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THE BASIC INTEGRITY LIST - Integrity Processing Form 1

Добавлено: 04 янв 2016, 15:48
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Issue I
Revised & Reissued 18 July 1974 as BTB
Issue I

(The only revision is on this page, paragraph 1: HCO B
5 DEC 72 is revised to read BTB 5 DEC 72.)

Integrity Processing Form 1


For use in Integrity Processing by a Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist. See BTB 5 DEC 72 for procedure.

Auditor: ____________________________ Preclear: _____________________________

Org: _________________________________ Date: _______________________________

1. Have you ever lived or worked under an assumed name? _________
2. Have you given me your right name? _________
3. Are you here for a different purpose than you say? _________
4. Have you ever stolen anything? _________
5. Have you ever forged someone else’s signature? _________
6. Have you ever blackmailed anybody? _________
7. Have you ever done anything for which you could be blackmailed? _________
8. Have you ever smuggled anything? _________
9. Have you ever been in prison? _________
10. Have you ever indulged in drunkenness? _________
11. Have you ever done any reckless driving? _________
12. Have you ever burglarized any place? _________
13. Have you ever embezzled money? _________
14. Have you ever assaulted anyone? _________
15. Have you ever told lies in court? _________
16. Have you had anything to do with pornography? _________
17. Have you ever committed arson? _________
18. Have you ever been a drug addict? _________
19. Have you ever peddled dope? _________
20. Have you had any dealings with stolen goods? _________
21. Do you have a police record? _________
22. Have you ever raped anyone? _________
23. Have you ever been involved in an abortion? _________
24. Have you ever committed adultery? _________
25. Have you ever practiced homosexuality? _________
26. Have you ever had intercourse with a member of your family? _________
27. Have you ever been sexually unfaithful? _________
28. Have you ever made a practice of sexual perversion? _________
29. Have you ever slept with someone you shouldn’t have? _________
30. Have you ever committed culpable homicide? _________
31. Have you ever bombed anything? _________
32. Have you ever murdered anyone? _________
33. Have you ever kidnapped anyone? _________
34. Have you ever traded illegally? _________
35. Have you ever betrayed anyone for money? _________
36. Have you ever threatened anyone with a firearm? _________
37. Have you been in illegal possession of firearms? _________
38. Have you ever been paid for giving evidence? _________
39. Have you ever destroyed something belonging to someone else? _________
40. Have you ever been a spy for an organization? _________
41. Have you ever been an informer? _________
42. Have you ever been a member of an illegal organization? _________
43. Have you ever falsely reported? _________
44. Have you ever had intercourse while under the influence of drugs? _________
45. Have you ever had intercourse while under the influence of alcohol? _________
46. Have you ever used drugs or alcohol to procure sex? _________
47. Have you ever ill-treated children? _________
48. Have you ever taken money for giving someone sexual intercourse? _________
49. Have you ever had any connection with a brothel? _________
50. Have you ever gotten another into trouble for something you did? _________
51. Have you ever been a spy for the police? _________
52. Have you done something you are afraid the police may find out? _________
53. Have you ever falsified the books in any firm you worked for? _________
54. Have you ever disclosed confidential data? _________
55. Have you ever done anything your mother would be ashamed to find out about? _________
56. Have you ever purposely injured yourself? _________
57. Have you committed any overts against yourself? _________
58. Have you committed any overts against your family? _________
59. Have you ever harmed an organization? _________
60. Have you ever betrayed the trust of a group? _________
61. Have you ever killed or maimed animals for pleasure? _________
62. Have you ever mistreated animals? _________
63. Have you ever administered electric shock? _________
64. Have you ever tried to make someone insane? _________
65. Have you ever maliciously destroyed trees or plants? _________
66. Have you ever destroyed or damaged another’s property? _________
67. Have you ever taken part in sabotage? _________
68. Have you ever harmed a religion? _________
69. Have you ever persecuted another for their religious beliefs? _________
70. Have you ever violated the tenets of a religion to which you belonged? _________
71. Have you ever injured Dianetics or Scientology? _________
72. Have you ever committed any overts on a Scientology Organization? _________
73. Have you ever belonged to a group opposed to Scientology? _________
74. Have you ever stolen anything from a Scientology Organization? _________
75. Do you have any overts on LRH? _________
76. Have you done anything you wouldn’t want LRH to know about? _________
77. Do you have any overts on Mary Sue Hubbard? _________
78. Is there something Mary Sue Hubbard shouldn’t know about you? _________
79. Have you ever injured any Scientologists? _________
80. Have you ever betrayed Scientology? _________
81. Do you know of any secret plans against Scientology? _________
82. Have you ever taken money to injure Scientology? _________
83. Have you ever used Dianetics or Scientology to force sex on somebody? _________
84. Do you know of any plans to injure a Scientology Organization? _________
85. Have you done something that should never be found out? _________
86. Is there something you have avoided telling me? _________

Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston
Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mis-sion 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow
Authorized by AVU
for the
Of the

[Questions 57 and 58 on the previous page have been corrected per HCO PL 7 April 1961RA, Revised 30 May 1975, Johannes-burg Confessional List-Revised, a complete copy of which is in Volume VIII, page 419.]