"Dymystifying Excalibur" by Marianne Hagen

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"Dymystifying Excalibur" by Marianne Hagen

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Demystifying Excalibur
"Excalibur, what it is and what it isn't".

What it isn't is everything you've probably heard about it. It's not about "we're all the effect of the SPs and if you don't watch out they will get you", and similar statements, it's about regaining your own power and certainty of yourself as a being and to do that one has to be willing to confront the "demons" of his/her case. With proper training on the tech, for a PreOT who is ready for it, confronting those demons can be easy and fun.

It's about handling those things that have inhibited you from really operating as an OT. At this level you are no longer dealing with your own case, you are taking responsibility for a much broader other-determined area in the game that has been uninspected and unhandled for eons…

Let me clarify how Excalibur is done. It is predominantly a solo level, once you can do it competently, unlike Solo NOTs where PCs were usually required to have 2 - 4 or more intensives before they would then qualify to do the solo NOTs Course and begin solo.

Excalibur is the level on which you quickly should graduate onto Solo; and apart from any Review auditing if you get stuck and can’t sort it out, all your upper levels from thereon are solo.

On Excalibur you first do the training on how to audit it - when I do that training on people I start with 5 long or 6 shorter days of training with over 100 pictures and charts of key data and importances to aid conceptual understanding on how to run the level. You create your process cards during this training. You will review the charts and go over the materials at least 4 times till they are mastered and conceptually grasped.

You do your study of the materials – the tapes (8 of them) and their transcripts and other Excalibur issues are studied, either during the time you are getting your beginning interview and the auditor/trainer is preparing your list, or before you start the interview and auditing. It is essential to study all Captain Bill’s Excalibur material, and listen to the tapes. The audio tapes are the source material and are the essence of the data.

After this the Excalibur auditor does the D of P interview to establish your charged areas, then makes up a “stack list” which is a very comprehensive list of your charged areas, and will be your “blueprint” for running Excalibur. There is a special procedure for doing this, it is not just a list of everything that read in order of size of reads!

Some time before your first session you do the Perception Drills.

Then you go into session with the Excalibur auditor/trainer and from that list is established your first charged area to run and your first session is run to its EP and the FTA that goes with it. During this session you have your process cards with you and are starting to get familiarized with the procedures you have just trained on as you are being audited.

Your next session is the next day, and you run another session on the same wording you got the previous day, another chunk of charge off the area, and an FTA. The sessions usually take between 40 minutes to over 2 hours for a tough one. I have known someone take over twice that on occasions.

You get a session each day on that same item from thereon, and in each session you do more and more of the handling you have been trained to do and one day, maybe 4 or more sessions later - depending on various factors such as how well you have absorbed your training - there will be a session where the auditor merely runs the meter and keeps notes while you do all the processing solo and keep him informed on what you are doing.

And if you are now confident doing the whole session yourself, your next day’s session will be solo with your Excalibur auditor sitting beside you in the session ensuring that you have fully grasped the application of this tech before you are finally launched off onto Solo on your own.

Each area of charge correctly gotten on Excalibur is like a mineshaft leading to a lot of buried gold! You don’t just walk in and take a superficial look, pick up a stray nugget or two and go “Oh well, that’s all,” and walk out again.

A properly worded Excalibur area can have many chunks of charge that get removed systematically, one a day, to an FTA each time.

When that ‘gold mine’ runs out, you the solo auditor need to go on to your next area to run, then do a session a day on that. When all the areas on the ‘stack list’ are discharged, you do a solo D of P interview, make up a new stack list and handle anything remaining, and if you haven’t also soloed your OT Life Repair during your Excalibur, you are C/Sed to check and handle any of those 8 steps that are charged, and you are complete on Excalibur.

One of my favorite analogies is to look at the Excalibur case as a pie. The stack list divides it into slices and you handle a slice at a time rather than diving all over the pie picking out some cherries here and some nuts there without ever completely eating one piece at a time.

One of the less fun aspects of Excalibur is the more powerful a being you are, the more Excalibur case you are likely to have. So don’t take it as an invalidation if your Excalibur goes on and on, getting buckets of TA action. Take it as a validation of your OTness!

Choosing a trainer and C/S to deliver your Excalibur.

The key to getting proper training on Excalibur and effective C/Sing is to go to a C/S trained in a RON’S Org by CBR or a C/S properly trained by him, and who has and is trained on the complete materials. Reading two or three tape transcripts is not training. Experience is also a key factor in an Excalibur C/S, and you might expect the cost to be less for a C/S who had less experience.

To train someone to deliver Excalibur a C/S must have real experience on an internship under a RON’S Org Senior C/S with training, auditing and C/Sing Excalibur. Each C/S when they begin delivery should have a Senior C/S with a considerable amount of experience on Excalibur delivery, SuperStatic and Upper Level Reviews.

