, you'll find he'll assign it to less and
less and less dynamics.

A fellow very, very high, a thetan very high on the Tone
Scale would have absolutely no qualms in handing a
.45-caliber pistol to somebody -- no qualms. In the first
place, he's high enough on the Tone Scale to know he can't
be shot. We get well down the Tone Scale and we find out
that Homo sap -- pardon me, Homo sapiens (we must be
polite; this is kind-to-animals week, kind-to-dumb-animals
week) -- Homo sapiens as an animal is very peculiar. He
gets down far enough on the Tone Scale, and about as high
as he gets on the Tone Scale is to interfere with somebody
else's driving. He will offer them driving directions while
they're driving. I mean, he will give that much force away.
But he won't assign any other force to somebody, because
they could turn around and use it on him too easily and he
can be hurt too easily. And so therefore he holds on to force.

He won't give force away, but he'll assign some kind of an
idea responsibility and then inhibit somebody from doing it
by not giving them force enough to do it, or by not
granting them the use of enough force to do it. You see how
that is? Homo sapiens is always hamstringing anybody to
whom he delegates responsibility.

Now, he himself may appear to be very eager for
responsibility and desirous of taking on responsibility,
fairly high on Homo sapiens' Tone Scale, and very upset
because he doesn't get responsibility and it's not
delegated to him. And he goes into the awfulest spin on the
subject of "Am I responsible or am I not responsible?" "Do
I have command of this situation?" "Am I the boss or am I
not the boss here?" -- yapity-yapity-yapity-yapity-yap. He
goes along this line in the most wonderful way you ever
saw. He's just wonderful at it; he does a beautiful job of
wrecking himself.

How can anybody give a thetan force? I wish you'd tell me
that. How can anybody delegate to anybody else
responsibility? Well, Homo sapiens has it all worked out.

One of the ways you delegate responsibility to another is
give him some purchasing power. This is the acquisition of
force by another. Money is a representation of force. You
can buy force with money. So you get the purchasing power
shifting around in the society, and this is a delegation of
responsibility, one way or the other, and will work as such
because it's giving people command over force.

Therefore, you practically never see anybody walk out with
a ten-pound note and hand it to the first man he meets.
Actually, that ten-pound note is completely worthless,
truth be told, to the thetan. It's no use to a thetan.

What will it buy? It will buy food, clothing and shelter.
Well, what's a thetan want with any one of these? So, you
see, actually if a person is in such a state as to require
food, clothing and shelter, he's not in a state where he
can accomplish a darn thing or take responsibility for
anything. He doesn't really dare.

And so you watch this terrific cycle of these people: they
will get up to a level -- some low-order level, like taking
command of a nation; some minor street-cleaning job like
that -- and they will zoom up to that level, you see?

They've got no business there! Oh, no! They're carrying a
MEST body and it can be shot, it can be hanged, it gets
tired. People can come around and identify him all the
time. They say, "Yup, this is Pete!" And they can keep
coming around saying, "Yup, this is Pete." And wherever he
goes, after he's been at this for a short time, what do you
think happens to this fellow? He spins. He can't help but
spin. He's a perfect target. He's carrying something around
which is a natural force backstop. Any force which comes
his way can hit it.

And as a natural result, he collects ridges like mad,
because without any will or consent on his part at all, his
body collects ridges.

Now, what does he do? Let's say he has ascended to the
leadership of a nation. Oh, this is wonderful. He gets up
to this nation... national level and he starts saying,
"Joe, you take this and Oscar, you take this and Bill, you
take that." What's he doing? He's assigning responsibility
-- "You do this, you do that, you do this, you do that."
He's not using any force himself, really.

Even when he says Trotsky or Truman or somebody has to be
executed because he is now in our way, or something of the
sort, what's he do? He calls in a firing squad. Any
self-respecting thetan certainly can do his own executions!
I mean, imagine it -- imagine getting somebody in just to
drill a hole in a MEST body's head! I mean, that would
be... that's silly, isn't it, you come to think about it.

Why would you employ guns and bayonets and firing squads
and police officers and investigators and this -- oh, you
get into the most dreadful sort of a complication. Why, he
even designates his authority to kill. His authority to
destroy is designated. His authority to create is
designated. His authority to do anything is designated.
Responsibility is therefore assigned in all directions
every time he assigns an authority! And where's he wind up?
He winds up at the butt end of a one-way flow. He's given
away all of his force, but everybody else has force. And it
actually operates in the field of force and around his body
to be a piled-in bombardment. That one-way flow will just
go so far because he's assigning force. And if he keeps on
assigning force, force, force, it gets out to the
counter-elasticity of flow and reverses.

And when it reverses, boy, have we got a paranoid! "Sure,"
he says, "everybody is against me." The funny part of it
is, is they normally are. And the force that he has put out
has now backed up and is hitting him. And he actually does
have the sensation of things being against him. It might be
a little bit hard for some of you to recognize this, but he
actually feels like things are leaning on him and things
are pushing at him -- unseen things are pushing at him.

What's he done? He's said, "You take force and you take
force and you take force, and now you've got to give me
force, you've got to give me force, you've got to give me
force. Now you take force, you take force, you take force,
you take force." And the second he got on a "You take
force" long enough, he's on the other end of a one-way
flow. He hasn't got any force. He has to handle it himself.

And so you get this fellow going over the cycle of
designating responsibility, delegating responsibility. The
next point is, is finding out that it's not being carried
out. And the next point immediately after that -- he has to
do it himself. And there's where "Do it himself" comes in
on the track. And the next point after "Got to do it
himself," he's in a state of collapse. What's he doing?
He's handling force. He's giving away force.

How in the name of common sense can a thetan -- now, let's
be rational about this -- how can a thetan manufacture some
force and then give it to another thetan to use? Well,
that's utterly idiotic, isn't it? Any thetan can
manufacture all the force he wants himself. Why, in the
name of common sense, should he delegate it or give it to
somebody else?

Well, in the name of randomity you can do almost anything.
But, after all, let's not go that far! Let's not be
completely insane. I mean, let's not figure something out
that is utterly and entirely and completely unworkable,
such as Homo sapiens.

You see, the condemnation of Homo sapiens is that he just
doesn't work.

I mean, the problem does not solve. When you start using
force around Homo sapiens, things get in a horrible state.
And it's mainly on this designation and cross-designation
of responsibility. In the first place, he's afraid to give
anybody any weapons. He really is! The kings of France used
to have to go up to the cantons of Switzerland in order to
procure any guards. They couldn't trust a Frenchman to be
the palace guard. And the Swiss got hired out to
practically any court in Europe by developing a reputation
for fighting to the last man to protect their paymaster.
And they got a very good reputation on it, and so they paid

The Swiss Guard, as a matter of fact... When they were
rolling tumbrels and things around in France a century or
two ago, the Swiss Guard died to a man in protection of --
oh, I don't know, somebody or other, some psychotic they
had; I've forgotten his name -- Louis "Cancres" or something.

They get to a point where they don't dare assign force but
they've got to assign force. But if they do assign force,
they're in a MEST body and they're going to start a one-way
flow which is going to kick back at them to a point where
they're not possibly going to be able to survive it. And
man insists on gathering in groups and appointing leaders,
then wondering why these leaders always fail -- eventually
they fail -- and why the movement goes haywire.

You wouldn't find Homo sapiens giving you any weapons,
believe me. You wouldn't! He'd be too scared to. If he knew
all the things I was telling you right this minute, he'd
never give them to you. They're too usable on him. If he
were not in beautiful state of armor plate, if he didn't
have the joint sandbagged, theta-trapped, ultraviolet light
screens around and guards marching back and forth in all
directions so as to inhibit thetans from coming into the
boudoir, from disrupting his dinner, from influencing the
cook to slide a little cyanide into the grub... No. Nuh-uh!
Keep them in their heads. That's where they belong! It's
good and safe! Because you'd have to protect yourself, you
see? That's what's silly about it.

You don't have to protect yourself. That's the last thing
that you should ever do, really, is protect yourself.

If you want to solve a problem, and if you have to solve it
by force, simply make a practice of -- if you have to solve
it with ideas -- make a practice of keeping another deck of
cards which is solid aces, if you have to solve it with
ideas, in one pocket. And if you have to solve it by force
-- if you have to solve it by force as a Homo sapiens --
keep an automatic in the other pocket, which nobody knows
about either, and you'll get along somewhat. Somewhat. But
of course, force doesn't work in Homo sapiens.

Now, you read all of these terrific things all over the
place about "Force is no good. You must abandon force. You
mustn't have any force. You better quit," and so forth.
He's really talking from bitter experience. Force doesn't
work for Homo sapiens. And a thetan can't live without it.
So the longer a thetan is Homo sapiens, the longer he's in
a MEST body, the greater the divergence. So you're going to
get -- walking out on one line -- you're going to get this
terrific divergence: Homo sapiens and what a thetan should
be. The thetan has got to use force if he's going to deal
with the MEST universe. And a Homo sapiens can only get in
trouble if he uses force.

Now, you want to solve how this applies to clearing a
preclear. You'll find most of your preclears have delegated
responsibility so widely that they are either on the
I've-taken-it-all-myself-and-I-must-give-it-to-somebody end
of the flow, or I-have-given-it-to-everybody -
and-I-am-now-receiving-it on the end of the flow. You'll
find him in two states, really, of elasticity on those flows.
It's either all the way out and stuck out there, or it's
all the way home and stuck.

Now, the rest... any odd cases will be found in between
those two states.

So don't be surprised if you start processing an individual
on responsibility and running brackets on responsibility,
to have him simply fly out of his body after maybe ten or
fifteen or twenty hours of processing. You can't use this
process indefinitely, just as a process, without knocking
the thetan and Homo sapiens apart and the body goes one
way, and you've got a thetan.

You couldn't. You couldn't process responsibility because
when we say responsibility, we can say, directly,
willingness -- direct willingness to handle force. And
that's your test. Only you put it in terms of
responsibility and therefore it gets at once the idea of
passing force around or the idea of refusing force as well
as actual force -- you get both of them at once.

In every religion, cult, philosophy or anything else,
there's always been two of something: the God and the
Devil; the Labor government, the Conservative government;
yang and yin; the classical music and boogie-woogie.

Any cult... well, such as America. America is a kind of a
cult. It's devoted to assembly-line production. It's the
high priesthood of assembly-line production. There you have
a dichotomy.

Now, this dichotomy, again, of the thetan and the body
would appear to be at first glance a dichotomy and to be a
useful and workable one. Unfortunately, it's not. It's an
accidental one. And it doesn't work because this body
..all the knowingness this body has is thetan knowingness
of one sort or another -- that's all the knowledge, really,
the body has or ever will have. And all the life it ever
has is a thetan kind of life. And that life depends upon
the creation and destruction of force. And the body is
incapable of withstanding force.

Now, here's this body living on this Earth. It's got an
ocean of air above it. It can't go up fifteen thousand feet
and it can't go down five thousand feet without perishing.
It couldn't live without fifteen pounds per square inch of
air and a certain mixture thereof. It's in a tolerance band
of someplace between 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 110 degrees
Fahrenheit. You go above or below those two figures very
much or very consistently without enormous protection and
you have a dead body. In other words, here it exists in
this terribly narrow tolerance band, in this tiny, tiny
strata -- a strata thinner, as compared to Earth, than the
peeling would be thick on an apple. The peeling on an apple
would be in proportion much, much, much thicker than the
tolerance band if it were blown up to the size of Earth.

So you just get an idea, man is really... Homo sapiens is
really holding on with his fingernails. Almost anything
could knock him off. If you were to suddenly rip this
atmosphere off of Earth, he'd be a dead mackerel. And even
if you brought him back to life again, he wouldn't be able
to survive, because he depends on all the other life forms.

He has an enormous dependency on other people's force, on
the force of other things, on the ability of other things.
He's a helpless babe! You can run dependency on force as
part of responsibility -- dependency on force for all
dynamics. And you find, my God, this character never
depends on his own force! Why, of all the force which a
Homo sapiens employs to keep alive, maybe only a
thousand-thousandth of it is his own force or effort. And
the rest of the society runs and somehow or other keeps him
up and keeps his head above water and gives him terrible
group anxiety and all that sort of thing. Interpersonal
relationship, war and national upsets, political parties,
all these various things come out of this weird fact: that
Homo sapiens is basically a being and a personality which
really never uses anybody else's force in an enforced
dependency on everything's force and unable itself to
survive any but the tiniest force.

So you get this bundle of uncertainties and it's no wonder
your preclear's nerves are on a very raw edge. He just be
in terrible shape, really. He is unwilling to take
responsibility for this and for that and for something else
and for something else and for something else, and the list
will be much longer that he won't take responsibility for
than it will be for which he will take responsibility.

Therefore, let's look over this in terms of just force,
just as such, and add it up as his dependency as a being,
Homo sapiens, on other force, and the necessity, to be a
thetan, to exist and create only his own force.

[end of tape LS-3, the SofMU & R&D continue with LS-2
as part of this lecture]

------------ start of LS-2

[Begining of LS-2 5211C06B "Creating Time and Space,
Responsibility" in the OT cassettes (#12 in that set)
stated there as having been given on 6 Nov rather than
7 Nov]

> A ridge blew up in my face, that's why I'm sniviling.
> Kaboom! This body is trying hard to do so.

Now, a man cannot use force without putting out a flow. And
you can't put out a flow without exciting the laws of
elasticity of flows. They work. So he puts out this flow.
If he puts out a flow in any direction, he's bound to get
it back. This makes reciprocity, DED-DEDEXes, overt acts,
all sorts of things.

Wonderful to behold how wrong a man can get, because he
hasn't any business living and being a frail, frail, frail,
delicate, maladjusted, narrow tolerance-band body and still
try to employ force. And therefore... But so you'll see him
doing all these weird things. You'll see him going out and
declaring war and then putting these little frail things
called bodies up in front of machine-gun bullets, then be
awfully surprised because he has a population which no
longer is able to get along very well. He'll do the most
fantastic things because his basic impulse is to run on
force. And if he were sane at all he would be using force.

Now, force is not the same as violent force. Any energy
flow would -- if directed -- would be a force. The cult of
force is 1.5: let's-all-destroy-it cult, as such. But a
fellow so withdraws from the savage and wild use of energy
that he won't even use a vaguely proper estimation of
force. He won't use any kind of force really; he'll just
back off from force.

It never occurs to him... When you say force, when you say
forte main, when you say all sorts of words with regard to
that, 90 percent of the people who hear the word say
immediately, "Oh, that's bad. I don't like force." What are
they saying it with? They're saying that with force. Force
is estimated, directed, channeled energy. Now that's the
definition of force.

You don't like force? Well, if you don't like force, that's
why doorknobs come off in your hand sometimes, and why you
can't open drawers and why you stumble and it's just you
don't like force. So if you don't like force hard enough,
you're going to misuse force. Very simple.

You take an athlete, and if this athlete goes long enough
under the lines of: he's got to practice a certain regimen
continually; he's going to get in horrible shape after a
while. Why? He's saying that certain forces are bad. And as
soon as he says certain forces are bad, he's going to throw
his whole life out of balance to a point where he can't
estimate force.

And that's why Joe Louis eventually loses. Joe Louis goes
around and says, "The forces of democracy are wrong," or
something. "Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight -- these
forces are wrong, these forces are wrong; these opponents
are wrong, these opponents are wrong; this is wrong, this
is wrong; and that's force and that's bad, and that's bad
force." And the next thing you know, what have you got? You
got a champion who is no longer champion.

Now, it's perfectly all right if he went at it the other
way; if he knew he was just producing randomity.

For instance, I have a lot of fun with you, talking here, a
lot of fun with society at large. I talk about Homo
sapiens. I'm actually quite fond of Homo sapiens. I'm not
in any degree talking about my own opinions when I'm
talking about Dianetics, or even my own conduct. I have a
better level of honesty than that. And it's very interesting.

I talk about psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis. I'll
let you in on something: there is no knowledge or worker in
the world who did not fight hardest that which most closely
approximated his work.

You find the Christian church had a perfectly good church
sitting around Rome and it was -- oh, it was... talked
about life hereafter and immortality. Gee, it was close to
Christianity. It was the church of the Roman soldier. That
was his religion. And boy, Christianity did not rest until
it had torn... Why, the pagan gods sat there just for ages.
They sat there on their pedestals, and the rites of Rome
were observed and the vestal virgins were still employed
centuries after the Christians had carefully taken this
very Christian-like religion and taken every stone apart
from every other stone and destroyed every book and
destroyed everything so that hardly anybody knew about
this, until a tremendous amount of archaeological research
revealed it. Because the temples had all been knocked to
pieces, the literature was all gone; no mention was ever
made of it.

You talk about hate. There is no hate like that of
brothers. Because you have a similarity, and they have to
fight to establish a difference. And therefore, a person
fights against an identification, instinctively. But you
actually have to do that a little bit to punch up your point.

The fact of the matter is... the actuality is, is in the
world today I seriously doubt that Sigmund Freud has a
defender, except me. I really doubt that. Because the
world's foremost authorities on Freud write stuff that if
people wrote that about me, I'd come down and give them a
swell nip across the ears. They've got his stuff backwards
and upside down and misinterpreted and it's wonderful.

The old guy wasn't bad at all because he drove home a
terrific point: He said something could be done about the
human mind. Boy, that was new! Charcot and Mesmer said
there are other things that you can do to human beings and
there are many phenomena that need to be investigated. And
they did a wonderful job of it and gave us technology, but
they didn't implant this general, wide idea. Until you find
in the last many years, most doctors will break down and
admit there is such a thing as an illness which stems from
the mind. Well, this was unheard of outside of demoniac
possession, something of the sort -- unheard of before
Freud. And boy, did they hate his guts! In his day he
was... barely got through medical school.

Freud had a bad time. And in 1920, the poor old guy wrote a
paper called "Psychoanalysis Terminable and Interminable."
I think that was the name of the paper -- something like
that. He'd found out that it didn't work.

That broke his heart. He turned up his toes. That was the
end of him. He's now a streetcar conductor or motorman or
violinist or someplace now.

But let's take hypnotism. Actually, I have no violence
against hypnotism.

I wouldn't hypnotize anybody for two excellent reasons.
Reason one: it's very aberrative to the operator. Reason
two: it's very hard to dig up out of the subject. But as a
research tool, if I thought I could gain any knowledge by
going into hypnotism again -- dive! Why did I fight
hypnotism so hard in the first book? Why, naturally, we
were doing something too close to what hypnotists did, and
people could actually get it confused. So you had to get in
there and fight to show them there was a difference. And
you had to make an awful uproar to show the people there
was a difference between these two things.

And to this day, I imagine, you take this: There's a fellow
in the United States named uh... Alabama Joe or something
like that -- Alabama Jim. He's the head of the Alphabetic
Foundation. He's a former hypnotist, and he has the most
wonderful time, and we pitched him out of an operation much
earlier and he's never been able to get over it. He can't
practice Dianetics straight, of course, because he's mad at
Dianetics, but he can't help but practice Dianetics.

You take another guy that really did some very interesting
work. He combined some Hindu work with some hypnotism and
he had a great lot of fun. He picked up a clue or two and
developed some things. If he hadn't been working so hard to
defend what he was doing, he would have developed a great
deal more than what he did.

But this fellow used to put out the most vile arguments
about me, just violent. They just -- the vitriol would just
eat through the paper! And that was circulated to a great
many people. Oh, I don't know, there was never anything
definite like "Hubbard eats babies"; that was too definite
and positive. It was just that "We don't agree, and we know
nobody else agrees, with Hubbard's ethical stands." That's
good and vague, isn't it? Of course, he had to battle for
his life.

His first impulse was to get directly in touch with me and
give me this work, and he ran into the secretary of the
first Foundation and the work didn't get through to me. And
he revulsed from this and started practicing on his own.
And then he got the idea, without ever having any
communication line, everybody was dead against him but he
had to fight. So there's no hatred like that amongst brothers.

When you see hatred smoking up like that, remember
something: it's normally brothers. And sometimes you'll get
a vast shock when you interfere between two brothers. If
you ever see a man and a woman fighting on a street, walk
the other way! They might be husband and wife, and he might
be ruining her and she might be on the verge of throwing
him under the lorry wheels and so forth -- leave them
alone! Because if you touch either of them, the chances are
pretty good they'd both turn around and tear your hair and
pull your throat out. It's unaccountable, isn't it?

Man employs force, then, of this character, but he wishes
definitely and desperately to differentiate his force! Now,
I therefore don't dare say too much in favor of something
or recommend something, because a difference will break down.

But what I think myself and what my own philosophy of
existence is and what I talk about as basic science of the
mind happen to be two different things. They're two
completely different things. You would think normally that
these tenets -- a fellow would dream up these tenets, he'd
live by them.

Well, boy, that would certainly be a straitjacket, wouldn't
it? How in the name of common sense could you manage that?
You not only talk about this stuff all the time and write
about it all the time, you'd live it too! Nuh-uh. No
randomity! That would find you in a static utterly.

And therefore, people not knowing what I really think, very
often get kind of nervous. Because look, if you can think
up things as powerful as this, what if you really thought
something else? What if I were really an anarchist and
believed in anarchy? Or what if this or that, and so forth.
This would be nervous, wouldn't it? I mean, it would be no
good at all.

Well, unfortunately for such a theory, basically I'm just a
good engineer.

I mean by that when I say "a good engineer," a good
engineer to me is one who considers a pint as a drink, and
who considers a stay in town should be an interesting stay;
who thinks action is highly desirable and who would rather
see the road built than not built. And that's all. My
philosophy -- it's so backwards because I work on an action
philosophy. All my real desires in existence are in the
direction of action, not thought at all. So we're dealing
with, almost continually, a dichotomy of thought and
action, as far as I'm concerned, in trying to live my own

Well, this becomes very interesting, because what I'm
evidently teaching is confused in people's minds with the
most inactive thing there is: Hindu philosophy. Boy, if you
want no motion! When I was a young boy I used to just think
this was the most wonderful thing in the world: "How can
anybody sit still that long? That's just impossible!" No, I
used to just go around and ache! I mean, I'd know some
fellow who was doing something or... You just haven't any
idea of this, I mean, the stillness with which one of these
characters could sit. And I'd watch him for just a few
minutes and then I'd get more nervous and I'd get more
nervous, and I would go back and go down to the river's
edge or something like that and run up and down in the sand
or pitch stones at the local idol -- anything! Anything but
no motion of that degree.

Your Hindu is just a marvel at no motion. Oh! And he's also
a marvel at no action. And he's also marvelous at this:
There's hardly anything he hasn't dug up about the human
mind and then told you about exactly backwards.

You could almost turn it upside down as a philosophy and
have a complete philosophy. He's never evaluated his data.

Therefore, I have to kind of step sideways and be very
careful not to talk in anything anybody could mistake for
mystic terms, because a guy could sink himself by picking
up mysticism and taking its data and thinking it combined
with the data of Dianetics. It won't combine because it's a
180 degree polarity difference in many of its data and it's
not evaluated.

I call your attention to the fact that we recently dug up
six body entities and the thetan. And last night, last
night I was opening a book on the chakra. There are seven
chakras, and six of them are located in the body and the
seventh is the crown chakra. And they're very beautiful,
they're very pretty, and it's a wonderful philosophy.
Amongst other things it says -- the crown chakra -- it
says, "Man is a mind that owns a body, he is not a body."
It says that right there, right there. And it was said by a
fellow in 1639, I think, by the name of Gichtel. It's been
around as a datum that long! And then, what do you know, it
says, "Of the seven, the last one which is freed is the
crown chakra." Hmmmmrrow! Oh, no! If you tried to free all
of the entities of the body without freeing the thetan, you
would have the thetan so restimulated and with so much
energy in his vicinity -- loose energy that he couldn't
handle -- because at the same time this was supposed to be
done with the Hindu philosophy of neglect and denial,
negation against force -- that the guy would never get out
of his body! It is a perfect blueprint as how not to theta
clear! And yet it says right there, "Man is a mind who owns
a body." That's fascinating.

When I was a kid I used to stand around with my mouth open
on some of these things, just utterly fascinated! How could
they be so right and so wrong at the same time?

Now, this stuff looks particularly good if you know about
energy. Boy, does it look good if you know about energy!
You'll just read about energy into it, and it's just
wonderful. And you say, "Well, they had all -- all the data
is right there." All the data except data about energy! And
everything we're doing now is based on knowledge of energy.
But somebody should have done it! It's impossible that this
datum could have been around for four hundred years in
circulation in European civilizations and known for four
hundred years with people experimenting in mysticism and
the field of the mind and so forth without somebody saying
-- they say "Fifty million monkeys sitting down to fifty
million typewriters would write in fifty million years all
the books there were that have ever been written, just by
accidental combination." Well, damn it! Nobody ever said...
they said, "Send your soul to..." They said, "Astral walk
to..." "See yourself go..." They said this -- nobody ever
said "Step a foot back of your head!" That's impossible! In
four hundred years somebody must have said, "Step a foot
back of your head!" And obviously nobody ever did --
obviously. Because I have been around mystics since time
immemorial, I know mysticism, I'm a good mystic -- formal
and informal mysticism -- and I never ran into it, even
vaguely. And I never ran into anything like Theta Clearing.
And yet, here are all your answers.

Now, this tells you something. This tells you that your
preclear, if he's been involved with mysticism, is on a
180-degree different vector in many quarters and you're
going to have an awful time with him if he's founded firmly
in mysticism and not in anything else and has not...
doesn't have it tied in in any way to anything else or any
other frame of reference. You're going to have trouble,
because the fellow is going on data he thinks he knows and
data he thinks will combine with what you're doing, and it
won't. That's what's fantastic about it.

Here are two vases which contain practically identical
contents that will blow each other up. You can blow
mysticism higher than a kite by pouring Dianetics into it.
You can blow Dianetics higher than a kite by pouring
mysticism into it. And yet the data in it is terrifically
similar. It's fabulous. I never could have done anything,
really, unless I'd known something about mysticism - unless
I'd had a pretty good idea of what mysticism was all about.

But you see, I did something about... when I was about
eighteen. I took everything I knew about mysticism and I
very carefully put it in an hypothetical bag and I lowered
it into a hypothetical river and let it flow down a
hypothetical, nonexistent and never-to-be-recovered time
stream and kissed it goodbye, because I found out
something. I'd found out that although I had native
abilities in clairvoyance, poltergeist, other things, that
when I tried to practice these and improve them, they
folded up on me. So I said, "This line's booby-trapped,
boys." Either on purpose or out of stupidity, it's
boobytrapped. And that's why you don't want anything to do
with it. It's boobytrapped. It's just like walking into a
town just after the enemy left. Don't touch nothing! Leave
it alone.

Poltergeist: Take a match, put it in a bowl of water. If
you concentrate hard enough on that match, do you know what
will happen? That match can actually be pushed to the other
side of the bowl of water without you breathing on it. You
can even protect your nose from it so you won't get any air
on it. You can actually push that match to the other side
of that bowl of water if you work on it -- that's
poltergeist. Wonderful, nothing wrong with it at all
- except that is the wrong way to do it! You, the other
night, were throwing your eyes out of focus, and they were
just going haywire on you, when you were pouring energy out
through the optic nerve. That is not where thetan energy
belongs! It doesn't belong going out through an optic
nerve. And if you pour very much thetan energy out through
an optic nerve, it'll shatter your sight! So, of course it
gets worse, and you get worse and you get worse and you can
-- all of a sudden one day the match won't move. And you
say to somebody, "Well, I know that." All right.

Now, let's take a stupid stunt like throwing out a whole
flock of energy past a lot of ridges. You sit in your head
and throw out a blast of energy out from the center of your
head into the next room and read a book that is in a
library shelf. Used to be able to do this when I was a kid.
Oh, I just shocked people most horribly! Oh, it was
wonderful, it was wonderful to sort of wave your hand in
thin air like that and have things happen that left people
really not quite sure whether or not you were human or not.
Of course, the joke was on them; I was never human! But I
used to look into the next room -- look into the next room
-- and read the cover on a book. And one day I had a
horrible headache right after I tried this, and I couldn't
do it anymore. Why? Well, you look out from the center of
your head you're throwing an energy and perception beam
into the next room and it goes past a ridge and it excites
the ridge and it blows the ridge up. And then you don't
know it's a ridge and it doesn't... you don't handle that
energy, and it goes kaboom! and you go into apathy on the
subject. In other words, just try and practice these things.

Now, take clairvoyance. Instead of actually knowing you can
go up the time track -- you can go up the time track and
look all around. You can build a time track, you can do
anything about time tracks that you want to do. As far as
reading this MEST time track is concerned, if you want to
waste time doing that you can do that, too. Of course,
you've got to build a future on it in order for it to have
a future. But you can do that and make it then live along
to its own future. Sure spoils your randomity when you do
that, though. You say, "I'm going up to the corner," and
then you go up to the corner. You're really building a time
track when you do just that. All right.

Look at that, look at that, though -- clairvoyance. Now,
we'll sit and concentrate in an hypnotic trance, having
looked at a candle fixedly for a number of hours, and then
we'll be able to read the time track. Well, nuts! You don't
want yourself in a dazed condition to go wandering around
as a thetan.

No! Boy, can you get into trouble! Now, very often a guy
will do astral walking and accidentally get out of the body
himself and not know quite what he's doing and he'll get
some sort of a start, and he'll go into the body and after
that he can't even astral walk! Gee! You talk about a
booby-trapped town! Mysticism is full of booby traps, and
you're going to have to solve them just as though a person
had once been a Theta Clear and then done everything wrong.
He had ridges blow up and everything. Don't think that
special conditions are entered by his having practiced in
this field. But you just figure out everything that could
have been done wrong in Theta Clearing and then test them
to see if that's there.

Let's take a blowing ridge; let's get a blown ridge. All
right. Say to the fellow, "Did you ever have a shooting
pain in your head, and so on, while you were worrying or
thinking about this or that with regard to mysticism?" He
may say yes. You're working with a case that has a blown
ridge and it's been blown on that subject ever since. "Do
you have... Did you ever used to concentrate or go through
any such exercises?" If he did, you've got a no-motion,
no-force area, because mysticism taught him to do this: It
taught him to deny force.

And here's the point which all this long-winded
dissertation leads up to, is it's a philosophy of existence
which was evidently entered upon a long time ago with the
right dope. And then somebody booby-trapped the line
thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago in
India. Somebody booby-trapped it. Nobody is going to get
out! Not that line. Because look-a-here. Get this. Get this
wonderful, wonderful device: You deny MEST and deny force.
And if you deny MEST and deny force very long, it'll swamp
you! And if it swamps you, you won't be able to get out of
your head! A hundred and eighty degrees wrong! You've got
to deny ownership of anything; you can't have anything; you
don't do anything, you -- nothing. And you just negate
against force, negate against force. You don't kill bugs!
You don't do this! You don't do that! No! No! No! No! And
the second you do that, you cut out of dynamics one to
eight any force. The second you start to practice it, your
perceptions will turn off.

Boom! Your ability to locate yourself in time and space
will turn off. Boom! You deny, deny, deny; that's half the
flow, you see? Deny, deny, deny, and so you've got a
one-way stuck flow after a while. You've got to have it
both ways because full responsibility is necessary to full
Theta Clearing and full responsibility would require,
theoretically, a full use of force. And so if you
booby-trapped it the other way, it wouldn't work.

Now, let's just take "have." "Have." "Have" is how you
make time.

A workable philosophy is create, create, create, create,
create, create and then create. And either with time, by
just throwing it in time streams, or in other fashion,
destroy, if it gets in your road, destroying it by time or
destroy it by giving it away to anybody that's foolish
enough to have it.

Because if you run the cycle create -- have, you now have
time. You now have an inexorable time if you create and
then have. So, you see what's wrong with "have"? "Have"
creates time. So if you have and have and have and acquire
and acquire and acquire and acquire, time burden becomes
more and more and more onerous. And your ability will get
less and less and less and less.

Possession is the way you pin people down. If you give them
enough possessions, you fixed them. You really fixed them.
The way to ruin somebody would be to give him a million
dollars! That would just ruin him. Right now there's a
government on the face of the Earth which is making a
principle of giving everybody money. And I'll be a son of a
gun if people don't take it. It's a sure way to ruin. To
have, to have, to have, to have, to have; a dependency, a
dependency, a dependency -- it's ruinous. Because the only
way to have is to create and then not have. Just create and
not have, create and not have, create and not have will put
you in full command of time and make you cause without ever
getting an effect. And the magician wanted this answer --
oh, my God, how he wanted that answer! And there it is for
you. If you create, create, create, create, create, you
never violate the second law of magic, "Do not be hoist by
your own petard." "Do not be an effect to your own cause."
And the only way you can be an effect to your own cause is
to keep moving up the time stream and acting after you've
postulated. So you want it... If you can get it on the
level of create, create, create, create, create, create,
then you'll never have "have." You haven't got time! So,
how do you avoid this? Never borrow any money from a bank
-- make it. Never accept a gift -- make it. Dealing in the
MEST universe you can shilly shally around and monkey around
a little bit if you want to, shift possessions around --
don't take them very seriously.

Now, actually, the kindest favor you can do for a preclear
is to take a good, big fee from him. You've made it that
much more possible for him to be free. Because he wasn't
able to be free because he has, you see?

Now, that's the philosophy and that's what "have" is, and
there's why have -- have not, have -- have not, have --
have not, in brackets as a dichotomy -why "have" and "have
not" are so terrifically workable on somatics and on
everything else, because it takes the time out of them.

Now, continuing on this responsibility, if you have then
achieved with your preclear full command over force, you
have only then achieved full responsibility. So what is
full responsibility? It would be full command over force,
not full employment of force; that's something else. Full
employment of force would be an abandonment of every ethic,
because an ethic is essentially a proper estimation of
force. You could say a culture, a society, depends for its
rationality -- and so does every individual -- on a proper
estimation of force.

Therefore, behind force you have, much more powerfully,
that which estimates force, and that is reason in the nest
universe. And when you're doing things with illusions,
you're actually doing things with time, space and energy --
force. When you're doing things to delusions, you are doing
things with time, space and energy. When you're dealing
with the MEST universe, you are dealing with a peculiar
case of time, space and energy.

Now, a person should be able to do a great deal of thinking
about this, but we have action as primary. The reason why
action is primary is because thinking can be down Tone
Scale from action. Rehabilitate action then. Don't walk off
from action just because you say Homo sapiens cannot use

Force is no good! Force never solved anything for Homo sapiens.

It solves things for a thetan though. A thetan is
indestructible. He's in perfect condition to handle force.
Actually, a thetan who is in very good shape could flick
his time and space so fast that no force could hit him. I
don't care how fast the force was. No matter how fast that
energy traveled -- it, couldn't hit him. But if he puts a
bulletin board up all the time and he says, "Here I am, hit
me!" -- i.e., a MEST body -- of course everything that
walks will hit him.

Now, having put up the bulletin board, he now has to invent
ways and means of protecting the bulletin board. He never
had to protect anything up to that point, so somebody must
have convinced him he was in need of protection from force.

Now, location in time and space requires communication with
the time and space. Am I right?

All right. Let's get clearing now by communication. Have
the thetan...

This would be way down the list, by the way, this would
probably be III or IV or V, and would be most useful
probably in the band of V. Have the thetan perceive via
MEST-body channels whatever he is able to perceive via
MEST-body channels, and then coax him, while still inside
the head, to perceive on direct thetan channels, all within
the body.

Now, his most acute perception area, of course, is the
interior, immediate exterior of the body. So let's have him
perceive, let's have him take communication within the body
itself with a MEST method and then duplicate it with a
theta method until it is just as sharp with the theta
method as it was with the MEST method.

All right. Let's get an example. Let's take the tongue --
have the preclear take the tongue and run it around his
teeth. And now let's have him -- he gets a feeling, see?
Ooo, terrific feeling. Let's just take the
running-into-the-object feeling, much less the dampness and
the taste and the other things, but just that. You say,
"All right. Now produce that sensation thetawise directly
inside the body." And if you worked with him,
theoretically, he would be able to do so. And all of a
sudden he would be able to get an emanation, pick up an
emanation off the teeth, or get an emanation to the teeth
and back again, or pervade the teeth in such a way as to do
that. And he'll find this out almost immediately: that the
reason MEST perception is so easy is because it limits time
and space by hitting matter against matter. Sight is the
only peculiar one. The rest of them are awfully easy. He'll
find out that the reason he perceives what he's perceiving
with his tongue against his teeth is an object hitting an
object, and he'll find that when he tries to perceive it
thetawise that he isn't hitting the object "teeth" with an
object "a thetan." So it'll be an entirely different
perception, and he'll find out that a thetan perceives
differently and that the perceptions are a little different.

They aren't all bogged down with a MEST perception and
therefore aren't quite as certain to him in his state of

Now, theoretically, you could simply go ahead down the
whole category of communications and work out perception
within and immediately outside the body. And then you could
practice on getting him to produce action with the body
directly, such as get outside and move the body's hand from
outside with some tractor beams and so forth. Because he's
able to move this body, everybody agrees that one can move
one's own body. So he's in a good agreement there, and he's
not violating any laws or property of any kind. It's his
property, he figures, and so of course he's able to do
that. He doesn't come up against a bunch of postulates and
a bunch of agreements saying, "If you stay out of my body,
I'll stay out of your body," and a bunch of stuff like
that. Or "Everybody knows we can't move matches unless we
pick them up." So therefore, communication -- perceptions,
in other words -- within the body itself, as a practice,
should spring somebody.

Because what do you find wrong with a V? You find their
level of reality is bad and you find their ability to
perceive is horrible. And right away you ask them to locate
themselves outside of a body they don't even know they're
in and perceive directly all this MEST universe which
everybody knows is in a continual state of explosion, and
they're not going to have anything to do with either one,
unless you run an awful lot of "reasons why." Now, the two
reasons... you might work with this therapy: You would run
responsibility, you would run continual responsibility.
That is to say, delegation of responsibility to them; them
delegating responsibility; force, force, force, force,
force, force. Until you handle enough force so that they at
length will all of a sudden realize that they're handing
force to the body all the time and the body is using it
back on them again. And they'll say, "Oh, no! No." Well,
they should run into this, by the way, directly, if they
just start perceiving inside the body. They'll find out
this body is just sawdust. I mean, it has no... it's

The GE can do nothing with the body. The GE has been in
such horrible state so darn long that when it comes to
moting around and actually doing things with this body, he
could maybe make it hang by one hand and scratch itself,
but that was about where his command of a body ceased on
the line, if that theory is correct.

All right. Clearing by communication would then indicate
that you would take all the various perceptions -- not just
look -- but you would do what he could do with the
perception within the body and then make him do it
thetawise. Now, there are probably a lot of combinations
could be worked out of that -- a lot of combinations.

Let's make him feel the back of his own hand, feel the back
of his own hand with his fingers, and then he'll find out
right away that he can tell the back of his own hand, but
there was weight involved in the other. There's weight
involved in this, and that factor is missing in theta
perception. He'll find out the first thing about it and
he'll be able to feel the back of his hand.

He actually could feel the back of his hand from inside his
body. He could get a perception of it -- direct perception.

Make him feel moisture. And then make him listen to the
inside of the body. And boy, is it noisy! It's awfully
noisy. He'll say, "My God, what am I doing in this boiler
factory? It's no wonder my sonic is off. The devil himself
wouldn't listen to this very long," and so on. You could go
down the line, and therefore you would have somebody.

Now, what you're curing is his avoidance of energy. What
you're curing is his refusal to take responsibility for
areas in space or time, or dynamics.

You're curing this by making him communicate with them.
That's why Technique 80 worked.

All right. Now, we have, then, a technique, don't we? We
also have - when we talk about responsibility -- we also
have the fact if full, full responsibility would be full
command of force, it would immediately follow that there
would be no randomity. And so, one produces randomity by
dropping areas for which he will take responsibility.

In order to get action he has to select out of space and
time things for which he will refuse, deliberately,
responsibility. And you'll find back on the track that your
preclear has done this, just that. Without any reason
whatsoever he has said, "Every vinegar works in England is
my direct enemy." No reason behind this. You see, that's
the beauty of sanity; you don't have to have reason. That,
by the way, is why people have to grope so hard to find
sanity. Because of all the saneness, there is no saneness...

You see, there's a shadow of this in complete
identification. Somebody starts disassociating. Well, you
go way up Tone Scale, the fellow can differentiate. He
knows why he is doing what he's doing and then can do it
with great differences. So with no reason at all, he
doesn't have any action; he appreciates what's wrong with
him. Not "I'm bored." No, he realizes that what he's
lacking is action. He doesn't say "I'm bored." That would
be a misunderstood thing to him. So he'd be quite precise
about it: "I'm lacking action. Let's look around the scene
here and see if there is any area that I could refuse
responsibility for and thereby get action." He doesn't even
have to say that to himself very long because that's such
an easy principle. And he says suddenly, "Well, let's see,
I don't want to harm anybody particularly or get into any
big fuss; I'll just choose out all the vinegar workses in
England as my enemies -- their area of randomity. Now, what
do you have to do about this in order to fight these
vinegar works?" Don Quixote tilting with windmills is a
wonderful example of this - wonderful. He couldn't find any
fair ladies to rescue from great giants so he made some. He
was going to be the noble knight and fight giants. But
unfortunately there were no giants, so he made some.
Probably the sanest character that ever moted was Don
Quixote, by these standards.

And what do you know? People, ever since Cervantes wrote
that, have been reading it with great attention. Nearly
everybody knows about this character. I wonder why?

He isn't required reading in any of the psychology or
psychiatry courses in any university in the world.
Dostoevski is. They make everybody read Crime and
Punishment. Dostoevski knew so much more about psychiatry
than psychiatry that it's wonderful. Crime and Punishment
is required reading in every medical school that I ever
heard of. And a lot of them I haven't heard of, but every
one that I have heard of, why, yeah, oh yeah, they know
Crime and Punishment.

They had to study it. But nobody ever asked them to read
Don Quixote.

In fact, I doubt any university professor ever laid down
Don Quixote incomplete. They probably read some kind of a
version of it or something in high school or somewhere, but
I don't think anybody reads that book all the way through.

You see, I had the book once, the Dore illustrated edition,
and I had it complete. And up to the moment that book was
placed in my hands, I had no idea that amongst all the
tomes that "tome," that one is the "tomiest." It's thick.
It's real thick with real small print. Don Quixote goes on
and on and on. And you know, people have read that book all
the way through -- even that. They don't read the
Congressional Record; they don't read the Commons
Proceedings from end to end. I think a proofreader does.

Well, now, that's really sanity. Now, some dumb fool would
think you had to stand around and wait until a giant walked
up and hit you over the head for you to declare war on
giants! Well, that's silly. That's very silly. All you have
to do is say "A windmill is a giant." Now, let's see.
That's identification and will immediately produce
randomity. Any time you get an identification you've got
randomity, right now. But randomity of the psychotic,
however, is not even vaguely under his control.

So you take identification and you get randomity. The first
identification that a thetan makes is "theta is motion." He
makes that and thereafter he has action -- lots of it. But
that's his first identification.

If you want to undo your preclear completely and start him
in at scratch again, simply undo that one, and of course
he'll just go poof! Lord knows where he'll be, but he'll be
thinking over the whole thing. He probably could think of
it for years. Unfortunately, maybe if he didn't know this
principle - "Let's see, I have to identify myself as motion"
-- bing! He could also say "I'll have to identify myself as
sauerkraut." In this society he identifies himself, without
his own knowledge or consent, as a MEST body! Now, that's
insanity! When you do identification without knowing you've
done identification you get an automatic state of
happening. Well, you see how it's done. So any moment that
you want randomity, you just say, "I will refuse to take
control of the force in that area." Now, this should tell
you something else. This should tell you that you should be
able to go through a business left and right -- through any
industry, any business, any government -- and find where
the forces are separated and be able to tell immediately
where the turbulence is. You should be able to take a
direct look at a government and say immediately, "Ho-ho,
there's going to be a turbulent spot." And it will always
be accompanied by this: a broken communication line. Pardon
me, I say "a broken line"; I should say a jammed line, a
glutted line, a cut line.

There are five ways to cut communications: You put too much
on the line and that'll jam the line. Or you just simply
cut the line and no communications flows on it. Or you
simply put entheta on the line, and if you put enough
entheta on the line it will eventually cut itself. And, so
you get...

> There's two other methods on the thing ... (pause)

Yeah. You make the line not carry the
information it's supposed to carry -- it's actually a
gradient scale -- and you've got yourself a cut line.

Well, you'll find something wrong with the communication
line in any area where a person will not handle force. This
tells you immediately that the first thing you'd find wrong
with a thetan would be communications.

That's what you'd perceive to be wrong with him. But what's
actually wrong with him is he won't handle force, and so he
will automatically cut communications with any area that he
is either (1) choosing for his own randomity or (2) that
has been painful in the past.