The prerequisites set by Captain Bill for an Excalibur C/S are Class 4 and dianetic auditor, and three C/S Courses created by him to train a C/S for Excalibur and above to handle any reviews needed if progress is slowed or halted on the CBR Upper Bridge. They also must have done or be on Excalibur, and any other CBR bridge levels they train to deliver – soloing the level to completion themselves is also a prerequisite for delivery terminals.

A number of people purporting to deliver Excalibur are not trained on all the materials, have not soloed it successfully themselves and have little experience and no properly trained Senior C/S. Trying to do it that way to save money or because of a “Know Best” is very short-sighted.

Going to a C/S inexperienced and unqualified to deliver a specific level is analogous to going to a brain surgeon for plastic surgery. They are both surgeons, but experienced in entirely different areas.

An absolutely expert Ls auditor can’t run NOTs without training and experience and vice versa. There seems to be some strange idea in the field that being a highly trained auditor in one field automatically qualifies someone to audit and C/S on something they are not properly familiar with and experienced in applying. If that was the case, why even bother training and duplicating materials and applications?

The CBR bridge is a highly extensive body of knowledge and applications and each level has its own specific procedures which need to be understood, not A=Aed with other technical applications which apply to the lower bridge. Basics are always basics, but individual rundowns and levels are put together the way they are for a reason. Unless you fully understand the theory behind the applications you don’t get to the level of cause you need to have to confront the intensity and scope of what the CBR bridge addresses.

So here are some of the things you might want to find out from your potential Excalibur delivery terminal.

Where and when did you do your Excalibur training?
Who was your C/S and auditor?
Who trained him or her?
What level of the RON’S Org bridge are you on currently?
How many years have you been delivering the Excalibur level?
Who did you do the SuperStatic C/S Course and Upper Level Review Course with?
If you haven’t done those courses, who did your Senior C/S do them with?
How long do you expect to take to train me to do my Excalibur level?
Will I be listening to Captain Bill’s audio tapes for this level?
Who is your RON’S Org Senior C/S?
Who will do my initial Excalibur D of P interview and auditing?
Will they make up my stack list or will I be trained to do it myself?
How many sessions do you expect me to have before I am ready to solo?
Will you sit in on my first and maybe second solo Excalibur session to make sure I am applying my materials correctly?

If pictures are of great assistance to you in training, you may want to ask them if they do use Flip Charts. A lot of the RON'S Orgs don't use these as an assistance to training. But it's a choice.

You also need to notice if the terminal will be obtaining adequate information about your case level and prior auditing and training before you start so as to be able to accurately program and C/S you. There needs to be an extensive interview or case reconstruction questionnaire to make sure all the aspects of your case are fully known.

Here are my answers to the above questions:

Where and when did you do your Excalibur training?
In 1986 in a town outside Frankfurt, Germany. I spent 6 weeks at the center there and completed my Excalibur training, got onto the level myself, started my internship, and did the SuperStatic C/S Course. At that time Captain Bill had not yet created the Upper Level Review Course, which I did on my next training trip to Germany in 1988.
Who was your C/S and auditor? Captain Bill Robertson.
Who trained him or her? Not applicable. He is the discoverer and developer of the bridge from Excalibur to OT 48.
What level of the RON’S Org bridge are you on currently? I have completed VAST and VAST Plus and various aspects of VAST Plus, as it deals with the Body Org, are revisited periodically.
How many years have you been delivering the Excalibur level? Since 1986 – 21 years.
Who did you do the SuperStatic C/S Course and Upper Level Review Course with? Captain Bill.
If you haven’t done those courses, who did your Senior C/S do them with? Not applicable.
How long do you expect to take to train me to do my Excalibur level?
Anywhere from 10 days to two and a half weeks depending on how much time you put in each day.
Will I be listening to Captain Bill’s audio tapes for this level? Yes.
Who is your RON’S Org Senior C/S? My RON’S Org C/S is in Europe and I do not disclose names of other RON’S Org C/Ses on a publicly viewable website.
Who will do my initial Excalibur D of P interview and auditing? I usually do unless I am training a delivery terminal.
Will they make up my stack list or will I be trained to do it myself? You will be trained to do it yourself, under supervision, because you will need to make up your own after you do your second D of P interview solo.
How many sessions do you expect me to have before I am ready to solo? Between 4 and 10. This is not able to be pinned down entirely, this is an average and depends on a number of factors.
Will you sit in on my first and maybe second solo Excalibur session to make sure I am applying my materials correctly? Yes.

Once you have the answers to these questions you can compare it with the above information, and if you would like some help on establishing if your proposed delivery terminal will indeed deliver the full product, you can email ultraining@yahoo.com or a message can be left at 1-602-284-7937.

The bottom line is, correctly done on someone who is ready for it, Excalibur is a spectacular and vital level for your future as a being and a Player in the Games. I would like you to fully experience the benefits and gains, no matter who you go to to get trained, so I am advising you from experience that trying to shortcut it for financial or status reasons doesn’t serve you or any of your dynamics…

If you are ready, get on it, and have a great journey!

Marianne Hagen
Senior C/S
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