Two ways to rehabilitate that. They're very simple ways.
One is, by education and a gradient scale of connection,
reconnect the line; and the other is to run out the
incident or postulate either by flows or Rising Scale,
which created his idea about this thing. And there's a way
to bypass the whole problem, and that's have him do
mock-ups of it until he's gotten an idea that it's not so
dangerous and wants to touch the real thing.

Now, there's something else here, is under no circumstances
-- under no, no, no circumstances -- should you start
stressing reality with a thetan. This is the most
unimportant phase of his ability -- to contact reality!
That is something like saying, "The reason why little
Johnny is sick is because he's in bed."

> You don't want to have anything to do with this.

His ability to perceive the MEST universe -- it is one of his
least abilities. There's no causation there for a bad state of
affairs. What's wrong with him is he has to perceive the
ms' universe because he can't make one! I mean, if you had
him perceiving the MEST universe gorgeously, beautifully
and he couldn't make his own universe, boy, would he be in
bad shape. But the funny part of it is, is that condition
won't exist. Unless he can make his own universe, he can't
perceive the MEST universe very well. He's just on a
no-universe basis, because you're on the scale of beingness
and willingness to handle energy, space and time. It's much
more important for a thetan to be able to make up his own
time track than it is for him to take somebody else's time

If you ever get anybody and you find out what's wrong with
this person is kleptomania, he's so bad off that he can't
even manufacture the faintest little erg of energy. He has
to get anything he's got; he knows he can't make anything.
He's in horrible shape; he has to steal everything. And
that's kleptomania.

If you want to know what's wrong with a capitalista, he
doesn't dare let go of anything! He can't make anything. He
knows that he's the most useless being in the society; he
knows that. And he has to own and hold things, because he
has no other value.

You object to a monied strata... you object to a monied
strata of people being so unmannerly. For instance,
supposing you had... you've got the Russian aristocracy:
They rode around being pulled by the muzhiks or something
of the sort there at one time. They were having a wonderful
time. Big arguments like... Your southern planter in the
United States was to some degree a capitalist. They used to
have arguments in the United States: "Does a Negro have a
soul?" And people would get very heated about this. They'd
beat each other up over this one. It was one of the hottest
areas of randomity there was as a discussion: "Does a Negro
have a soul or doesn't he have a soul?" I'd be a son of a
gun if the other day with somebody here I was discussing
this point, and we were actually discussing this point all
over again, but from a different angle. "Is a Negro's time
track the same as a white man's time track? There are three
main races, do they have identical time tracks?" Well,
that's hardly the same argument.

But the Russian nobleman used to sit around and wonder
vaguely once in a while -- between worrying about breeding
horses and doing other important things -- whether or not
there was any human characteristic to be found in a
peasant. And when you sold a piece of land, you might throw
in a couple of extra people. The land was important and the
man went with the land.

And sometimes they'd even neglect to say how many people
went with this land. It was unimportant; you could always
get people.

Now, such people had paid absolutely no attention to an
area and they'd said it has no power when it had enormous
power. And one day it blew them up -- kaboom! Now, such
people, by the way, adorn themselves quite ordinarily
rather than have any of their own aesthetic
characteristics, and that's what makes them disgusting. And
that's all that your communist is really ever able to find
out... to find really wrong with a capitalistic strata. The
one thing that'll unsell it is the fellow will always buy
the adornment rather than be an adornment. What a big

Instead of being able to converse or walk nicely, it's a
Cadillac car and a mink coat, see? I mean, there's
substitution. But what do you find? Every time you find big
collections of MEST you find that someone is unwilling to
put out "to be." And we'll get into this a little more
deeply in just a moment -- "to have" and "to be." But
there's the way your upper strata of a society, if it is
doing a big holding operation, wrecks itself. It "has"
instead of "is." And there is the way your preclear is
wrecking himself. He owns a body instead of being a thetan
on the delusion that the body is going to give him force.
And he has a bypass circuit operating so that he gives the
body all the force it has.

Now, denying his own force and denying his own desire for
force will be your two major computations to run in solving
responsibility. You'll find that your preclear quite
ordinarily has used force and then said he didn't, and then
used force and said he didn't, and used force and said he
didn't as a continual pattern of living.

The way he does this, he says, "I didn't mean that." The
hell he didn't.

See? He says, "I didn't say that." Or he says, "I didn't
act in that way," or something of the sort. He's denying
force, denying force, denying force. You get him doing this
very long and he hasn't got any force. And you start to
tell him move out of his body, and he says, "I am a body!
Naturally. Everybody knows that! I'm a body." All right.
When it comes, then, to randomity, the easiest way to pick
up and select out and what we consider to be the wisest way
to take randomity, is with an ethic. You create an ethic.
Very few people realize, however, that when you create an
ethic you create randomity.

But in order to create a real good ethic you've got to
create the ethic down from the level of full command over
force, not up to it. Never try to hang up an ethic and then
have people below the level of the ethic try to reach the
ethic. They'll try a little bit and it'll do some good, but
they'll never reach that ethic, or even vaguely.

Now, there's various ethical codes. An ethic, really, is
different than a code. People can be beaten into being
moral but they can never be beaten into being ethical
because an ethic requires a very good estimation of force.
You have to be able to judge to be ethical. And one of the
first things they tell a people that they only want to be
moral -- the first thing a ruler will tell a people that he
only wants to be moral is to tell them that they mustn't
judge anything. And then he lays in a code of morals with a
club, you see, and then expects them to live up to it and
punishes them if they don't.

Now, an ethic is something else. You look in the dictionary
you'll find out it says "ethic" and then you look through
the dictionary, it says "morals." And you look up "moral"
and it says "ethical." Fortunately there are a terrific
past to these words, enormous derivations. And "ethic" is
one of the major concerns of philosophy. It is even a
subdivision that they set up alongside of as a companion
part of knowledge. That is to say, they set up epistemology
here and they set up ethics over here. It's fascinating,
but they try to make ethic as important as knowledge
itself, whereas we find out that ethic and knowledge are
very closely fitted together -- many other things. Well,
I'm going to read you an ethic. You probably have seen this.

Self-determinism's basic intent as it goes up the Tone
Scale could be said to be in the direction of a code. The
unaberrated individual follows this code more or less
instinctively. Every time it has been violated it has been
an aberration. And this tells you at once... gives you some
kind of a measure of your aberration of a preclear, and at
the same time provides an ethic code which could actually
be lived up to. I'll read this very rapidly:

1. Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble.

2. Never withdraw allegiance once granted.

3. Never desert a group to which you owe support.

4. Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength or power.

5. Never need praise or approval; never need sympathy.

6. Never compromise with your own reality.

7. Never permit your affinity to be tampered with or alloyed.

8. Do not give or receive communication unless you desire it.

9. Your self-determinism and your honor are more important
than your immediate life.

10. Your integrity to yourself is more important than your body.

11. Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today and
tomorrow is made for you.

12. Don't desire to be liked or admired.

13. Don't be afraid to hurt someone else in a just cause.

14. Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel, accept your
own opinions.

15. Be true to your own goals. The only way you can lose is
to be dissuaded from carrying out your own goals.

And that would be, actually, an ethic because it works out
in the field of reason, rather than a code. But it, by the
way, is a complete process in itself.

I'm going to have some of these things mimeographed and
handed around, because you can run these as dichotomies and
unbury more stuff in a preclear, because that is basically
sane conduct.

Shows you how far, though, a society normally is from that
conduct. Society is way away from that conduct. It would be
utterly impossible to be right and be a Homo sapiens. This
is a complete impossibility. How wrong can you get? Man.

> Because man can't [recording ends abruptly at this point]

(end of lecture)

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Secrets of the Mest Universe lecture 3.

"Methods of Research - Be, Have, and Do Part I"

LS-4A, OT Cassettes lecture #15



A lecture given on 14 November 1952

I want to talk to you about time, space and energy in terms
of experience. The name of this talk could also be "Be,
Have and Do." An interrelationship now exists between
theta, its goals, self-determinism, space, time, energy and
experience, behavior and activity, which make this subject
much too easy. And I want to ask you to keep it quiet --
the fact that it's gotten awfully easy. Don't go out and
tell what I'm going to tell you tonight to Homo sapiens as
he walks around, because it all becomes too plain to him.
Don't, by any means, tell a physicist about this because
he's got to be an expert to go on earning his living.

And don't make the horrible mistake, when you're processing
a preclear, to do it in the first three minutes, or he'll
feel that he didn't need processing.

That's why we're running in now, at this time with these
new techniques, an assessment -- a good, thorough
assessment before every session. That's so the session will
take up some time, you see? (audience laughter)

And on first glance, I want you to regard this material
with great awe.

Actually, you probably should; I've been digging at it now
for I don't know how long. But I want you to regard it with
great awe, and take it so seriously and regard it with such
awe and consider its importance so great that you'll never
be able to use it. I mean, if you can just get serious
enough about this material now, we can guarantee what I
first said there will take place: that it will remain so
difficult, and so forth, that you too can be an authority.

And so there's two ways to go about this, now. If you will
at least become very, very serious and concentrate very,
very hard on this and know that this must be difficult --
because we are actually, throughout, dealing with factors
which only recently were solved in a lower strata in
physics -- and if you regard this with sufficient
importance and awe then you'll never be able to use it and
I won't have any competition on the thing. (audience laughter)

I'm the only person that I know today -- it's very
unfortunate -- who never seems to have any failure
with these techniques. I just never seem to have that
happen. Of course, that has mostly to do with luck.
Luck. It isn't because I observe the preclear or it
isn't that I use the technique exactly as it is written
down. Those two points wouldn't have anything to do with
it. Think it's probably pure luck or maybe it's reputation
or something like that. That probably has much to do with it.

So again, it leaves me... I say that because the first
class hasn't got any of its certificates yet. And the
reason it hasn't got any of its certificates yet is because
it's got an unsolved case in its midst. And I'm going to
get awful bored with this and I'm going to take just
exactly the principles which were taught the first class
and solve this case some afternoon when we've got two or
three minutes.

I mean, it's just as ridiculous as that to have an unsolved
case. It's just that ridiculous. It's just also ridiculous,
anybody being in this subject very long, to keep on wearing
glasses. You shouldn't wear glasses; there's no point in
wearing glasses. Do you realize that glasses actually
absorb a considerable percentage of the photons entering?
They're hard... they're hard to see through! And I don't
know, you want to put up barriers for yourself or
something, that's all right.

But now, sidestepping all this persiflage, let's get down
to something terribly serious, which is the anatomy of
universes. This is what's known as a small subject -- the
anatomy of universes.

Universes are composed of space, time and energy. And these
factors, combining, make objects and matter, in general.
Now, that is the anatomy of a universe. And that's all you
have to know about a universe, and that's obviously all we
need to know about a universe, because that's all that
modern physics knows about one.

Now, I'll go over that again. This is the actual scope
today, stated in a round sentence. The anatomy of a
universe is as follows: It's space, time and energy, which
combining, forms matter. So you have matter, energy, space
and time as the component parts of the universe.

Now, I'll explain this in the way one of my college
professors would have explained it, back there about twenty
year ago, man and boy. I had some very, very good
professors, by the way. They have no peers, no peers
whatsoever. Ninety-five percent of them were
incomprehensible and the other five percent wouldn't

My professor of mathematics was supposed to have been the
only man in the United States who could understand the
Einstein theory. He sat there proudly understanding the
Einstein theory. He sat there for years doing that.

But don't ever go in to him and say, "Say, I'm sorry this
happened. I'm awfully sorry this happened, but in
analytics, there are five unnecessary steps in solving
slope formulas." Don't say anything like that. No, you have
just reached up upon the altar and torn down all the sacred
vessels and bitten holes in them and dented them and thrown
them out into the barnyard.

He would say at that moment, "I think it is best for you to
use those five steps. They are there for a purpose." I
didn't understand him at first, until I at last realized
that they were there for a purpose: to confuse people.
That's true, that's true. There is no subject under the sun
which cannot be refined, no subject under the sun which
cannot be simplified, and there's no subject under the sun
which can't be made more complex.

Now, just because the last is true is no reason to go on doing it.

But that also applies to Scientology. Now, people watch
Scientology and see it simplifying. That's wrong: it ought
to be becoming more complex, but it's not doing that. It's
simplifying, it's simplifying. And today -- today -- it is
possible to say that the anatomy of the universe or the
anatomy of any universe is composed of these four simple

Now, as one of my professors would have said, "Matter?
Matter, that's... that's energy; that's energy in space and
time, energy which has combined in atoms and molecules in
space and time." "I see. Well now, what's energy?"
"Energy... energy, that is motion; that's change in space.
That's... that's motion, and change in space requires time. And
when this change in space occurs, the manifestation of its
occurrence is energy." You say, "Thank you. Now, what's
space?" "Space... space is that area occupied by the energy
which is changing in time." You say, "Well, I... Thank you.
Thank you very much. But, what's time?" "Time is that
manifestation of change in space which can produce energy."
You say, "Excuse me. I didn't quite know where we came in
on this rat race. But it seems to me that we keep saying A,
B, C, D; A, B, C, D. It just seems to be a circle." Now,
somewhere somebody's got to find a hole where he can get
into this exclusive circle which defies all breakdown. Of
course, the second you start to say breaking down anything
like a universe, everybody gasps in horror.

Everybody knows there's such a thing as conservation of energy.

Einstein's last paper -- you ought to get that sometime; be
some light reading. It's something like twenty-six pages
solid -- twenty pages, something like that -- of solid
figures. By the way, have you seen that? That's a gorgeous
thing. One of my friends got ahold of it, and somebody had
mimeographed it at Princeton, or something of the sort.
It's not been published widely. And it goes page after
page, and you've got these, ooh, just symbols and cube
roots of square roots all divided by zero time, and their
times constants. And then all of a sudden there'll be a big
S and then there'll be a small s and that has to do with
space, but that is space within space. And then you'll see
something over here that's the strangest letter out of any
alphabet you ever saw, and that's the fourth dimension. It
keeps sticking its head in. And when he gets all the way
down to the bottom of the thing, he says triumphantly,
"Conservation of energy!" He said, "Now, we have identified
time, space and energy in terms of conservation of energy."

Now, that might not be exactly a rendition of Einstein's
paper; that's not a direct quote. But when it comes to the
actual last line, that's pretty close. It's sort of as if
he said, "Now, look you. We got this all buttoned up, and
we don't want any tampering from here on out because we
have absolutely proven, at this level, an interrelationship
which is so interlocked and so close between space, energy,
time and matter that nobody will ever break through the
cordon." Well, fortunately, I -- or unfortunately -- I put
my foot in the wrong place not too long ago and broke
through. And all of a sudden, time, space and energy became
related to self-determinism. We suddenly found out that the
goal of theta... And this works, by the way. It's a test of
any theory, is does it work? It's all right to get a
theory. I can get lots of theories. But the point is, let's
get one that functions.

Well, 1951, there was this theta -- MEST theory, and this
theta -- MEST theory just seems to function. And there
wasn't any reason for it, it just seems to function.

Now, the theta -- MEST theory is refined to this degree: we
have, on one echelon, something of no time, no motion, no
space, nothing. The nothingest nothing that ever anybody
conceived. Nobody ever conceived a nothing as nothing as
theta. But isn't it interesting that that nothing-nothing
thing has a potentiality and a capability?

The closed circuit, of course, has been in existence now
for quite some time.

That is evaluation of space, time, energy and matter all by
itself. And you can expect things to get into that state of
affairs. They sort of evaluate everything... A person
starts to describe cats and he starts to describe cats in
terms of cats, in terms of cats, in terms of cats, and you
keep -- and if he were saying all this time "Whumps in
terms of whumps, in terms of whumps. And it's bigger than a
whump, you see. I mean, but it's just a little bit longer
than a whump." And you keep saying... you keep saying,
"What's a whump?" And he'd say, "Why, a whump, that's very
simple. A whump is... well, a not-quite-so-much whump." And
you'd find him quite bogged down logically.

Now, you can do that same trick by saying, "A whump and a
wag and a stug and a moog." And you say, "What is a whump?"
"Well, it's a stag and a moog, as modified by a wag." And
you could just go around in circles, and they might as well
be those words. Really, they might as well be those words,
because they don't interconnect otherwise. They're just
four symbols, and each symbol is evaluated by the other

Well, I got stuck one night on something or other,
something came up, and this theta -- MEST theory came up --
statics and kinetics. Theta is a static.

Well, what is a static? We have the theory in the physical
sciences that energy and physics and all those things are
statics and kinetics. They're sciences of static and
kinetic stuff. Well, all right. We take... let's take
something that they say is static -- and they know it isn't
static, by the way.

Nobody fools that. You put this down -- this eraser. You
say, "It's a static, doesn't move. There it is." Oh, boy,
is that thing going like mad! That has eight separate
motions just being connected to Earth. You know that thing
is traveling at a thousand miles an hour? It's fantastic,
the number of speeds and motions. In another direction,
it's going twelve and a half miles a second. That doesn't
sound like it's very static to me. It's changing location
in space and time with rapidity.

But even more than that, it's only held there by an
equilibrium of forces. In other words, it requires forces
to hold this thing in an equilibrium of force.

Now, let's look at its real, actual anatomy. And we find
out that it is composed of material which is composed of
atoms and molecules. A Swiss cheese is very, very solid
compared to a piece of matter. You start looking at a piece
of matter and you start swishing it around in cyclotrons or
something of the sort, and you take a few electrons and
push it around and then you shoot them this way and that.
And you've got this steel bar. They don't hit anything.
They just went right on through, that time. And then the
next time they hit something and so on. It's almost as if
you were firing a .22 bullet through the solar system, and
then say, "Well, the solar system is solid. I hit Earth,
didn't I?" Well, that wouldn't quite hold true.

Now, quite in addition to that, you see the planets in
motion, you see the sun in motion, and all of that.
Similarly -- according to theory, which nobody has proven
-- atoms and molecules in this. It's just a good theory. It
doesn't necessarily hold all the way across the boards. In
the science of chemistry and the science of physics, they
have entirely different structure patterns which don't
compare to each other today on account of nuclear physics
-- what works as an atom for a chemist does not work as an
atom for a physicist, and vice versa, but they're evidently
both working with matter. They have different pictures of
the same object. And they're quite different. But they work
for them, so that shows that we're working with a theory.

Now, that atom, which... You see that atom right on the end there?

That little one? All right. Now, that atom is doing a
migration of some sort into this or it may be doing a
migration off. And if two or three years from now we came
along, probably the atom that's there has been worked clear
over to there. In other words, this thing is not a static
at all. Even as it sits at a state of rest, we find that it
is full of motion.

Let's take something else. You ever hear of a cosmic ray?
Cosmic ray goes through almost anything. You have something
like -- I don't know what the figure is -- something like
twelve cosmic rays are bursting inside you every hour or
every minute or every second or... There's something very
explosive going on. And each one of them releases a
megavolt. And first time I read this I said, "Gee, you
couldn't possibly be here if this were taking place."
That's what they assign mutation to. It's evident,though.
You can watch an area with a photographic plate; that is to
say, just expose a photographic plate that'll only record
cosmic rays, and you get these explosions in a certain area.

And jokingly enough, if you're running the genetic-line
track, there is an engram back there called the Cosmic Ray.
And if you start running this on a preclear, you have a
picnic. You don't tell him what this thing is; it's just
simply an explosion, that's all. He was so tiny on the
genetic line at the time this thing took place, that a
cosmic ray explosion looked like the whole firmament
blowing up to him. And its explosion is on the genetic
line. It's very amusing. I just throw that in sideways. You
find that on E-Meters. If sometime you haven't got anything
better to do with a preclear and he's almost gone anyway or
something, run the Cosmic Ray, just for amusement.

The point here is that a true static, a true static would
not have any of these properties. It couldn't have any of
these properties. It might have qualities or capabilities
or potentialities, but to have potentialities... It is
evident, because this theory has worked out so beautifully
and it's working out and taking in so much territory in
seven-league boots, and preclears are recovering at such
remarkable speed by the use of this theory, that it must
have some validity. And if it has some validity, we have
this on our hands, we have this fact: It does not require
time, space, energy, matter, wavelength, substance, in
order to have potential.

Theta can do something. Theta has a potential. It can
locate energy and matter in space and time. It has a
potential. And yet it doesn't have a beingness. It has a
potential beingness. It doesn't have anything, though, in
terms of matter and energy, space and time.

So right there, as I was telling you the other night,
there's our Q level.

Now, that's way up there, and that's inexplicable at the
moment, for one reason only: A datum must be evaluated by a
datum of comparable magnitude.

The God, the Devil. We understand God because of the Devil;
we understand this, we understand that. These are double
data. The basic unit of the universe is two, not one. And
we suddenly announce, "Theta has as its potentiality the
location of matter and energy in space and time, and can,
as well, create space and time." Well, once we say that,
and the same time we say it has no wavelength, it -- boy,
we're really describing a beast here. This thing couldn't
possibly have any position in the real universe. And sure
enough, it doesn't.

But, we play this static... That is a true static, you see?
And we play this true static against a kinetic -- space,
time, energy and matter -- and what do we get? Life, life
forms and energy and matter itself. That should become very
interesting right about that point. The potentialities of
this thing actually create energy and matter.

Now, it doesn't say that it can destroy out of existence
time, space, energy and matter, but it can create into
existence, evidently, time, space, energy and matter. It
can do that. Well, if it can do that, it doesn't
necessarily have to destroy them out of existence. And
you'd get your explanation of the MEST universe being an
expanding universe and the law of conservation of energy
being true.

The law of conservation of energy does not say that energy
cannot be created.

It just says that created energy doesn't dissipate, it
translates. It becomes something else. All right.

Now, here we have this no-motion thing playing against
that. Well, does that have just to do with life? Oh no, it
doesn't. The electrician, in forming... The first chaps who
did the very wonderful work in forming the basic laws of
electricity did well, however, any investigator is liable
to overlook some simplicity. It's very easy to get complex,
but it's not very easy to get simple for these people,
evidently. And someday somebody can say that about me, I
guess, and probably will. So... But the point is this: that
in the basic and elementary laws of electricity they had
left something undescribed. It was there all the time, they
used it all the time, but they didn't say it was there.

Now, you wonder how that came about. Well, it's just so
obvious, but they never connected it up on a gradient scale
of logic to find out where the datum led, and so they'd
never considered the datum of any importance.

Everybody knows in order to generate an electrical current
that you have a plus terminal and a minus terminal, and you
put a magnetic field in between, and as you shift the
magnetic field between the plus terminal and the minus
terminal you get an electrical flow. Everybody knows that,
and that's all you need. That's all you need. Every basic
textbook on electricity, whether it's in high school or an
electronics laboratory or in the hands or in the library of
Einstein happens to be in error. That is not all you need,
not even vaguely all you need.

You take an alternating current. In order to have -- you
just start looking this over -- in order to have a flow,
you've got to have a plus -- minus and a minus -- plus at
the same time you have a plus and a minus. It's just one
extra curve on that line. We'll let that go by the boards
for a moment because that is subject to question.

Now, that's subject to question; we could argue about that.
But you look it over in the light of what I'm going to give
you here, and you'll see that this is not subject to
question but it looks just too idiotically simple. And
those of you who do not know basic electricity will say,
"Well, that's perfectly natural and I'm sure that could not
have been omitted." Well, I assure you that it has been
omitted, because it changes the formula, the basic formula
known as the alternating current formula in graphs.

Here is a motor. Here we take a motor. Now, there sits the
motor and there's the terminal and terminal. Let's take
these two things and we'll call these terminals. Now, we
put a magnetic field between these two terminals.

And this is a plus terminal, this is a minus terminal. And
we put a magnetic field between them. What happens when you
take a plus side of the magnet and the minus side of the
magnet and you just suddenly turn them loose?

They'll snap together, won't they? Well, according to
present design, that is exactly what would happen to

You can't make electricity with the present formulas. If
you... It's just that everybody has seen this generator,
and they keep looking at the generator and they know what a
generator looks like, and then they go and look at the
formulas and then they make one. But if you took a savage
out in the bush and he just took the formulas all by
themselves and he says, "Gee, that's wonderful." And he'll
take this terminal and hell take this terminal and he'll
lay them together and he'll put a magnetic field between
them, and they'll go clink. And he'll say, "All right. Now,
I'll turn on the electric light." He'll say, "That's very
strange. It says right here in the book, all you have to do
is impose a magnetic field... All right. I'll do that
again. We'll lay these two down here. All right. Now, we'll
put a magnetic field between the two of them and then turn
on this electric light again." Clink. "Okay. Must be
something wrong. White men are crazy. We always knew white
men are crazy. Shoot the next one and have him for dinner.
We have done, at this moment, with modern electronics."
What's left out of this? What is left out of this? The base
-- the base of the motor, now... the base of the terminals.
That sounds to you terribly idiotic. It is idiotic. It is
idiotic, but boy, it certainly took us with seven-league
boots into a lot more knowingness than we ever had before.
Because all of a sudden we looked at this and we said,
"Where is the base described?" No place.

How important is the base? Terminal, terminal, fixed to the
base. We put a magnetic field between these two terminals
and they will stay fixed. They do not collapse. And is it a
plus terminal and a minus terminal together which is giving
us an interplay? Or is it effort and matter? Are we putting
mechanical energy up against this base in order to get
electricity? Yes, we sure are.

We're pouring effort in between these two terminals, and
the effort translates into energy. And the reason we can do
this is because we're working the dichotomy between effort
and matter -- effort and matter. And so we get an
electrical flow.

But here's this base. It holds these two terminals apart.
And unless these two terminals are held apart -- in other
words, unless they are located in time and space; unless,
as you turn that electrical field, it imposes time on this
and then time on this and time on this and time on this and
time on this -- and unless this base holds them apart and
says, "Space, space, space, space, space" all the time,
you'll get no flow. And what happens out of this?

So help me, the anatomy of electricity falls out in our
laps and we don't have to go on saying till the end of
time, "Well, the first thing you know about electricity..."
-- which is what they say in the textbooks -- "first thing
you know about electricity is that nobody knows what
electricity is." Well, we can at least know a little bit
about what electricity is. Electricity is a dichotomy which
comes about through locating things in time and space.

Now, if you have two poles, you might say -- a plus and a
minus -- and they're located alternately in time and space,
you're going to get current flow.

And this becomes very interesting, because it means that
the thetan, of all things (theta, in the form of a thetan),
actually sets up facsimiles. He can not only set up a
facsimile, he can dream up and set up a facsimile in time
and space which he has dreamed up, evidently, and then set
up another facsimile and get an energy discharge between --
just like an electric motor. But on what wavelength? Whew!
Way up here, see? It's not the kind of a wavelength that
lights this electric light; it's another kind of a
wavelength. It's way up there. And evidently that doesn't
require very much anything. But here's this fabulous

Now, let's take this motor base which is... We'll talk
about the base - not this ashtray here -- we'll talk about
the base which is under the steam generator not too far
distant from here which is holding the terminals of that
big generator apart. We'll talk about that base. It's
located here; it's probably not... a few miles, at the
most, from here. We'll talk about that base.

Now, because there's time and space taking place there, and
an alternation of time and space, you pour some coal in the
thing, you see, that gives you heat and that forces some
effort onto a rod. And because those terminals are held
there, every time that thing turns over, it's grinding out
an enforcement of time and space on the dichotomy of effort
and matter, effort and matter, effort and matter, effort
and matter -- gives you time -- effort -- matter, effort --
matter, effort -- matter, space, space, space, space. And
all the time that's happening, it raises the devil along
these electrical lines. And that agitation which you see up
there is the agitation which pours through as a result
thereof, because the goal of a static is to be a static,
and this static is very badly being upset.

Well, let's talk about that base. What's that base fastened
to? It's fastened to a concrete floor. What's that concrete
floor fastened to? That's fastened to a planet called
Earth. What's Earth fastened to? Well, believe me, Earth's
really fastened. It's got centrifugal and centripetal
forces. It is held in equilibrium in a nearly circular, but
actually elliptical... It's very nearly circular. You'd be
surprised how close to a circle Earth makes around the sun.
It's called an ellipse almost for politeness's sake. And it
swings around the sun, and the gravity of the sun and the
gravity of Earth interlock, one against the other, and we
have Earth held in place -- but severely held in place.

And the sun is held in place by the general magnetism --
gravity, you might say -- between itself, other suns and
its force vectors as it travels through space. It is bound
on a certain course in relationship to the hub of the
universe. And it is part of a galaxy which is going in a
certain direction in a certain part of the universe.

> And that is traveling in relationship to other
> galaxy's ... [gap]

Now, they talk about this universe being expanding. That's
cute. That's very cute. That is a wonderful way of just
skipping the whole point. See. How could you have some
space that was expanding? Well, it'd have to be expanding
in relationship to more space, and that'd have to be
expanding in relationship to other space. And you get this
cat-chasing-his-tail proposition around of matter is energy
which is congealed in space and time and all that sort of
thing. Well, we're not interested in that.

Let's take a look at this and say that there's a finite
limit on the universe. We have no right to say that. In
other words, just say there is. There's a finite limit on
this here universe that we've got here, and it doesn't go
on forever in all directions. And let's look at an axiom.
This axiom works out.

We find everywhere we look that absolutes are really unobtainable.

You can't even attain absolute zero. Guys have gotten
awfully close to absolute zero; they've really gotten
things cold. But absolute zero would be absolute
motionlessness, and they haven't attained it yet.

All right. It's unobtainable, so let's say infinity is
unobtainable, too. Doggone it! Somewhere theta could be
said to be holding a conceived time and space to achieve an
energy and a matter, and that makes the material universe.
Now, that solves very nicely -- I mean, we could say that
very nicely.

Actually, we've only removed the problem one step further
on, but we do have a connection here. We do have a definite
connection. Here's the base of this generator down there in
the electric-light plant, and the base of that generator
leads right straight back to theta, as we have described

The second I saw this, "Oh, my God," I said, "there's
self-determinism. Aha, self-determinism. Ya-pa-pow"

And it sure didn't take very long to take an ice pick to
that little cat-chase-the-tail matter, energy, space and time
and just bust up that happy little group, because we had a
higher Q. And any time you have a higher Q and you've adequately
described a higher Q, even if you've postulated or
theorized that it's there, if it is a workable Q, you can
evaluate things below that level.

And we stepped up, and all of a sudden got the qualities of
something which was above the level of matter, energy,
space and time. And we got what the quality was and we look
around at a man, and let's take a look at this man and we
see that this man is trying to be self-determined. That
he's very interested in being.

And let's find out why people are sick. We've already found
this out.

Their self-determinism has been upset in this quarter or
that, and when we relieve that, they get well. Empirical.
All done by theory, but empirical evidence kept bearing it

Now, let's take this definition... let's take this
definition of self-determinism. We say self-determinism is
the effort of an individual to attain the goals of theta.
What are the goals of theta? Goals of theta seem to be the
ability to impose matter and energy, time and space -- not
just on time and space. It can create... theta can create,
conserve, alter (and I'm not sure about the last; it would
hold, on every other theory, but I'm just not sure about
it) and destroy matter, energy, time and space. That could
be said to be a goal of theta -- a goal of theta.

And you'll find universes running in cycles. You'll find a
single life span running in a cycle. And everywhere you
look, you find everything has beneath it the common
denominator of this cycle of creation, growth, decay and
death. And that is the repeated, continuous cycle
everywhere you look.

And let's look at energy, and we'll find energy has three
characteristics: start, change and stop. And that compares
to creation -- all the other things - alteration and death.
And we find that's what energy does: it can start, it can
change and it can stop. Oh, boy, are these things starting
to fit together very nicely.

Now, let's see if that applies to an individual. Does it
apply to an individual to such a degree that by using the
definition of self-determinism in times of the highest
electronics so far extant here, do we suddenly get a
preclear weller faster? Oh, boy, do we. By about ten
thousand to one. It's just fabulous! The technique works.
You can ask any early first class. They'll tell you, "Well,
yes, Standard Operating Procedures works. Yeah, placing
things in time... yeah, yeah." You try it yourself, "Yeah,
yeah, that works." That's how you get a fellow well; that's
how he becomes more selfdetermined; that's how he becomes
able to handle this material universe. He goes on up the line.

Now, let's take another one: Creative Processing. Creative
Processing, Scientology 8-8008, the rehabilitation of the
individual's own universe and the reduction of the MEST
universe in terms of importance to him. Now, we just take
that process; let's look at it. Is it a good valid process?
Yes, we can take Creative Processing all by itself and make
a person well. Just like that. Isn't that fascinating? Don't
have to pay any attention to this MEST universe at all.
Tells you immediately there's tons of universes. There'd
have to be. There just have to be.

All right. You're in the high and rarefied air of theory.
But that theory actually boils down to something very
simple: a static and a kinetic. You have a no-motion acting
against an all-motion. And a no-motion acting against an
all-motion gives you energy. And what's motion? It's time
and space. What are the capabilities of theta? Creation,
conservation, alteration, perhaps destruction, of matter
and energy and time and space. What's self-determinism?
Same as theta.

And so, if you want action, if you want these other things,
can we just shift these factors around, just willy-nilly,
and fit them this way and fit them that way and fit them
any other way and invent six processes now and a hundred
tomorrow and you can't think up a good one, just remember
your definition and say, "Well, it ought to work this way"
-- zing, zing -- and bang, break a case? Sure. Yeah. That's
very interesting.

All of a sudden, we've burst out into the sunshine of a
very, very clear concept. Highest potentiality of theta is
evidently the creation and management of universes. The way
you create and manage a universe is you invent some space
and then you have to invent some time. And between the time
and the space you have to have something in them, so you
put something in them. And you... to do that, you have to
use energy, and that... congeal that into matter and you
got a universe. And that's very simple to do. Nothing much
about this, and there's actually no limitations upon the
creation of this; I mean, that's all you do.

Now you... Let's take a writer sitting at his desk, and
he's pounding a typewriter, and so what's he doing?
Inventing time and space, and energy and matter and so on.
Only trouble is, he takes it out and he compares it to the
real universe and the real universe says, "I'm real because
I can kick your shins in, but that cliff you just invented
in that story, it isn't even vaguely going to hurt
anybody." And the fellow has been beaten down like this for
an awful long space of time, so he doesn't bother to fix up
his cliffs so that if you kick them they kick back. This
doesn't say he can't. Doesn't say he can either, but it
just doesn't say he can't.

Now, when you guide this poor writer, who has been
comparing his universe toward the MEST universe, the MEST
universe has been saying, "I'm real, yours is not."
Everybody tells him that, by the way. All criticism and
everything sums down to this: "What you've just thought of
is not real because here is the real universe and it's much
bigger and tougher and it's an ally of mine, and we're
going to crush you with it." If you're going to get into an
involved argument -- criticism of arts, invalidation of Joe
Louis as a boxer, the way you wipe out companies with
stocks and bonds sales, or any of these things -- you'll
have somebody rushing in with a conclusive, proven fact
which crushes out an imagined or unsupported fact, and
there you go. So this universe was designed on the
beautiful basis of "You'd better agree with me or else."
And so is that a basic design of any universe; otherwise it
won't hold together. But of course, very few universes get
so slopped over as this one seems to have done.

Now, this universe, of course, doesn't occupy all the space
there is and it doesn't occupy all the time there is. You
could compose another universe and it wouldn't go at right
angles to this universe, because this universe, if you knew
the truth of it, isn't here. But boy, it's sure got a way
to say it's real.

This universe really isn't here; it's an illusion.

The most interesting part about it is, as hard as
physicists have worked to prove, in natural history, all
sorts of things and so on... Natural philosophy, they used
to call it; yeah, that's right. Way up since the time of
Aristotle, one of the things they really concentrated on
proving all the way along the thing: materialism -- it's
real, it's real, it's real, it's real. And they kept
pointing at it. They kept saying, "It's real, it's real,
it's real, it's real," and then their finger went through.
And when you got up to that stage, why, you walk up to a
physicist, he doesn't know whether he's a monk or a
scientist today, because he has proven conclusively that
what he's working with really isn't there.

You get Sir James Jeans and others and they think and they
think and they think and they think and they finally say,
"It finally boils down to a thought, as near as we can
think it out." And it's very fascinating, but that is
physics. Its evolution has been toward the direction of
demonstrating with great conclusiveness that they are
working very materialistic with something that is quite
illusory and really isn't there.

But if you agreed and everybody else agreed and if
you're... as a theta being, if you were forced to agree
continually that it was there and it was there -- do you
realize that you're able to create time and space? So if
you create time and space, if you've agreed and agreed and
agreed with the MEST universe, the time and space which you
create is the MEST universe time and space. The energy
which you find in the MEST universe -- you can create it
and put it there.

And so you all sit around and here's the MEST universe,
here's the MEST universe -- create time and space, time and
space, time and space, and oh, boy, we mustn't get out of
agreement on this. Let's put it in there very carefully.

I bet if one of you went away and stayed on a desert island
for several years, and stayed very much out of connection
with things and there was nothing there, like a sun cycle
or something, to demonstrate things to you; you'd come back
and find that you have missed it. You'd probably get back
here in 1954 when it ought to be 1955 or something, and
it'd be very embarrassing to you.

Men get very anxious about this. Even Robinson Crusoe, with
no calendars, time clocks or anything to worry about,
carefully kept the passing of each day. Great. Awful
concern about this -- horrible anxiety. That's because you
don't think, anymore, you could create one. Of course,
you've got to keep this one. Now, the funny part of it is,
is there really is no real concern about that, because this
universe is very easy to find. There's too many people
concentrating on this moment of time and space.

What happens to your preclear when you send him back down
the track?

He can create the time and space of his past, he can put it
in there. Or he can read it off actual energy, which is
sort of suspended.

Now, what's all this have to do with be, have and do? Well,
it has a great deal to do with be, have and do because when
you translate, now, from self-determinism into matter,
energy, space and time, you can get a direct result in
terms of experience. You can say "time is" in terms of
experience, "beingness is" in terms of experience,
"doingness, then, is" in terms of experience.

And if you can do those tricks, and if I could communicate
it to you, you wouldn't be wandering around in a fog about
what time is.

What's time? "It just sort of goes by, I mean..." Only it
doesn't go by, because you're right here. "Well, it's
change, you see, in space. Well, oh, clocks. Heh-heh." Big
relief, you see, you say, "Watches! Yeah, watches.
They... " Then you stop to think for a moment. "Those hands
are in the same place; they're just making a motion in
space. Hmm. Closest we can get to time is motion." Gee, as
close as we can get to time is motion. That's obvious,
isn't it? Very, very obvious.

Well, that's not as close as you can get to time.

I'll tell you how close you can get to time: motion. But
that really isn't the way you ought to say it. What you
ought to say is "Time is the illusory word which you put up
to describe as the existence of motion." And the truth of
the matter is, time isn't there at all, but motion is.
What's motion? Well, that's great. I mean, you could go
around in circles like this just for hours and hours and
get dizzier and dizzier and it wouldn't do your preclear
any good at all.

And that's what Homo sapiens has been doing. He has been
agreeing to this motion, agreeing to this space, agreeing
to this time, agreeing to this motion, agreeing to this
space, agreeing to this time, until he doesn't feel he can
create anything anymore, and so he just goes on agreeing
and agreeing.

And how sick can he get? How sick can he get? Just take at
random a strata through the society and pick up your real
sick ones, and what do you find? He has agreed almost 100
percent. How do you know he's agreed 100 percent? Because
he has no more illusions of his own. He has no more hopes,
he has no more dreams, he's a sick guy. In fact, if you
want to find that fellow, I invite you to go out to the
graveyard, because he's dead. He is no longer a living

Now, you want to find how bad off your preclear is. As a
matter of fact, you can just take a look at a preclear and
you'll know how bad off he is: how thoroughly he is
agreeing with the material universe. And the more
thoroughly he has agreed with the material universe, the
worse he's going to be.

That's horrible, isn't it?

Because... Several reasons for this. Agreement, by the way,
is a one way flow. You start to do something to the universe
and the universe says, "Gonna do something to me, huh?
Bap!" You go out, you're going to play.
You're going to be a steamboat, something, and you...
little kid, and he goes running down the street, "Choo,
choo, choo, choo, choo, choo" -- Crash! Well, he didn't run
into a dock, and he hasn't got any fenders out. He fell on
concrete and it skinned his knee. He said, "I am a
steamboat." And the MEST universe says, "You're a little
boy in a very destructible body. We've got you taped. We've
convinced you." And every time this little boy tried to put
up a big illusion, every time he tried to do this, what
happened to him? MEST universe said, "Nuh-unn." And yet,
horribly enough, the only parts of the MEST universe that
are habitable, the only parts of the MEST universe which
have any meaning to life itself are those parts which have
been conquered by life.

The lichen, the moss, in operation together, in terms of
soil. And you get some soil, then you get some little
plants, and pretty soon -- so on.

It'd only be a psychotic that would devote his lifetime to
making a pet out of a pebble. He would not be interested in
any life form or anything of the sort. He'd just have this
pebble. And this pebble, he'd pet it and this was...

Nuh-nn. Life is fondest of life, and only life graces this
universe, really. The stark, utter chill of the outer dark
above the ionosphere and the Heaviside layer is quite
emphatic, quite emphatic. It's cold up there.

All right. Now, what's an illusion? An illusion is a
universe, in embryo - unformed, thin, gauzy. But gee, a
universe of the illusion characteristic, theoretically,
could be as strong and as tough and as resistant as this

Theoretically. And what is the thing which delights
audiences most? Stage magic. People are always showing that
something solid has just turned up where it shouldn't be.
He can create matter. Fascinating. He can also reduce
space, and so on. These are the tricks of the magician.
Audiences are delighted with them. Why? If the audience was
just supposed to agree with the material universe, they'd
get awful mad at that magician. He just keeps on telling
them, "You can disagree with the material universe."

All right. Let's look this over very carefully and not strain
too hard on it, because it's awfully easy. And the
definitions which are necessary to an auditor and to a very
good understanding of Scientology are that self-determinism
tends to attain the goals of theta. The goals of theta are
to achieve the potentialities of theta, and this is the
creation of matter and energy in space and time, and the
creation of space and time in which to create matter and
energy. And that puts you up above the level of space,
time, matter and energy, and we can get off of that
racetrack for the first time. And how do you get off the

You're waiting to hear about this. Here's space. Down here
at the lefthand corner of the triangle we have time, and
over here we have energy.

Now, what on earth... how do you relate those things to

Well, that's very simple. Except you can't relate time to
experience, because that's an abstract; you know that.

And space, of course, doesn't relate to experience either,
because, well, actually, how big is a piece of space? Well,
it's as big as it's bounded. Mmm, that's awfully
suspicious; it's as big as it's bounded.

And energy -- well, nobody sees the motion of energy, so...
but energy is obviously there and we kind of take that one
for granted, too.

And now we know all about the material universe, and we
don't need to know any more to relate this to experience.
And now that we're all straightened out, why, just the
realization that we know all about it should make us all

Well, it hasn't made physics clear, not clear for anybody
for an awful long time. It's been getting worse and worse
and worse. They're at a frantic stage now. They have a
mathematics born out of Planck's quantum of energy.

And quantum mechanics are the most gorgeous mathematics --
if you want to call them that -- that you ever laid your
eyes on. They throw three factors and a guess and equate it
with a maybe and they've got it! And that is a symptom of
getting frantic.

By the way, they don't work any... I'm sure they don't work
anything, really, by quantum mechanics. I think they go in
and they take bars of uranium, or something, and they
juggle them around, you see? "Yeah, quick! Write up the
formula. Yeah, we found out it's this many bars and that
much ener---- Write up the formula, huh? That's right. That
makes forty millicuries. Now, put down the answer there.
Now, write backwards. Now, we'll put in the constant and
the c and the quantum, so on. Now, turn it in to the front
office, quick." I'm sure they must do it this way.

All right. What can we put here then? We know these three factors.

What can we put here? There's something belongs here.
Mm-hm. Space is "be." Let's relate this to experience.
Space is "be." Now, the reason space is "be" is because one
can be without acting. That right? He doesn't require
motion to be. Let's just look at that. But he would require
-- let us hypothesize -- some space to be. He'd have to be
where? Well, all right -- there. But you notice, also, that
even in the English language, the verb to be does not
require an object. In fact, it can't take one. All right.

That's true in practically any language, by the way. In
other words, beingness; isness. Isness. All right, that's
just space. That's simple; be is space.

Now, here you are; you're sitting in this space. Now, we
can chop it off, as far as time is concerned. And even
though we chop that very thin and stop time down to zero,
you would still be in this room. You wouldn't fly out of
this room, just because we stopped time. But boy, you'd
sure fly out of it if we stopped space.

All right. So, we have space is "be." Well, now, over here
we have time.

And everybody knows that time is just an interrelationship,
but it's a very funny thing about time. Let me tell you how
I ran into this. I kind of collided with this thing on a
dark night with a preclear that was mighty skittish. I had
tried everything on this preclear

> including paragoric

and this preclear kept insisting that this symptom was still there,
and the symptom was still there, and the symptom was still there,
and the symptom was still there. I started running -- well,
all right... She seemed so proud to have it; that was what
started to get me. "Now, get having it." "Now, get not
having it." "Now get having it." "Now get having to have
it." "Now having not to have it." Ptock, ptock, ptock,
ptock, ptock, ptock. The dichotomy of "have" and "not
have," you see -- back and forth.

She says, "It's gone." "Oh?" Now, I had run a lot of other
things, and any one of those -- I'd run responsibility and
I'd run this and I'd run that and I'd run other things, and
Papa and Mama and husbands and pet cats and pet cows and
anything I could think of. And all of a sudden I ran that
little simple dichotomy -- which is the first time I ever
ran it, by the way -- and kaboom! The symptom's gone.

So, not too long later, I run into this preclear and this
preclear is one of these can't see, can't hear, what space?
what universe? what wall? sort of a normal. And I started
running this and that, and this preclear was very anxious
to get rid of a bad knee. So we started in on the basis of
whose knee was it, and let's get a communication line
through it, and he kept saying, "Ah, yeah, what knee?" And,
"Oh, the knee. You know, the one you complained about."
"Well, what, what... oh, oh, the knee. Yeah. Yeah, all
right. All right. All right. All right. No. No, I don't
like Chaucer." I mean, the case was not very good.

But I finally pinned the case's attention down on a number
of things and ran a number of things and we got a little
bit of alleviation, we got a little bit of change of mind
about this and that. The person got happier. Then all of a
sudden I said, just out of thin air, "Well now, get havinghave that knee." "... not having to have the knee." "...
having to have... " zig-dig -- ptock, ptock, ptock, ptock.
No knee pain.

I thought, "That's peculiar. In this whole mess, it
suddenly occurs to one that having does not quite compare
with being. There's something strange and peculiar about
having that is different than these other things, that sort
of hits a button." Boom! Hits this little button. And you
can sometimes produce results with this confounded "having"
and "not having" that you don't produce with this enormous
battery of terrifically logical this-and-that. I mean, some
of this stuff is almost as logical as Germanic logic. And
havingness, havingness.

Till I was fooling around the other day -- and you won't
credit this when you first look at it, you won't credit it
at all, but that's time. That actually works out to be
time. Fantastic, but true. Time is "have." "Had," "have,"
"will have" gives you a time track. Now, you stop and you
say to a preclear... Hey, by the way, take this little
exercise right now.

I'd say: Mock up something. Just mock up anything. Now put
it in yesterday. How'd you put it in yesterday?

All right. Now, put it in present time.

Now put it in tomorrow.

How'd you get it into tomorrow?

Male voice: Moved it along.


Male voice: Pushed it along; pushed it back.

Sure, you moved it along and moved it back, but let's have
it right there.

Right there.

All right. Let's put that item again that you thought up,
and it's right there, it's right there. Now let's put it in

Can't do it? Hm. We were using space for time, and that's
quite aberrative, because a guy gets confused about it.

All right. I want you to put here, I want you to put here a
little girl with curls, little girl with curls right in the
middle of her forehead. Put this little girl with curls there.

Now, put her right there yesterday.

Oh yes, you can. You got her there right now?

All right. Just remember she was there yesterday.

Male voice: But she wasn't. I just put her there.

Ah. I said, though, put her in yesterday. That's part of
the exercise.

All right. Now, just remember she was there yesterday.
That's -- how could you put her in yesterday unless you did
that? All right. Remember she was in yesterday. Can you
remember she was in yesterday?

All right. Now, let's put her there tomorrow. Now, that's
an easy one.

That'll become on your consecutive track.

Put her there tomorrow, now. Put her there tomorrow.

Now, how do you get her there tomorrow?

Female voice: By not having her today.

I'll tell you, the actual...

Male voice: The whole time she's there.

The actual way you do it... the actual way you do it, is
you kind of say to yourself, "Well, I'll walk in tomorrow
morning and there she'll be." Now let's go through that
again. This will straighten you out on time faster than
anything else I know.

Put this little girl here.

Now, put her in yesterday.

How do you get her into yesterday?

You just pretend she was there and you remember it. It's easy.

All right. Now, let's put her in present time. Let's put
her right there, now, get her good and solid. She shouldn't
use pomade on her hair. Put her right there.

All right. Now, put her in tomorrow. Now, how do you know
she's going to be there tomorrow?

All right. Now, blow her up.

Actually, that's the way time works.

[accoring to SofMU - Please note: This lecture ends abruptly as
did the original master recording.]

> and you will find about 88 and 88 and 8/3rds of your preclears
> are completely fouled up on how they do thinking with ...

(recording really does end here abruptly)

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Secrets of the Mest Universe lecture 4.
"Methods of Research - Be, Have, and Do Part II"

LS-4B (1974 flag audio rerecord), OT cassettes #16.

[The R&D 12 and SofMU transcripts begin with the 2nd
half of the OT cassette tape and then conclude with
the 1st half. It may be that the old reel was reversed
as to side 1 and 2]


A lecture given on 14 November 1952

Now, in this being, havingness and doingness, I was going
to say it probably would never occur to somebody who isn't
very facile in getting in and out of his body that there's
only one place he conceives that he is permitted to be. He
conceives he is being permitted, which is typical of what
the MEST universe does for you: it permits. It permits you
to act or it motivates your actions. That's very fine. It
makes you act, and if you aren't motivated in that way, it
punishes you until you do act in that fashion, and so
forth. It just cuts down self-determinism,
self-determinism, self-determinism.

The biggest foe of the MEST universe is the person who can
invent a universe, because you can invent a universe good
enough and big enough that it'd eat this one up, if you
concentrated on it hard enough, if it's worth doing.

It has not occurred to some of these people, then, that one
of the reasons they can't get out of their body is because
all the space anywhere around them is owned by somebody
else. They don't dare move out in that space. It's
another's. They dare not be elsewhere. So they can't be out
of their bodies, if they're very low on the Tone Scale.
They just can't be out of their bodies. They aren't when
they get out of their bodies, because they can't be because
that isn't "their space." And if it isn't their space, they
can't self-determine space, they naturally cannot be.
Because space is be, and that's all there is to that.

Well, just think of it for a moment. Think of being in one
of those coats over there. You know that's not your space.
You get people... a thetan, and you tell this fellow, you
say, "All right. Now, let's go over and take a look in the
window across the street." "Nuh-uh." He says, "No, no. I
couldn't do that." "Why not?" "Well, I just kind of feel
like that's private. That's somebody else's business and it
must be ethical or something of the sort, and I just
couldn't do that." Much less "Now, let's see. Why don't you
go down... I tell you, we need somebody in this photograph
we're taking here. Why don't you just go down the street
and pick somebody up and bring them up here and we'll put
them in the picture and take their picture, and so forth."
The fellow says, "Oh, I just couldn't do that." You see,
you're asking him to accomplish a doingness for which he
has no permission. He believes he has to have permission.

Actually, he has to run on a moral code of the MEST
universe, the automatic moral code of the MEST universe,
which says, "Nothing belongs to you except what you are
given. And therefore, things can be taken away from you at
any moment because they've only been loaned to you. You own
nothing. So long as you agree perfectly with the MEST
universe, you can own some part of the MEST universe, and
we're permitting you to exist. Your beingness is only MEST
beingness." God help these poor fellows who have this "man
to mud" theory or "mud to man." That's horrible. I mean,
just think of that. That's a gorgeous theory.

The fellow is being allowed to live by mud. Very, very
aesthetic concept, especially some of the mud I have
smelled around the Channel in England.

All right. Now, possibly this individual who's having a
rough time getting out of his body -- there aren't many
that do, but supposing he's having a rough time getting to
be a Cleared Theta Clear. He is a Theta Clear; he's trying
to get up the line, and boy, just clear it up in all
directions, develop his potentials like mad in all
directions, and he's just sort of not making it. Probably
wouldn't occur to him that he is being asked to desert some
of the havingness which has been presented to him. And
unless he deserts some of the havingness that has been
presented to him, or at least devaluates it -- he can still
hold on to it, no value to it -- why, he's just pinned
right there. Only he's in a bad state. His time is fouled
up on him. Time.

You see, the body acts not as an ethereal sort of a meter.
I mean, it's not a meter that we just guess at or something
of the sort; it's a good, solid timer. It has a life of its
own and it acts as a timer, and it keeps the thetan very
much in line. And the thetan is so completely out of
practice balancing himself in present time -- he thinks the
body does it all the time -- he steps out of the body and
he looks around and it's yesterday. He says, "This can't be
right." Now he says, "All right. Now, let's straighten all
this space out here. Now, wait a minute. That's the ceiling of
my little room when I was a kid and that is combined with the
office desk where I worked as a clerk and I look over at these
chairs. And what do you know, these chairs were the kind which,
I don't know, maybe they won't be there till tomorrow. And
all of this is the composite view which I see. Neow!"
"Something," he will say, "is upset around here. Something
is upset." Well, I'll tell you what's upset about him:
space, be. His beingness as a thetan is so upset that his
space is upset. So space is upset on this thetan?

Okay? Space is upset. He's worried about being a thetan.
Diagnosis and analysis. Very simple. He's worried about
being a thetan. There's something wrong with being a
thetan. So there's something wrong with space. If you find
he has something wrong with space, then, there's something
wrong with what he is being. Very simple.

Actually, if there's something wrong with space to him as a
MEST body -- he just doesn't have his space lined up well
as a MEST body. You go into his office and he's got this
great big office, enormous office, and way over here in the
corner he has this desk. And it's just heaped up and
mounded with stuff in all directions. And as you walk in
the room, you see these spectacles peering out from amongst
these papers, and the rest of the room is bare -- there's
something wrong between that fellow and space.

Now, preferably, this fellow will have a little tiny room,
just a little tiny room, and that'd be just about right.
That's his concept of how much he is.

But actually, the MEST universe can present him with an
awful lot of things like this. It can increase his
beingness, it says -- it's all a sort of a ghastly trick,
you see -- it says, "Now, we'll make him a present of this
big estate with an enormous castle on it and all that sort
of thing." Well, this fellow is still the same aberrated
fellow... MEST universe... Too late in life - you've often
seen this -- too late in life he wins the jackpot; too late
in life he acquires some space. And how much space does he
use of it? Now, he's got that great big hall and way over
here in the corner of it is this little tiny desk. He isn't
able to absorb it. Now, if that were done to him when he
were young, you see, he'd suddenly say, "My beingness
expands to this degree." Space. That's why land is so
important to people. Ooh, there have been more people
killed over land. Yeah. If you let the question of land
come up in a family or the question of possessions come up
in a family... Possibly some of you have been to a funeral,
and they couldn't quite hold the funeral because the
relatives were -- well, they shed a couple of tears, but
they're in there having a devil of a fight over the
wardrobe of the dear dead departed. And it's unimportant.
You'll find them -- they won't do anything with this
wardrobe after they get it. I mean, it just seems to be...
it's a terrible obsession. Beingness.

All right. Now, for instance, I mention to you, "Are there
spaces where you dare not be?" "Are there spaces where you
dare not be?" Just like that: "What spaces would you not
dare be in?" And you start sorting those things out and
you'll find out your tone comes up, thetawise.

Perhaps you'd forgotten about these things.

There's spaces here, not too far distant, that you'd care
not to be. One of them is jail, You wouldn't want to be in
the jail. The very best way to do this -- Creative
Processing and so forth -- if you have the fellow already
out of his body, send him down... send him down to the
jail, let him sit on a cot for a while, examine the joint,
walk out and walk into the jail and then walk out of the
jail and walk into the jail and walk out of the jail and
walk into the jail He'll say, "The heck with this." And
he'd get to feel more important.

Odd, but you just... you're taking up the spaces he dare
not be. You're just picking those things up. Simple. This
is terrifically practical application, you see, in
processing. It's just as practical as "To drink coffee it
is a very good thing to have coffee. In order to put coffee
in somebody's stomach, give them a cup of coffee." I mean,
it's this kind of information -- this kind of information.

If you want to clear somebody and you want to theta clear
somebody, you're asking him to remove himself from a space
where he is very sharply identified, that he owns, that he
has as his own beingness, and if these things are terribly
valuable to him and if he feels pretty queasy about his
beingness anyhow, you're asking him to remove from a space
where he dare be to spaces where he dare not be. And you
would be surprised, but one of the spaces he dare not be
may be a foot from his head. It might be five feet from his
head. He might dare not be one inch from his head. Maybe
all the space outside of his body from one sixteenth of an
inch -- from there on out to the rest of the universe is
where he dare not be. He doesn't dare to be in any of these

Now, that is his level of beingness, and all of a sudden
you give him that.

There's something funny about theta. There's something very
strange about it, in that in spite of the fact that it
doesn't have wavelength or motion or anything else, it
seems to have different potentials from person to person.

And you'll find some fellow who has, for him, a terribly
low concept of beingness -- for him -- and he's nailed down
tight. And you'll find somebody else who has a very
indifferent sense of beingness, very indifferent, and they
can go anyplace, it doesn't matter -- doesn't matter to
them. They can go anyplace -- perfect reality, and so on.

What it is, is actually, would be in a motor would be
differences of horsepower. Actually, what it is is
willingness to let go force. And a person has to reckon
with this. You cannot draw -- all I'm cautioning you
against -- is you cannot draw an inference as to the
capabilities and intelligence of an individual simply by
whether or not they step out easily.

It's not a direct circuit because of this: The fellow who
has a lot of doingness -- fellow who has a lot of doingness
-- gets born into this life, and the society turns around
and takes a look at this kid and it says, "Whhhh! Hello,
Sonny!" There he goes. He's all set. And he revolts against
this. And the society -- this MEST universe has almost
unlimited force. And he tries to fly in its teeth and
rebel, and the MEST universe said, "Well, we can take care
of things like you." Bang! Out he goes, in he flies, in and
out he goes -- back and forth, back and forth. He tries to
do, do, do. Against any odd he just keeps on doing, doing,
doing, and the next thing you know the violence leveled
against him -- it becomes fabulous in terms of quantity.

Now, let's take some fellow and he's very nice, he's very
mild, he's very agreeable. He doesn't try to do anything.
Somebody says to him, "Be here" - he is; some, "Be there" --
he is; and "Go here" -- he is; and so on. And boy, he winds
up -- he's clear as a bell. And you say, "Be out of your
body," and he is.

He didn't ever fight.

Well now, there can be reasonable factors behind this. You
see, it isn't necessarily true that he has less power than
the other one, for the good reason that he might have grown
up in a very favorable environment that didn't even mildly
object to his revolutionary tendencies. He might have grown
up on a farm or something of the sort, and the day that...
when the other kid was having to walk down the back alleys
of someplace in order to get away from enemies that were
pursuing him in earnest with clubs just because he existed,
why, this other kid, he'd clamor around and Mama would
finally say, "Oh, why don't you go out and play." That's
how tough the environment was. I mean, "Oh, why don't you
go out and play in the orchard. Go out and play with the
horse" -- the old plug horse -- and he'd go out there
and... Real big, exciting life.

Now, you take a person who has been transplanted a great
deal in his current lifetime, he'll keep living life cycles
within his current lifetime cycles.

He just keeps living these cycles. He'll pick up and he'll
get very facile for a long time. Boy, he can put together a
little universe at an awful rush. He'll just gather the
odds and ends of this universe together and he'll sort of
hang them together rather sketchily. He's skeptical after
he's done this a few times, but he'll still hang it
together and it doesn't seem very real to him.

And his time factor is quite bad, really. It'll get worse
as he goes on. He transplants. But then because it's very
hard to make a universe there and that sort of thing, he'll
become disgusted with it after a while or something like
that, and he will try to transplant and move over again and
start another universe. And he gets the idea after a while
that, well, if you kind of perpetually create a universe
you can have some kind of a state of havingness.

And it's interesting, because he doesn't have any continuum
of possession. The body alone, practically, gives him a
continuum of possession. Of course, as he gets older,
he'll look in the mirror and it's not quite the same body
either. So he'll say, "Youth, boyhood -- well, that's just
completely unreal." Or, "When I was a girl -- let's see,
when I was a girl I was um... tsk - uh... yeah, I... I
remember the name of the town, the uh... Well, I was born.
I was born. I've seen that in the birth records." Now, you
want to know why youth disappears so chronically. I mean,
every time you get hold of a preclear, you say, "Remember
this in your youth." And he says, "What period of my life?"
And you say, "Your youth." "Oh! Oh, well, after I got out
of school so on..." "No," you say, "no, no, no, no, no.
Your childhood. You know, childhood. Real early, real early."
Very often it hasn't occurred to this fellow for just years
and years and years he ever had a childhood.

Now, you take him in the middle span of life, this is
particularly true. He's just forgotten his childhood. He
doesn't have any of his possessions of childhood with him.
He doesn't have the family, he doesn't have the house, he
doesn't have any of the conveyances, none of the toys, the
surroundings, that sort of thing, and he just doesn't have
a continuum. So he just apparently doesn't go back to
childhood. No "have." He's got a different body, really --
it looks different.

You've got to call it to his attention... If, by the way,
you call this to his attention, start getting him to
remember this of childhood, and he will start to draw a
similarity and he will patch up a time track. And all of a
sudden he has a childhood. If you want to know how to get a
childhood out, and so forth, just get this factor of "have"
to work. It's "had," "should have had," "did not have."
That's childhood. Childhood is actually the story, in most
men, of "did not have." And that develops into "cannot
have," which goes very easily into "will never have." For a
long time he sort of could tell himself, "Well, someday I will
have. There will be time: future time, future time, future time."
And then that word future gets fainter and fainter and
fainter and fainter. And when he's lost his hope for the
future, he doesn't have a future and he will not make
himself a future and he will not plan for a future and he
won't even think logically. Why? Because logical thought
depends upon you having a future.

You're not going to think logically, unless you're thinking
toward a goal.

And in order to have a goal, you've got to have a future.
Fellow won't have a goal. He doesn't have any time. His
time track ends at any given moment right where he is.
There's his time track. You'll find most of the people that
you will help have their time track ended either in now, at
which they're neurotic, or tomorrow, at the absolute
outside, at which time they're pretty normal. The next few
days, the next few weeks -- that's future. That's a big
future, that is. That brings a person up.

Now, actually, if you want to plot future, you've got to
plot immortality and you've got to plot havingness. And if
you plot these things, you will find out that some
guarantee of the future, fear of the future and that sort
of thing, prevents a person from having any future. There
is no future to him; it just doesn't exist. And where does
he go? He goes back to "should have had" or he goes back to
"did have," and that's psychotic.

This fellow -- you run into this fellow, he had a business
failure. He had a big business failure. He was running this
peanut stand, or something of the sort. And a taxicab hit
it one day and spilled the peanuts all over and there
nobody was insured and it wiped him out -- a big business

Actually, I can be sarcastic about that, but if that fellow
were sixty years of age and that was his total capital
investment, it would probably break him so that he wouldn't
be able to talk to you about it. It'd probably finish him
to that degree -- just that little peanut stand gone.

Now, let's say he's somewhere in his forties and he had
this small store, and something happened and it went by the
boards. He lost it. Well, he's... it'll make him pretty shaky.
He isn't able, actually, to plot well, after that, about
his futures.

Well, let's take him -- he's about twenty. Take him about
twenty. And he has this big bicycle plant with about 250
employees, and he runs into a capitalist or a banker or --
oh, I don't know -- commissar or something of the sort.

He runs into one of these characters and they, of course,
do the legal-legal necessary to cause them to have what
somebody else has. And his bicycle plant with 200 employees
passes into the hands of another. He's twenty.

What's he do? He goes out and he builds another bicycle
plant. See, he's still got future. He still can have.

All right. Take this girl. This girl is eighteen. She's
pretty, they have a nice home, everything is going along
fine. And one day the whole house burns down and the baby
gets killed. Boom! You probably won't see her as a
preclear, not unless she's in pretty bad shape before she
got to that point, for the good reason, maybe her husband
is twenty-one, twenty-two, he can still make money and
things can go along all right. The next thing you know,
why, they've got another home and she's had another baby
and life is moting along somehow. Yes, it left a scar in
her life, slowed her down a little bit, but it hasn't
broken her.

All right. We take this thirty-two-year-old girl and she
has tried for twelve years to have a child. She finally
succeeded. And one day the home burned down and the child
was killed. You've got her as a preclear! You've got her as
a preclear, right now, because she doesn't feel very much
capable of a will have again. And it breaks her pretty badly.

Now, we go on up and we say something like this happened to
somebody who was more advanced than this -- I'm starting to
show you something here.

We find out that if something like that happened, I mean,
this person... they'd probably just sit; they'd probably
just sit and stare into space -- be that bad.

Well, they've got themselves tied down on the time track
with the age of the body. Their hopes, dreams and
aspiration are all wrapped up in space and what they have
in terms of a body and what the activity that body can
accomplish - what activity that body can accomplish at that
period of life. And when the body is very active it, of
course, can have. And when it's less active, it's less able
to have, and so forth. And the fellow has got his whole
life monitored against this silly time track for one
lifetime. And it's silly. There's nothing sillier.

The truth of the matter is a Theta Clear could step outside
and start dressing that body up so he can turn on its
hormone system again, amongst other things. This body
doesn't have to go on the same old rolley-coaster of, see,
conserve it. Oh, it grows. Everything is fine, rosy,
wonderful. It's growing, he's changing, it's action,
motion, "has"; it has aesthetic quality, and so forth. And,
of course, he is -- the world is his oyster and he is king
-- and doing, all that sort of thing. And then he gets up
here to conserve and then he says, "Well, I have to be a
little bit careful what I eat and so on, but I get along
all right, and so on. I have a little bit of trouble now
and then, but nothing like that." And he's still doing, doing.

And then one day he hits the decay part of the spiral. And
there he goes.

And if he talks about anything, when he's about seventy,
it's what he had, when.

He will talk about the shotgun that was given him on his
tenth birthday. He will talk about his faithful old dog who
has now been dead for fifty-six years. The world is full of
dogs. All he's got to do is go out here in the street and
say, "Whwwt!" and he's got a dog. But he's got to be...
talk about poor old Rover.

Just Rover, that's all that existed. It was just Rover.

Now, actually, you'd be surprised how aberrative childhood
pets are.

They're terrifically aberrative, because the child is
confronted with this wonderful thing -- a live toy, a live
toy, and he knows that it can't be replaced.

Rover is never replaceable. Never. Use Creative Processing,
he gets over Rover in an awful heck. Oh, it's very, very
swiftly. Nothing to that. You can get over Rover in about
ten minutes.

All right. Just using be, have, do. What did he have? So,
let's do an additional assessment on our preclear, in
addition to another one which you will learn by and by --
Create and Destroy Assessment -- and let's find out, then,
the factors of past, present and future havingness; past,
present and future doingness; past, present and future
beingness; and we will have the time, space and energy of
the thetan.

And what are we trying to do with the thetan? It's just one
thing to get a fellow outside of his body. Yeah, that's
just that, see? And that's very nice.

But he's not very satisfied with that.

Oh, well, he's just steamed up to get outside and be able
to control the body from outside; he knows that's where
he's supposed to be and everything.

He is on fire to go ahead and get this, and all that sort
of thing, and so on.

And you get him outside and he's stable outside and he can
remain outside, and you say, "Well, that's good enough." He
says, "Now, wait a minute. Now," he says, "let's get on
with developing some energy and getting these perceptions a
little bit better. Actually, I got to have these
perceptions better," and so on. He's got space all
scrambled up or other things all scrambled up, somehow or
other. He's got to perceive these things better.

Well, how does he perceive these things better? He
perceives these things better in terms of beingness,
havingness, doingness. Therefore he has to be able to
shift postulates. So you just do an assessment to find out
what he didn't have, what he doesn't have, what he'll never
have, what he had, what he has, what he will have.

By the way, you will come right up against one with that
"will have." He'll suddenly say to you... oh, he can tell
you what he will not have. Oh yes, life is probably all
gone for him. It always is. But in terms of what he will
have, he's liable to sit there and just gawp for a couple
of minutes. He hasn't anything up the time track to have
when he gets there. And this will puzzle him and puzzle him
and puzzle him and puzzle him, and is actually enough of a
puzzle to actually debar some person from becoming a Theta
Clear. He can't figure out what he'll have. So if he can't
figure out what he'll have, hell have no future time, if
he's a Theta Clear. He knows what he'll have: "Ill have a
body." He knows that; that's all he knows, though. "I'll
just have a body. Well, can't have anything else,
naturally. Couldn't have health, too." I mean, usually if
he's in that area of the Tone Scale, you see, well, he
could have a body. It probably... body would have to be
pretty sick, because otherwise somebody else would want it,
if it wasn't sick So, you say, "Do." All right, now, "Done,
doing" -- doing, very exciting.

Now, you say, "Will do." And he'll say, "Well, I can go
over that -- I tell you what I won't be... won't do.
I'm not gonna go around and do this and do that,"
and he lays down a lot of postulates which he'll later
erase. But "What'll I do if I'm Theta Clear? Well, what...
what will I do if I'm..." See? "What's my goals?" All of a
sudden, you take this fellow and he's built his lifetime
up. And they've said, "If you drink babroot this will
happen and if you take that, this will happen and that will
happen. And if you drive an Armstrong Snorts something else
will happen, and wear Bond Street bumps and that's what'll
happen." And here we go, we've just got it... all the
will-haves. Will-haves are all related to body. And there
isn't a single advertising... You can look on these lorries
as they go by out here. You can look on every single lorry.

You can go down in the underground, you can look in all the
cars, you can look at all those signs, they go downstairs,
and nowhere will you find anybody advertising anything for
a thetan to have.

Now, that should tell you something. This society isn't
rigged that way.

He'll have his own universe and he'll be able to make
himself effective upon this one, but if you can't figure
out something for him to have and if he can't figure it out
for himself -- he'll have to figure it out for himself --
why, he isn't going to want to have any future time as a
thetan. But hell want to have future time as a body, and so
you've got your identifications mixed. So he'll want body
space, not thetan space. He'll want all... he don't want
all space, he just wants the body's space, because the body
will have and therefore by being very covert about the
whole thing, he will be able to acquire, because he has a

You know, you go to the theater. As you walk past the
ticket window, they say to you, "Ticket, please." And you
get a ticket and you get to see the show. Well, in the MEST
universe, you walk past the ticket window and they say,
"Body, please." And you say, "Got a body. Here it is." And
they say, "All right, here's the show." And he doesn't have
a body, he doesn't have a body. That's all there is to
that. And he's got to resolve this. It presents a fellow
with a considerable problem. He's got to solve it himself.

Actually, it's a very easy problem to solve. What he'll
have, well, it can be a very unlimited affair, believe me.
But he has to understand a lot of the mechanics. But you
want a lot of the mechanics of what he's doing. That's why
you theta clear somebody and they're not satisfied even
vaguely. They want to go on up the line, because they've
run into this: be, have and do. And you've run into it
past, present and future and you resolve that.

Now, if you want your thetan to have power... A thetan...
it's just no good for a Theta Clear to go around with no
horsepower. I mean, he walks up and picks up something --
he couldn't pick up that. That's a fact. He couldn't knock
the catch -- most of your thetans -- on that. He'd come
around and he would... It's just horrible; he just can't do
anything with it.

You would be surprised in how his morale picks up, as one
fine day he's just sort of... he's given it all up, but he
feels pretty good this day, and he knocks over this old
bread crumb and it goes skitter. And he says, "For goodness
sakes. Fifteen inches -- fifteen inches, right down the
fairway. There it goes." And he'll go around, he'll try to
duplicate it, and it will have frightened him so that he
probably won't be able to do it for a few times. And then
he'll get back on to it again and he'll take on a smaller
crumb. And then one day he'll be sitting in a restaurant
and he'll all of a sudden go ptock! with one of the rolls,
and it flies out into the middle of the room. He says,
"What do you know!" Actually, it isn't any sense being
anything unless you can move things. So you want your
thetan to develop energy and horsepower.

> And if he's gonna develop energy and horsepower,
> you have to resolve ...
> [recording ends abruptly at this point]

[End of side 2 of the tape in the OT cassettes]


[Begining of side 1 of the tape in the OT cassettes]

Now, continuing in this matter of be, have and do, I have
made it very complicated so you'll realize that there's a
considerable problem and I'm very, very clever to have
solved it. (laughter)

And when I showed you this little girl or, let
us say worse than that... Who's got a match? When I show
you this, here is...

See that match flare? Where's that energy? Just where's
that energy?

Male voice: It's changed and done all sorts of things.

It has done all sorts of things, that's right. We hope it
has. But that flare of the match is there someplace. Now, I
want you to close your eyes - close your eyes and take a
look at that match flaring again. Do you see that match
flare again?

Male voice: Yes.

Okay. Well, now, you made a recording of the match. There
are about five ways you could have made this recording.
It's no wonder somebody gets a little bit crowded up with a
number of ways one can think and remember. You could
actually just create the flare of the match again, and you
could create it with enough accuracy so that you would see
the flare of the match again.

You could also create all the perceptions having to do with
the flare of the match. You could do that. Or you could
recover the time-space moment of the flare of the match,
and look at it. Or you could simply knock out, for the
moment, your time-space differentiation and look at the
match flaring. That one we'll go into in a moment.

Now, quite in addition to this, you could have taken energy
-- a ridge - and made a facsimile which recorded all the
perceptions that were present at that time and have held
these, and then just flipped the time factor on that ridge
and looked at it again. You just looked at it again. You
just took a picture of it and then you looked at it again.

Now, you could have taken some of this energy immediately
before you and recomposed it and then looked at it. And
those are the five ways in which you could have seen that
match flare.

Now, all those ways are present. You wouldn't be able to
perceive this material universe at all, at all, at all, if
you were not continually manufacturing time and space, if
you weren't continually manufacturing the triangle. And so
you go right along with it, and you continually manufacture
the triangle.

Don't do this to a preclear, but this happens to work.
Don't do it to him unless you care to assume that your
judgment is sufficient to tell you that he is not needed
anywhere along the track from here on. You make him pull
all of his perception into present time. Remember
everything he ever said or did or felt in present time,
instanter, right now. He won't be much good after that,
unless you process him back to a point where he'll
differentiate time and space again. Because you've just
told him all time and space are the same, and you've told
him to grab all the energy he has parked in all the
time-spaces which form his time track and pile it all
together in one lump.

And that could be quite cataclysmic, and actually is.

Now, in deep hypnotism, narcosynthesis, this can be
particularly horribly effective, and is one of the dangers
which makes narcosynthesis impractical. Narcosynthesis does
nothing if not create a tremendous dependency -- at least
does that. The next thing it does is it takes a complete
record of everything that happened in narcosynthesis and
turns it into an engram.

It's very astonishing to people who are using
narcosynthesis to suddenly have an auditor slip the
preclear back into the moment, have the preclear recapture
that moment again and inspect it thoroughly and run it
through and run it through and run it through, and all of a
sudden have all the perceptions turning up that occurred
during the narcosynthesis, even at its deepest and most
unconscious moment. That's a baffler. That isn't supposed
to happen, yet it can be done.

Now, out of these five ways of reperceiving, there are two
of them that are aberrative above the others. One of them
is pulling the energy into present time where it sticks,
and say, "That energy now rides in present time." And the
other one is -- and it's practically the same thing;
practically the same thing -- jarring it into an
association short circuit. That would be the same as
getting a key-in. Fellow has an engram, then he starts to
get key-ins and key-ins and key-ins and key-ins and he gets
into this horrible and deplorable state of affairs.

Now, you see here what we're talking about. We're talking
about the basic mechanisms of the mind. Now, we've got an
awful lot of material in the earlier books, in Dianetics
and so on, all these basic mechanisms, and each one is
actually taking up another mechanism or a faster mechanism
or a swifter way of using that mechanism. But what do you
know? That material all works; it's all valid and it's part
of the same puzzle right now; it's part of the same picture
that you're looking at at this moment. We just looked at it
harder and harder, and I just worked with it longer and
longer and I probably... and found better and better common
denominators, better and better definitions to do it faster
and faster. But we go back to the earliest method there
was and, yes, it still obeys what we're doing now. That is
to say, we're handling experience and energy. And of
course, that's part of the three sides of this triangle.
We're handling something. We're putting something under
control when we're erasing an engram. The mechanisms of
erasure and the answers to that are contained in these
things which I'm just telling you about.

Now, when I say time is "have," it's simply that. You can
be without having. You can have pretty near without being.
You can, too! They go down the street and they say, "You
see that big house there? That's Doakes's house. He's dead."
So you see, you can have without being; you can be without

Now, this becomes very interesting from this standpoint
that you have to have and be in order to do. And doingness
consists of thinking and acting as its two subdivisions,
thinking and acting as its two subdivisions.

You have to be in order to think. And you can't help but
have to some slight degree if you think. And if you do you
will have. And if you have you will be. Oh, boy. This
thing's going around in a beautiful circle again. What do
you know! We got another, as the pilots call them, a rat
race -- round and round and round and round and round.

You see, we define havingness in terms of beingness and
doingness. And we determine doingness in terms of beingness
and havingness. And we determine beingness, actually -- if
we want to observe somebody being, in this universe at
least -- in terms of doing and having. We say, "What's Mr.
Jinks worth?" "Well, Mr. Jinks has..." We take two sides of
this now. Let's take plus-doingness. A person can do so
much that they decrease their beingness and their
havingness. And in order to do anything very fast, you have
to actually risk your beingness and havingness. Race
driver. Airplane pilot. He has to rate down his beingness
and rate down his havingness in order to do swiftly.

Now, let's take this... another fellow. He works so slowly
that he is the eighth assistant janitor -- no beingness to
amount to anything -- and he doesn't have a thing. And he's
doing too slowly. So, you see this factor of doing is
actually monitoring being and having. Or let's take it in
reverse, more properly, and being and having monitor doing.
The beingness and the havingness of the person establish
his doingness.

Now, the goal of every capitalista is to have and have and
have and have and have, and if he has enough, then he can
dispense with doing. Only, is that the way it works out?
That's always the grimmest jest of the material universe.

The more you have, the more you have to do. And you can
acquire possessions, and at first you're yourself, and then
you get so you own something and, boy, are you on the time
track. Right now, you own something, you're on the time track.

You're on its time track.

And the more you own, you say, "Well now, if I own
rawr-rawr and so on and so on, boy, will I be." You'll be
what it wants you to do. You'll be what it wants you to be,
eventually, if you go and overload this line too heavily.
You can possess yourself into an eternity of time track.

The Hindu, for instance -- he instinctively works against
this. He says he doesn't want to have anything. He just
denies everything; he doesn't want anything. And if he
doesn't want anything, then can he really increase his
beingness! Well, it so happens he's going to enormously
increase his beingness, and the way to do that is to cut
down doingness to zero. Now, he's going to cut down his
havingness to zero and he's going to cut down his doingness
to zero in order to increase his beingness to infinity.

Well, he still holds on to a body. And the second he holds
on to a body he has something. The second he's holding on
to a body he's on the time track. If he cuts down doingness
to nothing he's putting his body in jeopardy, but he still
has his body. And his beingness is not very good, let me
assure you. It's not very good.

If you practice these same tenets, your beingness will go
downhill so fast that you will wonder how you got there.
You didn't see that toboggan slide, but you must have come
down one. Or it must have been an elevator shaft you
dropped down, or something, because here all of a sudden
you are in the basement.

This doesn't work slowly. There is nothing slow about
suddenly saying, "I'm going to deny the material universe,
I'm not going to have any part of the material universe,
and I'm not going to do anything about it. And therefore I
can be." And if you think it goes to infinity, it doesn't;
it goes to zero, right along with do and have. And it's
just a horrible rat race from which man has been trying to
escape, endlessly trying to escape.

He gets into a balanced proposition, but that balance
depends upon the universe which he is patronizing. What
universe is he patronizing? If he's patronizing the MEST
universe and he's set up his stand in the MEST universe, by
having MEST he is able to establish his beingness. You see,
it's very hard to establish identity unless you've got a
bracelet or a union card or a ration book or your
fingerprints are on file someplace, or you've got a body
that has the fingerprints to be on file. And you just sail
out as a Theta Clear and say, "Well, no body -- Boom! Now,
we're not going to worry about this body anymore; we'll put
it down there on the bus stop and walk off and leave it."
And the frame of reference, in terms of other people, of
your beingness, is gone -- right there. You don't exist as
far as they're concerned. You just wouldn't exist.

Now, if you were constructing your own universe and you
were existing perfectly well in that or if you were in a
cooperative construction of a universe of some sort, and
you just suddenly launched out and you knocked off from the
MEST universe, in order to have any beingness in your own
universe, boy, would you have to do. But what would you do?
You would accomplish havingness, and you'd have a universe.
The anatomy of a universe.

You'd have to have space, time and energy. Space, time and
energy. Now, how do you mark time? Does time exist for you?
Actually, in absence of havingness, no. What happened to
your past lives? You've still got some facsimiles kicking
around; you still got some memories kicking around; you
certainly have some aberrations kicking around from an
awfully long track. I'll ask you just to take that on with
a big doubt and so forth, if you want to. It's something we
can safely let you doubt, very safe to let you doubt that,
very safe to let you repudiate it and so forth, and you can
hold it as long as you don't get near an E-Meter or an
auditing couch.

One fellow was saying, "I couldn't possibly have lived
before." And some fellow said something on the order,
"Well, shut your eyes. Now, what was it like a million
years ago?" And the fellow says, "Well, so-and-so and
so-and-so, and I was living in this cave... Hey, wait a
minute. What are you doing?" It just never occurred to him
to look before. Why? He didn't have anything back there.
He's lost all possession, including a body. All his
possession is gone, so he has no connecting link with that
time. And if he has no connecting link with the time in
terms of havingness, the time does not exist in terms of

Now, you could start working somebody on the track. How do
you pick up the reality of the past track? You just pick up
the things the fellow had.

Pick up his body, get him to put his body through the
paces. All of a sudden he comes into the ownership again of
his body. Get him to pick up the area, get him to pick up a
few of his possessions, and will he start getting confused
about then, because he'll start wondering what happened to
his possessions.

And he will get sort of... kind of mad about it, too. He
gets upset.

Who's got these things now? He had this nice
whimmegagoodgit and so on.

And there was this quarterhorse (the quarterhorse is
probably dead; probably died after he did) and so forth.
But that doesn't account for what happened to the sulky.
And... But the fellow realizes and there's that property he
had... that property he had down in East London: Who's got
that now?

That was a nice house. Boy, does he get upset! And he'll
get upset enough because he can't connect up with his past
time to wipe it out.

"Well, I've started a new life. I'll have to go on bravely
into the future and I'll just have to make it up some other
way." He's pretty unhappy about it.

But you say, "Why don't people remember their past
existences?" Actually, you can take a preclear and get him
out of the body and say, "All right, now. Let's pick up the
memory bank that has to do with playing the piano." "Okay."
He'll say, "There's one around here someplace or another.
Here... here's... here's a... here's a... one with a... but it's
got a bad facsimile in it." "Well, why don't you take the
bad facsimile out and take that out and strip that away.
Have you thrown it away? All right, darn it. Now, plug it
into the motor controls." "Okay." "Plug it in the motor
controls." "Okay." Don't pay any more attention to him;
don't ask him, "Can you play a piano now?" or anything
invalidative like that. Just forget about it. And if you
come around where that fellow has got a piano or something
of the sort, why, he'll be playing the piano.

You'll say to him, "Say, do you realize that... doesn't it
seem strange to you?" He'll say, "What?" "Playing the
piano." "Mm, why should that seem strange? What's the
matter? Something wrong with you? I could play the piano. I
could always play the piano. What's the matter with you?"
"Well, for a long time you couldn't play the piano." "Oh.
As for that, that's of no importance." Bang, bang, bang,
and plays ...knocks off Mozart or something of the sort.
Couldn't play a note twentyfour hours before. It's a very
interesting fact.

Or perhaps you'd walk down the street and you've told this
fellow to plug in his French. And he's plugging in his
French. You've told him to plug in his Oxford education, or
anything of the sort. And you go down the street and here's
this Frenchman and he's gab-gab, walla-walla, gab-gab,
walla-walla, comment, nyah, wah, nyee, nyee, ror.

And you say, "What accent are you speaking with?" He says,
"Well, actually, I'm speaking with a southern French...
southern France accent, and so forth. I never could stand
Parisian," He wouldn't comment on it, but the day before he
couldn't speak French. See, it doesn't seem odd to him
because it's real.

That's what truth is. When a man recovers a truth, it's
true to him. It isn't strange to him.

But, again, he is marked up against his past because he has
something from it. Have. What's he got in the future?
What's he got in the future? Well, you show me a fellow who
is upset and who isn't getting along well, and I'll show
you a fellow who has no hope of future possession. He
hasn't got anything in the future.

The future. And all time is... Now, don't say, "We are
bending time and redefining time in terms of having."
Oh-ho, no, we're not. We're not bending or redefining.
We're talking about time when we're talking about having.
And time is the manifestation of havingness -- time is
havingness. I mean, that is the experience connected with
time; the experience of time is havingness.

Now, you keep on, then, with your illusion of havingness by
creating space-time, space-time, space-time; and by
continual agreement with the MEST universe, the MEST
universe, you think, permits you to have. And it's all it
permits you to have. And you completely overlook the fact
that probably even in the MEST universe, if you got over
this insidious agreeing with it all the time, you could
probably put almost anything you wanted into the MEST
universe. And if you had enough force, enough beingness and
enough doingness, you could make it stick. You could
probably manufacture pound notes just by holding it out and
say, "There's your pound note." Now, that's theoretical,
but that would be crossing universes. We're not interested
in crossing universes, we're simply interested in a man's
own universe. His own life is his own universe. And even in
this MEST universe, he may think he's living in a universe
which belongs to somebody else or something of the sort,
but any part of that universe which he perceives, really,
is his to some degree. It is his. And his investment in the
universe is continual space-time-energy, space-time-energy,
space-time-energy, space-time-energy.

He's turning over like a twelve-cylinder car on that basis.
He's just going on that all the time: zingety-bing,
zingety-bing, zingety-bing, zingtyings, space-time-energy,
space-time-energy. He's at that continually. And the second
he ceases to be at that, he isn't, as far as this universe
is concerned. He just isn't, at that moment.

Now, the trick we're doing in Scientology in Theta Clearing
is demonstrating for the individual his beingness as
independent of having a body, which is a special kind of
havingness. Now, as soon as you can demonstrate that and
get him stably exteriorized from a body so that he doesn't
have to have a body to be, he actually can assume a higher
plane of being. He can assume that plane then, because he
isn't subject to the terrific liabilities but he is not
outlawed from having. He isn't outlawed from having, he can
still manage his body. He just doesn't have to be in it.

And if anything happened to the body, he'd say, "Well,
that's too bad. I certainly will have to do something else
about this now." Well, what he would do about it is his
business. Maybe he would get some sort of a symbol, some
sort of an identification, of any kind or characteristic
and... Or maybe he'd just go down to the maternity ward and
pick up another body. But it'd be a big joke on the family,
because the baby would get to be about two months old, when
it could finally use its vocal cords and it'd say, "You
know, I'm awfully tired of this. Why don't you call up that
blonde down on High Kensington. She'd make a pretty good
nurse." Now, this is far from being in the category of not
beyond the realm of fancy. What we're talking about happens
to be fact. I mean, this is the kind of a "will have" you
can look forward to.

Anyway, what do you possess? Well, your possessions would
be limited to your ability to do. And your time is also
limited by your ability to do. You know that, oh-oh-oh, how
strongly. Your doingness is limited by the amount of time
you have. Well, it works the opposite way. Your ability to
do makes the amount of time you have. But if you have only
a body to do it with, it gets tired, it gets worn out, it
has to eat; everybody's got this universe figured out on a
scarcity racket.

And so, you can't have very much. Well, if you can't have
very much, you won't be able to do very much or be very
much. Now, if you want to increase these three factors, you
have to increase them uniformly up the time. If you want
more time, you have to differentiate between these two
points: Do you want more time self-determinedly? You want
more self-determined time? You can have that.

Or let's go at it the other way. Now let's ask the question
the other way: Do you want your time to be more determined?
Now, if you want time to be more self-determined and to
have more self-determinism over your own time, get rid of
what you have. Unload it fast! Because what you have
determines your time.

Now, do you just want more time? Do you just want the
illusion of lots and lots and lots of time, and there just
being lots of time all up and down the track and a time
which is imposed on you? The time is imposed thoroughly on
you? Well, the way to get that time is acquire possessions
-- get lots of them, get all sorts of things. Go down to
the junk shop, go down to auctions, collect things in your
desk, collect things in your pockets, collect things in
your purse, fool around -- get possessions, possessions. If
you just stack up enough possessions, believe me, every bit
of time you've got will be determined for you. You just
won't have any empty time on your hands at all.

Now, that shows you there's two sides to this sort of thing.

All right. Let's take energy. Let's take energy. Do you
really want energy which you can determine the existence
of? Well, all you have to do is to free yourself a little
bit from havingness and not be quite so sold on the subject
of beingness and you'll have lots of energy with which to
do what you like with. And that'll be your energy -- your
energy. Okay?

How do you get more energy, though? How would you get more
energy, not your energy?

Factually, here, the trick is we're really looking at the
Tone Scale. We're looking at the Tone Scale and at the
bottom of the thing it says "all MEST" and at the top of
the thing it says "theta all by itself, pure, knowing and
there, and unidentified by anybody, but very
self-complacent." All right. How do you cut down the Tone
Scale? How do you go down the Tone Scale on this and get
down below where you are determined, and so on?

You just borrow energy. Get lots of energy, lots of energy.
Have gasoline motors -- gasoline motors to move you around
with and have electric lights and have fires that keep
things nice and warm and get lots of energy, get lots of
energy. And then get lots of people to do things for you.
Now, the more people you can get that will do things for
you -- just for you, you see -- why, the less energy you
have to put out.

Unfortunately, that works immediately to be the less energy
you will put out, which means immediately the less energy
you will have. So it just goes right on down Tone Scale,
real fast, real fast.

If you just collect enough... enough doingness directed
toward you -- oh, boy. You're all set.

Now, at the same time, your MEST beingness will become
better and better and better. You will be Mr. Gotbucks, or
almost anything -- Milord Moneybags, any great name. Great
Rolls-Royce, gold-plated with a gold roof and a couple of
beautiful blonde chauffeurs dressed in short pants,
something real fancy -- probably carrying tommy guns
because you have to protect yourself - would be driving you
down the street, and you draw up before the most exclusive
club in London, which has only one member, and that's you.
There'll probably be crowds lined up around, and they'll
roll this carpet out so that you can walk over the velvet
carpet in, and you sit down.

But you'll notice that everything is being done for you.
And I frankly don't think you'll be able to walk after a
short space of time.

Now, but your beingness from a MEST standpoint will be
tremendous. Oh, everybody will say, "Mmmm." But what do you
know? From your own standpoint, you practically won't
exist. You'll be very unhappy, you'll wonder why you're
kind of mopey, and you'll wonder why things aren't running
well and why you don't feel well, and things are kind of a
worry to you, and you're just upset -- just upset; that's
all there is to it.

Now, so your MEST identity and your MEST havingness and
your MEST doingness -- the amount of energy you acquire,
the amount of beingness which is assigned to you and the
amount of havingness -- can be an inflow or an outflow. And
if it's very heavy and very MESTy it is inflow and you have
agreed with the MEST universe. You've agreed with it
thoroughly. And that's inflow, and you've got good identity
and you've got good possession and there's a lot of energy
serves you.

But if you want self-determinism, you have to go up the
Tone Scale and you have to start some outflow. And if you
really go up the Tone Scale, you have to make your own
universe. But if you did that, you would have to be able to
make a lightning bolt kerzap across the face of the MEST
universe, which would upset people a great deal. So, you
see, there's a theoretical point up there that demonstrates
condusively that we have an optimum action level at 20.0,
and an undesirable importance and beingness below 3.0 which
isn't worth having. But according to the MEST universe,
it's sure worth having. That's the MEST universe; it's
presented you with its all. Yes sir, even a gravestone.

All right. Now, what's this beingness, havingness,
doingness got to do with processing? Well, let me tell you,
a Theta Clear who can't step outside of his body is having
a hard time trying to conceive himself as being in any
other way. He's having a very rough time with having,
because he can't feature that he'd have any body. He has to
have a body, and the body is somebody else's or something.
He has to have it. He's got to have it. As far as his
doingnesses are concerned, he couldn't perform such an
action, because it would require energy.

How do you get him up the Tone Scale? All right. There's
positive and negatives on each -- positive-and-negatives: be
-- not be; have -- not have; do -not have; do -- not do --
past, present and future. And I will give you a full list
of that our next night, and exactly how you apply this to

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Freezone Bible Helper - Tape Transcripts

The November Lecture Series of 1952

Posted in support of setting the tech free.




[The 1st 4 previously issued as OT cassettes #11, 12, 13, 15, and 16
- number 13 being LS-3 which is split between the 1st & 2nd of
the SofMU lectures. These have been verified against the old
tapes and the occasional omission has been marked ">". The
last lecture is unverified and may be LPC-6 instead of LS-5 (see



Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology
Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet.

The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of
Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the
copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom.

They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be
stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians,
Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered
to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion.

The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings
of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity.

We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according
to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against.

But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews,
the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old
testament regardless of any Jewish opinion.

We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion
as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures
without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists.

We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do
not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope
that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose
to aid us for that reason.

Thank You,

The FZ Bible Association


Secrets of the Mest Universe lecture 5.
"Methods of Research - Self Determinism and Creation of Universes"

LS-5 - not included in the OT cassettes

[R&D vol 12 lists this as lecture LPC-6 given on 17 Nov 52
Under this title and with the contents below.

Pilot's master tape list says that there are 2 tapes, LS-5
and LPC-6 (London Professional Course lecture 6) as follows:

----- from Pilot's master list

> LS-5 16 Nov MEST-Self-Mest Universe in connection with
creative processing
(the "secrets" cassettes subsitutes LPC-6 (below) which was
given on 17 Nov and has a similar title)

LPC-6 16 Nov Self-Determinism and Creation of Universes

----- end pilot excerpt

[neither of these tapes were in the OT cassettes, so we were
unable to verify the following transcript]


A lecture given on 16 November 1952

[The secrets cassettes date this as 16 NOV 52 and R&D 12
dates the same lecture as 17 NOV 52]

Today, I'd like to take up with you in a little more detail
the whole problem of "have" with relationship to time; with
ARC with relationship to space, time and energy. We're
going to go into a bit of a flight of fancy with regard to
the composition of the material universe.

Now, you are going to find something very peculiar here.
You're studying something -- you're studying something in
order to be able to defeat it, not to be able to use it.
You should be able to know... you should be able to know so
well what happens to a perception recorded by the MEST
body, you should be able to know so thoroughly the various
activities of the energy after it has been recorded, and
you should know so well the various types of aberrative
incidents which have occurred on the whole track that you
need no notes - you should take notes so that you can study
your notes on this, but you should need no notes when
you're auditing.

And the time for you to learn this information, the time
for you to learn this data, is right now. Just make up your
mind, postulate that you need this information. Because you
are not going to use this information except to defeat it.
That's quite important. You are employing this data in a
brand-new way, brand-new way in Scientology. You have all
of the terrible liabilities of the MEST universe. You
should have them at your fingertips and know how you can
defeat them with Creative Processing, because you don't
address them directly. You no longer address engrams,
secondaries, facsimiles of any kind, including locks, or
the ridges and flows, directly.

You address them indirectly and actually, you should never
have to specifically address and reduce, from here on, an
engram or a secondary, except in this instance: the assist.
A preclear very often becomes injured, and by directly
addressing and running out that injury, he gets well. He's
been injured, that's a specific type of recent injury.

Now, actually, any one of you, expert in this line, could
actually stand outside the receiving ward of a big
emergency hospital, and you could raise the recovery rate
by some undetermined percentage, but it would be raised
possibly even 80 percent. It's just way up, what you could
do. And that is the value of the assist: somebody burns his
hand; somebody has been thrown out of a car, he has a
concussion; somebody has just been operated on; there has
just been a delivery; you want the mother to recover, you
want her not to have the various liabilities, the
postpartum liabilities, physiological or psychological,
which attend a delivery -- many of these things.

Or this fellow has just been through a shocking experience,
let us say, in the line of business, which has reduced him
to practically nothing. Anything which is fresh -- fresh,
new. And that term fresh or new is quite relative, but I
would say that it would come within the span of thirty
days, and anything older than thirty days -- that's quite
an arbitrary figure there -- anything older than thirty
days hit it with Creative Processing and Creative
Processing only, no matter what your temptation is to hit
it directly.

Now, let me emphasize that. There is a terrific tendency,
an enormous tendency on the part of every mortal alive to
address these things directly - address them directly.
"Let's rush back in and conquer the physical universe!"
That's just exactly how the preclear got into trouble: the
conquest of MEST. That axiom that has to do with the
conquest of MEST was never more valid. And he has to be
restrained in the conquest of MEST until his ability to
conquer MEST is, I would say offhand, maybe a hundred
thousand times better than it is, or maybe a hundred
million times better.

He will get to a point where he can... he knows that an
electric light is on, and he can see the electric light on,
outside of his body or inside of his body, and he will say,
"Fine. My perceptics are in wonderful condition. Let's go
out and conquer some more MEST!" And then you'll get ahold
of your preclear the next session and he can't get out of
his body.

And you'll say, "My goodness. What's the matter with this
preclear?" or "What's the matter with my processing?" And
you set him down and you coax him this way and you work
with him that way and you work with him, and he's getting
harder to get out of his body than he was the first time.

What's he done? He's gone out and he's hit the physical
universe one way or the other, and he has said, "Oh, my! I
failed." Now he's failed with magnitude, because he's being
invalidated on the most invalidatable line, which is as a
thetan directly. He can't blame it on the body; this is he
that's failing.

And so, don't worry about it. Your preclear is going to be
able to perceive the MEST universe. He's going to be able
to perceive it and find it and know what he is looking at
and have horsepower to handle it, and all the rest of this.
He's going to do very, very well, but not for quite a
while, not for quite a while.

This person is so startled to find himself nut of his body
and find out he's actually free and that his activities are
not censurable by Earth police, that he's perfectly willing
to go in and change empires. Oh, he feels about 185 yards
tall. And then about, oh, usually in less than an hour, he
is about a millimeter tall -- maybe a milli-millimeter.
Does he feel small. He feels very tiny. And the reason for
this is very simple: He's invalidated himself and by that
invalidation he has keyed in the exact incidents which tell
him he can't.

Now, he's keyed them in directly.

In the first place, flying around outside the body he
immediately keys in all the reasons why he shouldn't fly
around outside the body. Just that, you see? It also keys
in all the conditions in which he's found himself outside
before -- namely, dead. He is dead. That's when he found
himself out before, he's very dead.

Furthermore, he's going up against possibly his last set of
instructions, which were "When you get out, you report back
here. You report back right here! Not an inch either side,
you report right to this spot. And this is the spot where
we relieve you of all your woe and burdens, you poor
fellow. And we're going to fix you up veeeery nicely and
make you forget eeeeverything and even forget to
remeeeember, and we're all so nice..." Well, he knows by
the time you've processed him a short time this is a lot of
bunk, but he's flying in the teeth of tremendous
horsepower. And so he gets out and what he discovers is not
only that he is invalidated but that he is evidently liable
for all of the monkey business which he's gotten in the
past. He's liable for all this again, and it keys him in.

Now, therefore, the goal is -- as outlined in Scientology
8-8008 -- is the attainment of a theoretical (unattainable)
infinity by the reduction of the apparent power of the
MEST universe from infinity to a zero of apparent power.

That doesn't mean you make the MESTuniverse disappear, you
see? I mean, you just reduce its authority from infinity to
zero. And you increase the power of the thetan as a thetan
from zero to his infinity. It's a very simple statement,
actually. It doesn't have anything in it that is quibbling.
The reason I say theoretical, it's obviously not the goal
of 8008 to actually smash all the planets together and blow
them up. That is not its goal. But... That is not what is
meant by the infinity of the MEST universe. An infinity of
the power, an infinity of the conviction the MEST universe
carries. It is, right now, carrying an infinity of
conviction. Now, as long as it carries that infinity of
conviction, your preclear is going to try to hasten to
agree with it again, and that's how he got bad off.

He's going to get in there in an awful hurry and try to
agree with it all over again, and he's in no condition to
agree with the MEST universe -- no condition at all to
agree with it. He's not even in a condition to disagree
with it.

And we have found the bypass circuit. Now, there was a
method of bypassing the circuit.

Now, you'll just have to take my word for it. Or, if you
care to lay out, yourself, a two- or three-months' research
program and work on it for twelve or fifteen hours a day,
you can get this data. But you will find out that maybe a
minute's worth of Creative Processing is worth dozens and
dozens of hours of direct processing.

Now, we'll call any process we have had in the past up to
Standard Operating Procedure, Issue 1, Theta Clearing -- we
will call those "direct processing." That whole span is
direct processing.

And starting with Scientology 8-8008 we approach -- not
indirect processing -- we approach Creative Processing. And
it is an indirect approach, however, and attains the same
thing as though it were indirect processing. But its goal
is not indirection; its goal is actually what it says its
goal is, and that is simply the increase of the thetan from
a zero of his own universe to an infinity of his own
universe. That's the goal of it.

Now, it doesn't do that in order to get back at the MEST
universe again! It is aimed toward the same goal, the
identical goal of Advanced Procedure and Axioms. We have
not changed our goal but we just know more about this goal.

And naturally, when we knew a great deal about this goal,
we had to change the modus operandi to get to that goal
better, and what is that? To rehabilitate the
self-determinism of the preclear. The duty of the auditor
is the rehabilitation of the self-determinism of the preclear.

And what do we find the self-determinism of the preclear
is? We find that it is the location of matter and energy in
space and time, and the creation, conservation, alteration
and destruction of time, space, matter and energy. And that
is his self-determinism.

And a person's self-determinism is as good as he can
create, conserve, alter or destroy energy, matter, space
and time. Get that: destroy time, alter time, conserve
time, start time; conserve space, alter space, destroy
space, create space. That's self-determinism. And that
consists also of, of course: destroy energy, create energy,
alter energy, conserve energy; create matter, conserve
matter, alter matter, destroy matter. There's his

Now, what's the broad definition of self-determinism? Now,
it's just that, that I've been saying: create, conserve,
alter or destroy matter, energy, space and time of any
universe. And that matter, energy, space and time -- do not
even for an instant get it into your heads that the only
matter, energy, space and time there is, is MEST. When
we've used the word MEST it is a coined word: it means
matter, energy, space and time -- the material universe. It
says so in all the texts; we can't alter it at this time.

So, now, let's say that there are other mests, but each one
of these we will write parenthesis (mest) unparenthesis,
designation letter. Whose mest?

Whose universe? So when we just say capital M, capital E,
capital S, capital T, we mean the material universe in
which we are sitting at this moment.

And when we talk about somebody else's universe -- well,
let's say we talk about Joe's universe -- all right, we'll
have parenthesis (small m-e-s-t), unparenthesis, Joe. That
means that.

Now, we have to have this as a communications method, so in
the future you'll occasionally hear me saying "(mest)
self." That would mean your own universe. But when it's
just MEST that means the material universe, because you're
meeting on a common ground of the material universe. All

Now, get this business about space, the creation of space.
If a man cannot create space, he cannot be. And a man isn't
to the direct degree that he cannot create space.

Identity has to do with beingness, and that has to do with
space. Now, that is sideslipped over into havingness, which
is time, and also into doingness -- doingness has to do
with energy.

That can be written, by the way, in several ways: you can
start at the top of this thing and you can say beingness,
that's space. And then you come down the Tone Scale until
you get to doingness, and that has some energy in it. And
the second you get some energy of doingness, you start
sliding on down to the solidification and timelessness of
the energy. And when you get down to actual time spans,
you're into heavy energy and "have." And that, of course,
is MEST. So, you've got a vertical parallel which is
exactly the same as the Tone Scale which you have been
looking at for so long. That is a parallel Tone Scale.

So at 40.0, let's say we get beingness. And then at 20.0 we
get optimum doingness, but optimum doingness results in
subzero acquisitions as far as solidification is concerned,
and that's the MEST universe and that also would be your
own universe.

All right. Let's see how this thing adds up. Let's see how
this adds up, and if there are two routes -- if there are
two routes here. Now, I talked about this a long time ago,
and this makes it possible for people to accuse me of
saying, "Well, he knew it all the time." Maybe I did, maybe
I didn't, because I used to talk about the parabolic Tone

The Tone Scale was a curve; it wasn't the way it looked.
You look at it flatwise, and you find up here 40.0 and you
find down here 0.0 and you find in the middle 20.0. All
right. That's all very nice, but we're just looking on a
plot against time and up this way, potential of survival.

So, we're looking at time. Time goes that way on the Tone
Scale, it goes over here to the right, and vertically it's
just the survival potential of the individual. Up here at
40.0 you have immortality. Well, you look on it flatwise
and that's all very well, but the second you turn this
thing around on edge, you see something else.

You turn this thing around on edge now, and you'll find out
that it has a front and a back. And up here at 40.0 you
have 40.0.

And here you would have the two points, looking at them
edgewise, which would be 20.0. And down here you would have
0.0 on both points.

And what do you know? What do you know? We can look at this
thing sideways, and we see something else is occurring. And
what's occurring?

Well, let's say we take this right-hand parabola over here,
and we take a look at this right-hand parabola and we have
M-E-S-T, the MEST universe is the right hand of this
parabola. And over here on the left-hand side of this
parabola, we have what? (M-e-s-t) self.

Now, we could start at that 40.0 and take the left-hand
parabola and get into a complete doingness in one's own
universe, and ease it on down to 0.0 and we would have a
solid universe. And one wouldn't be at that position on the
Tone Scale. As you see by the dichotomies, one is always
monitoring a lower point on the Tone Scale from a higher
point on the Tone Scale. That is why, for instance, in arts
the artist tends down toward reason from aesthetics. The
arts are higher on the Tone Scale than reason.

You'll find out that people who are doing a lot of
reasoning are always combating and trying to monitor
emotion. They say, "That's the trouble with that fellow, is
he's emotional. He-he-he-he-he doesn't think; he just
emotes, that's all" Now, you take some fellow who is very
volatile, very emotional and so on, he'll say, "Those
people are no good because they just sit around like a
bunch of rocks. They don't emote." And what your emotional
fellow is trying to do is trying to get an apathy case up
to the point of where it'll be emotional; what your
reasoning case is trying to do is to stop people from
emoting and get them up to a level of reason, and what your
artistic individual is trying to do is saying, "Why in the
name of common sense do you have to sit around reasoning
all the time? The best thing for you to do is to appreciate
the beauties of life." All right. We watch this happening
on the Tone Scale. In the same way, one has to be a point
or two above.

Now, let us say that one was in one's own universe and he
was at 20.0, which would be a level of optimum action, and
so forth. He would naturally -- if he were going to do any
optimum action -- he would have to have a lot of MEST in
his own universe. That's his own MEST. He made it.

Now, he's operating from the top-level beingness and
immortality point of 40.0, actually, but he has had to
descend from that point of just "be" toward "have" in order
to get time.

Now, this is your ultimate in "have." The ultimate in
"have" is 0.0, and boy, is there lots of time in 0.0.
Aha-ha, that stuff in 0.0, it is just hardpacked and it
just goes on forever. Does it last! The dream of Egypt was
eternity. Very nice line which a writer writing in I think
"The Mummy's Foot" uses -- a French writer -- "The dream of
Egypt was eternity." And sure enough, everything Egypt did
was great, big, massive, enduring piles of MEST.

You look at their pyramids and look at the Sphinx and look
at the statues and look what they did to mummies and so on.
They had an... what they did to bodies. It's fantastic how
they wanted MEST and how solid that MEST was supposed to be.

Well, you take a more volatile civilization today -- let's
take the civilization of England and the United States
(more or less the same civilization, just as far as its
goals and activities are concerned) and you don't find any
construction man building anything to last. No.
Skyscrapers, big, modern buildings are going up, and that
sort of thing. They build those things to last twenty-five
years in an optimum condition, and then deteriorate for
another twenty-five and then come down.

That's volatile, isn't it? "This material," they say, "is
going to change, everything is subject to change and we're
going to have to tear this down." That's right at the
moment they're building this great, big structure they're
saying, "Well, now, let's see. Now when we go to tear this
down..." Well, now, that shows that they're pretty much
higher on the Tone Scale than the Ethiopian when for
instance, he was governing Egypt. The Ethiopian said, "This
is going to endure forever, and we're never going to tear
this down." And you look at his customs, you look at the
other things and the limit of his understanding and so on,
and boy, it was right there on the Tone Scale; it was just
above 0.0, just above 0. But he built forever. The only way
he could attain eternity was through MEST. He had no
concept of individual immortality beyond MEST. That's why
he made mummies. That is why he made such a mess out of his

That civilization, by the way, under study, is one of the
grimmer things to study. All right. Superstition, oh, all
of the mugwalla-yap-yap that went on in dear old Egypt.
Very low-toned, but it built forever. All right.

Now, Egypt, of course, was not on this left-hand parabola
even faintly.

Egypt was over on the right-hand parabola and so is every
individual over on the right-hand parabola, and the primary
identification, which would be to say the primary
confusion, the primary upset, the number one crossroads,
which... the number one bundle of twine which a person is
asked to take apart, is this one: which is the right-hand
side of the parabola and which is the left-hand side of the
parabola in the individual? Because this individual has
been going on in the MEST universe creating space, creating
time and then saying this was the MEST universe space and
time. He's been gilding all of these things in the MEST
universe with his own ambitions, his own dreams and his own
goals. And he's been saying, "That's me. That's I. That's
little me. I am just over here and I'm making a whole
universe of my own." Alexander the Great goes rushing out
toward India and conquers the whole world for himself, and
at thirty-three had conquered Alexander the Great.

And the cycle is that people go out on this primary piece of
nonsense, which is "All this matter, energy, space and time
is mine. That's really my universe. And the lorries passing
up and down the street are really my lorries, and I have an
influence over all this." And they throw the pall of
illusion -- because it's a pall; it's a pallbearer's shroud
for oneself -- go out and keep gilding this material and
saying, "Here I am and this is really I." And laying
himself all over the MEST universe. And then he wonders one
day why, with a dull thud, he doesn't have any more
universe or any more body or any more anything. Because the
MEST universe isn't a very good operating field, that's
all; it's not rigged to be one. It's sort of the inevitable
average of all illusion or something of the sort, and it's
full of more booby traps.

And one says then, "This is mine." Of course, what is he
going to go toward? Horrible. He says, "This is mine." Of
course that doesn't happen to be true. It's not his. And
the second that he makes this confusion, he's all set.

Now, it has that liability, then, in that it destroys to
the extent one extends into it. One gives it permission to
destroy him by extending into it.

Now, what's wrong with this left-hand side of the parabola
over here?

Yeah, there's something wrong with it. No audience. That's
an awful mess.

I mean, after you've got through building the most
fantastically beautiful cathedrals, no matter how solid
they were to... They might be terribly solid, by the way;
you might be able to walk in and out of their front doors.
You might have a complete population that was totally
devoted to going to this cathedral and bowing down to the
great god Joe. You might have all of that, but you would
have a sneaking little idea in the back of your head all
this time, "Well, of course I made it." There isn't any
dichotomy there operating.

So quite normally, people will team up, and feel very bad
when they don't team up, to make that left-hand parabola.
And you'll find out home universe was usually accomplished
by several people; several beings got together and made a
home universe. And then you could have randomity, and one
was a little bit left to chance.

Did you ever try to play chess with yourself? Now, that's a
silly proposition there, because you know what you are
thinking and you know what your next move will be. And
what's your trick? You start pretending, "Well, now, let's
see. I don't know what I am thinking about when I am the
white side. Now, I don't know what I am thinking about when
I am the black side." And so you keep fooling yourself all
the time. Well, actually, that is a way you get randomity.

All right. Now, let's take a look here and see if there's
any remedy. Is there any remedy for this -- at all? Well,
frankly, as long as one goes toward action and as long as
one goes toward acquiring matter and so on, there isn't
much remedy.

You're subject on either side to these liabilities, and if
you weren't subject on either side to these liabilities
there wouldn't be any point in it.

Now, you would never have driven over on to the right-hand
side if the left-hand side had been completely
satisfactory. And the main thing wrong with the left-hand
side is it's not defensible.

One of these fine days somebody gets ahold of the
wavelength of your universe, and you look out and you
wonder what on earth is happening, and your stars all fall
down. And that is this big, bungling truck of a thing, the
MEST universe -- somebody has bridged over into your
universe, and that's very sad.

As a matter of fact, if you want a grief charge off of most
preclears -- if you want to process the real universe, you
want a grief charge, there is a crossroads of grief. It's
when the universe which they and maybe a few others built
and so on suddenly comes to pieces. And the MEST universe
is an expanding universe, and their universe became part of
the MEST universe. Just run the incident. You could even
call this incident "When the stars all fell down." And they
feel very bad about it, believe me. You'll find they're
still stuck in it, most of them.

Now, when you see -- continuing on this left- and
right-hand side of the parabola, own universe and MEST
universe -- when you see this parabola before you here,
looking at it edgewise, it should mean something to you
that there's no connecting line between 0.0 of the
right-hand parabola and 0.0 of the left-hand parabola.
There's no connecting line between 20.0 of the righthand
parabola and 20.0 of the left-hand parabola, and that the
only place they connect is at 40.0.

From 40.0, as one descends down the right-hand side of the
parabola, one's own space becomes less and less and less
and less and diminishes completely when one arrives at the
MEST universe 0.0. One has no more space. He has just run
fresh out of space; which is to say, he has no more
identity, he has no more beingness for that particular
cycle. Of course, he actually never goes, as a thetan, he
never disappears at 0.0, but he disappears as an individual
at 0.0.

And this is why you have such a tremendous mask over one's
whole track past, is the beingness of an individual in the
right-hand side gets tied to an identity. And this
identity, whenever it disappears, one no longer has.

And if one no longer has, then one's identity is gone. And
the ballup on the whole track is simply that one is still
trying, still has impulses toward his whole track
identities, with absolutely nothing with which to prove it.
So he has no time on the whole track once he's dead. But he
has time as long as he's in close proximity to some MEST
object or some MEST of one sort or another, such as a body.

Just a minor example, a body. A body is nowhere near as
important as you think it is in connecting a person up to
an identity. A person could just as easily connect himself
up to an identity in the Nelson Monument down here. A
person could say, "Well, let's see, I'm the Nelson
Monument. That's who I am." And he could be possibly very
satisfied with being the Nelson Monument, except that --
only trouble is the Nelson Monument can't produce very much
action: it can't sign any checks, it can't flirt with
anybody, or something of the sort.

And now, he might try to work this problem out until Nelson
could tip his hat or something, but he'd want action, and
that's the trouble with being the Nelson Monument: it's

This is solved most easily by becoming the god of a wood.
Hence we find Frazer's Golden Bough stressing and talking
about and belaboring and mauling around and falling over
and going back and forth over endlessly this whole project
of a god in a wood. That's actually what The Golden Bough
is all about, just ad nauseam for God knows how long. And a
lot of it's very pretty, but the trouble with it is it's
got an orientation point which is a limited orientation
point. If he'd taken just a little bit wider orientation
point, he'd have been better off.

Now, I'm not talking about sections of The Golden Bough,
I'm talking about the overall work called The Golden Bough
would have oriented much better if it hadn't been so
limited in scope.

And the limitation of its scope is simply the King of the
Wood at Nemi, that's actually its total scope. He keeps
trying to trace around, and why is it that you have
somebody going out and being the priest king of this little
stretch of wood, and he's priest king until somebody comes
along and slays him, and so on.

Well, now, that's a MEST-body version of it, but what is
his stress? He starts talking about that just as though he
were going to talk about people, and then spends the rest
of the time talking about gods. And he's talking about gods
of the wood, gods of the wood. And that's the easiest thing
to become, is to become a patron saint of a small area of
MEST universe space as a thetan, and that is very easy to

And one could fly around, then, and people would come into
this wood. And the animals in the wood would be inviolate.
One could protect this wood.

Various people came into the woods, would see strange
things and have strange sensations and dreams when they
slept under the trees, and that sort of thing. And
actually, that provides considerable randomity, as well as
-- well, it bucks one up, more or less, to have people
coming for hundreds of miles just to light a lamp on one's
altar. That is pleasant -- good business.

Now, of course, one can be a god of a small place just as
long as he isn't interfered with too much by somebody else
who wants to be god of that same small place. And then we
could get into a dreadful fuss and too much randomity
enters immediately.

So, this is Frazer's Golden Bough, and its fixation upon
this one point.

Frazer provides, oddly enough -- writing just on and on and
on -- provides you, if you want to read it, an abridged or
a total edition, with enormous data, which he's writing
about with no understanding at all. He does a fabulous job
of misunderstanding his own data. But his data is good and
the man is very able as a writer. He keeps orienting it
around MEST bodies, and what it is is the only really easy
solution a thetan ever had here on Earth: to be Diana,
Artemis, or something of the sort, go around and spread
legends about oneself, and so on. Actually interfere with,
or fool around with, MEST bodies, and it's... You see, it's
no joke, no joke.

You take a legend that has to do with a mad bull. All
right. They say, all of a sudden, this bull was sent by
Poseidon, and here went Poseidon, and here went the bull.
And the bull specifically chose out of the crowd one
individual and gored him, and this was the individual who
had said that Poseidon was no good. Why sure, how easy. Why

All you have to do is take an animal, and an animal is very
easy to direct, and you just keep him running around and
getting irritated and upset until he finally gores the
person you're trying to get even with. I mean, we're
dealing with factual material when we're dealing with the
mythologies. It's very factual. And it's the troubles
thetans get into.

Now, they get into this trouble for one reason only, is
they insist on playing around with the real universe. And
they keep playing around with the real universe and playing
around with the real universe until eventually they come
into a bad state known as Homo sapiens. Or maybe in some
other planet we have people like crocodiles, or maybe we
have this or we have that.

And oddly enough, if you want to fool around with the whole
track, you will find in some earlier spirals and so on,
your preclear has been all sorts of strange beings. Oh,
they're really strange beings. He has, to this day, an
aversion for those beings.

Why does he have an aversion for the being which he's been?
Because the being he has been has trapped him. And he has
been degraded. He has instantly lost caste the moment he
was trapped.

You could probably take an E-Meter and go down the list
with an E-Meter and very nicely find, as you went down the
line, all the animals or types of animal forms -- including
man, who is after all, an animal. Boy, don't for a moment
mess up on that one, don't miss on it. Man is an animal!
Homo sapiens, as we understand him, is a specialized animal
that seems to be more capable -- probably because of manual
dexterity -- of trapping thetans than the other animals on
this planet only. He's nothing very special as far as an
animal form is concerned. He is to some slight degree
decorative, more decorative, perhaps, than some other
animal forms, such as a beetle, which is an insect form.
But there's not much difference.

Now, on other planets, other animal forms possibly possess
this same potential of trapping the thetan as otherwise.
But man without a thetan is pretty stupid. All he is, is a
genetic entity that has collected enough ridges to be solid
in time. That's all he is. And boy, if you want to know how
bad off the genetic entity is, how bad off do you think a
being would be that had enough ridges surrounding him,
enough multiplying, self-perpetuating ridges surrounding
him, to be solid matter?

Now, you know how bad off a fellow is who has a thick ridge
in front of his face as a thetan. He's bad off, see? How
bad off is one of these fellows that has one of these
ethereal back ridges that keeps appearing all the time and
so forth? He's pretty bad off. He gets caught in these
terrific currents.

Well then, how bad off do you think a being would be who is
solid matter all around him? Well, that's how bad off a
genetic entity is -- pretty bad.

Now, your tendency of your thetan is to get into the body
and then start solidifying with these ridges; because he's
in one place, one time-space location, he has no space of
his own.

As I said... was going to say, if you took all of these
animal forms of which you could think, you'd start getting
bops on them, of one kind or another, and you would all of
a sudden discover that your thetan had been other forms.
It's very, very amusing sometimes. It does not assault
one's credulity.

What assaults one's credulity is that a thetan would have
too much to do with this sort of thing -- that assaults
one's credulity.

But what he has become, here and there, is very, very
idiotic. And it sounds very strange to you. This thetan, in
this particular strata which is made up of these beings
with long tails, which they encase in silk, and they all
wear golden horns, and so on. He jumps on his unicycle and
goes puttputting off down the big forty-pass,
cloverleaf-type highway. I mean, you find some funny
things, very funny things.

Male voice: Do you mean thetawise or genetics?

Oh, geneticwise. This fellow has gotten trapped by this being.
He thinks he's one of these beings, and this being, let us
say, is . most resembles the Earth animal of a flying
crocodile! And here you have this flying crocodile wearing
golden horns, which are artificial, and his tail
beautifully encased on silk, jumping on a monocycle and
going off down this forty-pass highway. I mean, it's
just... Oh, no! You look at this sort of thing and you say,
"No wonder this guy is just a little bit disoriented."
Yeah, it stretches the limits in all directions as to what
kind of a body he can become.

But it is not important what kind of a body he can become;
what is important is that he can become a body! And the
mechanism of how he becomes a body is important. And once
you solve the mechanism of how he becomes a body, you solve
his becoming a body and he gets out of that.

Now, the superstition -- you take a tremendous electronic
society, you wouldn't expect to find it all full of
superstition. And yet you find psychiatric... the
psychiatric treatment of that society is something like
electric shock or the prefrontal lobotomy, and that there's
all sorts of things that you have to observe.

Supposing the engineer running this enormous machine is
expected to shut off the machine at 10:01 A.M. every day
and spread his prayer rug and bow five times to the south
by north. Yeah, that's... would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?
And yet that is the level of superstition on the line --
it's very heavy. They didn't know how they got there. They
didn't know what was happening to them, and the resultant
and consequential confusion is fantastic.

If you want to know how fantastic it is, a small sample of
it is Greek mythology. That's a very small sample of the
adventures of the gods and goddesses, and where are those
Greek gods today? Where are they today? Well, one of them
is probably busy going down a line of wolves, and another
one is probably down at Woolworth's. Athena is probably
selling crockery at the five-and-dime, and so on. How did
they get that way, and how would you spring them? Well, you
wouldn't spring them by doing anything about the right-hand
track, because the right-hand part of this parabola has a
saturation point. I don't know what that saturation point
of processing is, but it's high -- but you will reach the
saturation point.

The theoretical end of processing out the right-hand track
is given in Advanced Procedures and Axioms, I think, and is
certainly part of the lectures of that period, back in the
dark ages. And it says that if... you mustn't process out
all of the efforts and counter-efforts which you find in
the preclear. I think it says that in the book itself,
because this has as its reductio ad absurdum, is the
preclear will go poof! Now, you would free the genetic
entity if you did that. But actually -- mind this, mind
this -- it's not impossible.

It's not impossible, but it would take some very close work
on your part to keep the body running long enough to become
processed out of existence. But that's what it is. You
would process the thetan free by processing the genetic
entity free, and the body would disappear. That's the
reductio ad absurdum of processing the right-hand track.

So, there's a saturation point.

Now, somewhere up the line you get out enough efforts and
counterefforts so that your being is in pretty good shape.
He's in wonderful shape for a MEST being, just gorgeous.
But you've gotten up to a point where if you process him
from there on, he's going to get into worse shape. And the
reason he's going to get into worse shape is because
essential parts of him is going to start disappearing. And
I don't mean that that is just theoretical! That has been
done on the couch! That has occurred. The saturation point
lies somewhere between five hundred and two thousand hours.
That's a pretty close bracket, by the way, that's a fairly
accurate statement. I mean, you could say when you take in
terms of the number of lives a person has lived, you'd say
you reach a saturation point somewhere between five
thousand... five hundred and two thousand hours -- that's
an interesting datum for you.

Why? Because it has been tested. That datum isn't just a
guess. I know when they start reaching the saturation
point. Of course, five hundred hours is a ghastly number of
hours of processing. That is terrific.

I don't know, there was some joker... There's always a
lunatic fringe hanging around Dianetics or Scientology,
around any field. There's a lunatic fringe around physics,
for instance; there's one around chemistry.

Now, one of this lunatic fringe wrote in a book, a great
authoritative book, which he... He was modifying
everything. I think his big change for the whole subject
was you didn't say "Come up to present time." You said, "Be
aware of your environment," which, by the way, was standard
procedure that he had nothing to do about whatsoever at the
time he left the Foundation. So that he had invented this,
and this was his claim to fame. He's really a crackpot,
this guy. I won't mention any names, but gee, he's nuts.

Anyway, he says he has had eighteen hundred hours of
processing and he's going on being processed. Well, you add
it up, by the way, and between the time he heard of
Dianetics and the time he wrote the book and the book was
published, and if you added this up, you'd have found out
that he would have been on the couch something like eight
hours a day, seven days a week, to have gotten eighteen
hundred hours of processing. That's an awful lot of hours
of processing. It's just too many, by an awful long ways.

And he doesn't bother to say what kind of processing, but
it happened to his... He had a girl who was very weak in
the wits. And this girl would sit there and say, "Well,
what do you want to run, dear?" And he would say, "Oh, I
think I will run so-and-so." And she would say, "Well all
right, dear. Go ahead and run it." And he would lie there
and philosophize and think about it for a while and so
forth, and a few hours later, why, he would say, "Well,
I've finally run that." And she would say, "Well, that's
fine, dear." And this was "processing." Well, if he'd only
keep this up, if he'd only keep this up, if he would really
process efforts and counter-efforts for that length of time
-- not just a few engrams -- but if he'd process efforts
and counter-efforts for eighteen hundred hours, he wouldn't
be able to function, probably, as a body. Now, that is the
liability which is up the line.

This data is quite new, simply because it takes such a
tremendous number of hours, it's a tremendous number of
months and years to run up a total of processing that high,
that it is not data that is readily available.

We find here and there that enough results are in to show
that there's an optimum point of processing, and at that
point you stop -- when you're using effort or facsimile
direct processing. So, there's a finite limit, and that is
why -- completely aside from the invention of the technique
itself and a further understanding of it -- that is why
we're junking direct processing, except in use in an
assist. That's why we're junking it. It's not that you
would ever process anybody two or three hundred hours! Once
in a while around here in England there is somebody that's
had two hundred hours on the couch, some of them had
two-fifty, some of them had three hundred in the last
couple of years. And that's not very many hours of
processing, and they're not even close up to the danger
zone. There is no danger zone there, really, because there
isn't any danger zone, really, for the thetan just because
he's gotten killed off or something. It's whether or not
this individual is better off and has a clearer understanding.

All right. Now, let's look at this, then, as a process and
find out what we're doing. We're trying to cross the
time-honored, well-known abyss. You know the abyss? Well,
the abyss is something that people have been talking about
for an awful long time, and everybody is very well aware of
the fact that there's an abyss.

Actually, the abyss can fit almost any analogy of
accomplishment. It's very nice, it's a very neat thing, and
it refers specifically to a whole track incident. There is
a whole track incident known as the Abyss. If you throw the
people into the darkness -- you invent yourself a chasm or
you have a chasm or something of the sort, and people you
don't like, you pitch them in.

That's on the whole track. You'll find that with an
E-Meter. Preclears get very upset. There's probably more
overt acts performed in the Abyss than in anything else.
There's masses of them. Real volume! Two, three thousand
beings have been pitched over into a dark chasm someplace
or another; it was the favorite method of getting rid of
one's enemies. Well, that's way back, way back on the
track. All right.

But we'll use again, the analogy of the abyss. We find out
that people are trying to get from one state to another
state, a better state, and we find out that intervening
between the two is a black abyss. All right.

Gee, it'd be dreadful, it would just be gruesomely dreadful
if we had to actually cross this abyss. But I'll give you a
technique, I'll give you a technique for directly crossing
the abyss.

Where is the abyss in the first place? The abyss is at
40.0. The only connecting point, really. The only real
connecting point between MEST universe and mest universe
self is at 40.0. The matter which you would make and the
matter which the MEST universe would make -- entirely

Now, somebody, somewhere along the line got the wavelength
of any universe you might have had and blew it. You
collided, in other words, with the MEST universe, but that
doesn't say there was a bridge between those two points. It
said there's some kind of an artificial step up or conduit
or something of the sort was done there in order to make a
clash between these two universes.

Well, the point of that clash is chaos and confusion. And
if you want to take it apart vector by vector, you've got
lots of time. There is no end to the amount of time you
would have if you started taking it apart erg by erg of
energy, taking that smash apart, because you've laid locks
on it ever since.

Every time you've had a dream or a hope or a desire or a
plan in the MEST universe, you've laid a lock on the smash
of your own universe. Horrible, huh? And every time the
MEST universe has kicked you in the teeth and has smashed
your dreams, hopes and plans, and hasn't done exactly what
you thought it should do, it laid a lock on this one. So is
that a tangled mess! Well, there's no real bridge between
those two points so far as processing is concerned. There's
a collision between the two points and it's way down about
0.0. And you could say that there is a connector across on
the 0.0 circuit, but it's not a bridge; it can't be crossed
there. I say "it can't be crossed there"; that's a very
forthright statement and I shouldn't make a forthright
statement because there's only been a couple, three
attempts to cross there at that point.

And of course, it's something like somebody trying to
discover... to sail to Asia, and we could pull a Columbus
and keep writing everybody and say, "We're in Asia. We're
in Asia. We're in Asia." Meantime with two of the
doggonedest biggest continents and the golblamedest biggest
ocean standing between us and Asia. We could go on saying
that and pretending that that 0.0 to 0.0 bridge here --
pretending it wasn't there and that it was crossable. But
it's a mess of confusion. It's an awful mess of confusion.
Until we get a MEST cutter and maybe a couple of MEST
torches invented or something of the sort, it's not
crossable at that point.

But it is crossable at 40.0. But again at 40.0, and
nearabouts to 40.0, you have a terrific liability. They're
both the same thing at 40.0. That says, "What is all space
for the MEST universe and what is all space for your own
universe is an all-space thing." And you try to go through
that and you try to shift over to be sure of what is
all-space MEST, all-space self mest, and rrrrrr! Because
space is space. And if there is nothing in it to identify
it, you have an awful time.

Now, if you do this little process, you'll see what I'm
talking about. Cook up your own black space that is empty
and has no sensation in it, and be sure it's your own space.

Now, very possibly there is a way to solve that, but it's
making space identify itself by space without any
havingness and without any doingness.

It's just space. And you will get the doggonedest sensation
of beingness. For a little while, boy, you'll just be like
mad, and then you'll say, "Well, is this really my space?"
And then, of course, you'll not-be like mad, because you'll
say, "Here I am, lost in MEST universe space." And
then you'll say, "Well, this is my space," and that gives
you a tremendous power of beingness and untouchableness,
and you can feel very detached and very nice, and so on,
and then that "Well, is it my space?" The whole truth of
the matter is it's nonidentifiable space. And the fact that
it fluctuates from one to the other should tell you
something: It is your space only by definition.

And if you define it and simply say, "Now, this is my
space" -- you rig up this space which has no light in it,
no matter in it, no perception in it, and by definition you
say, "This is my space" -- why, you're all set. I mean, you
did it by definition, you see? It's not very satisfactory

So, it's a theoretical bridge. But it's by definition. You
see, your space can exist concurrently with MEST universe
space, and you're so tuned up to the MEST universe that
naturally the space you'd create would be, again,
concurrent against the space.

Now, there'll be more to say about this in times to come,
as more is known about it, but there is one of the big
question marks, is just exactly how you can identify that
bridge and tell the difference between an all-MEST universe
space and an all-self space. Of course, you can tell the
difference by definition.

Well, the best way to do this is by identification, by
doingness and havingness. And that is Creative Processing.
You say, by definition, you say, "This is my space," and
then you know it's your space simply because of the
doingness and havingness in it are not MEST universe
doingnesses and havingnesses. You know you have never
reigned as a dragon; you know that never happened in the
MEST universe. You never reigned as a dragon with the best
possible attendants, and so forth. And the way you are sure
of this is you have the people change in appearance; and
you find out you can change their appearance around with
great ease -- why, all of a sudden, they become yours.

And you move over directly at 20.0. There is no bridge
between there; you're actually going all the way over the
top and down, back down to 20.0 again, but you do it
instantaneously. You mock up. You mock up doingness and
havingness and it's your own space by definition, and you
have Creative Processing. And you are immediately on the
left side of the parabola.

And the more certain you are that this could only be the
left side of the parabola, only be your own universe, the
better the processing.

And where you have had Creative Processing even vaguely
break down - it doesn't, but where you've had it taking a
long time, it takes a long time in direct ratio to the
amount of MEST universe (not self, but the right-hand
parabola) form that you eject into it -- inject into it.

Now, let's process oneself as one's own MEST-universe body.
See? Let's mock up one's own MEST-universe body and put it
out there. Now, you'll get results in ten, twelve, fifteen
hours; you'll see things happening in ten or twelve or
fifteen hours of this kind of processing. It is much, much
better to put something out there that you know is not MEST
universe -- a MEST-universe body.

For instance, even a thing like a pumpkin on a stick.
That's at least somebody else's universe adapted to your
own, and you say, "That's my body." And you say, "All
right. Now these two sticks that go down there, these two
sticks that go down there, those are my legs. Now, I'm
going to process the right-hand stick because something is
wrong with my right-hand leg." Okay, and you process that
stick and you're going to get along a lot better than if
you processed a MEST-universe leg. Isn't that strange? You
master that stick of your own universe. Fabulous, isn't it?
Well, it's a direct route.

So, the more and the better you can depart from the MEST
universe and make it the universe of self, the better
Creative Processing is. But this doesn't say even then,
that you have to attain an enormously high, original level
of creation in order to make it effective. Because it is
effective regardless of what level of creation you use, as
long as it is a level of creation.

[Please note: This lecture ends abruptly as did the
original master recording.]

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